In regard to Clockwise's mid-June post I had a look earlier at the swedish forum around mid-June interestingly Clockwise released info there that I can't remember seeing here.
This is all from Google translate btw
16 Jun 2018, 16:01
Has no new current launch, but the effect of the lotion.
Giuseppe told me earlier that all the 'cases' they had the same pattern. People stop losing their hair within a month.
Was more or less confirmed now by people using the replican. After 14 days, a person stopped losing hair (he described it as a miracle, when he shed a lot of daily before testing the replican). Another person who used the replican confirmed the same.
Regarding regrowth, it's too early to say yet, when these people used the lotion for less than a month. But stopping hair loss is really tight, even though the regrowth / certain regrowth is as important (for me iaf). We've been able to see both from people who used replicor, to the pictures shown on Sitri. Knowing that many people thought that the photos from Sitri were disappointing, but they can not be overlooked.
16 Jun 2018, 16:13
One of the testimonials also mentioned that most had good results when it came to regrowth. Test subjects had reached NW3 at most, and those who were 'diffuse thinner' had the best results.
Ending hair loss may be just as good for those who just started - or those who perform an hair transplant.
But as I say, most people want to know how well the recovery is. And of the pictures available that have people who tested the replican shown best (and, according to me, impressive) results.
May hope Fidia gets the thumb out of the *** so we can test the lotion soon.
16 Jun 2018, 22:58
No idea what the official lotion from Fidia is called / should be called.
But it has, and is still being made replicor on Fidia's recipe (patent). People use these replicas and have achieved good results as mentioned above.
20 Jun 2018, 21:37
What I know, and now I'm wondering what Giuseppe told me (which you can bring a pinch of salt) is:
"Fidia wants the lotion to last for three years (packaging). It is tested and ready for two years, and soon even for three (which should be done now).
"Fidia has a deadline for launch, which is at the end of June. If they do not launch it then Brotzus can sue / punish Fidia (not only financially) based on the contracts written between them. Then I do not know how much Fidia cares about it, whether they are on a good product and that they need more time, so maybe they will take that bang.
If you assume the above, then it is the sustainability of the lotion that makes / has the effect of launching. However, an official statement from Fidia should be in place, so that you know 100% security. Which one does not do now unfortunately.
"Fidia has a deadline for launch, which is at the end of June. If they do not launch it then Brotzus can sue / punish Fidia (not only financially) based on the contracts written between them. Then I do not know how much Fidia cares about it, whether they are on a good product and that they need more time, so maybe they will take that bang.
If you assume the above, then it is the sustainability of the lotion that makes / has the effect of launching. However, an official statement from Fidia should be in place, so that you know 100% security. Which one does not do now unfortunately.
Make of all that what you will, understandably we will all have doubts, it also isn't actually new but it's more information out there. Obviously we are no closer to a launch date from it.
The facts are clockwise said he’d speak at sitri, Brotzu spoke at sitri.
Clockwise said he’d have an update in mid-June he did. He’s been in contact with ‘Beps’. It might not come in October and if it does it might not work. But in terms of promises and deliverance then he’s not done badly. I hope he’s rightly a third time but he certainly hasnt done anything to deserve criticism on here