Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I said this 100 times and I'll say this more.
Maintenance cannot be evaluated if there is no regrowth. Shiseido's results provide evidence of maintenance, this does not. End of discussion.
Lolololol it's not end of discussion yet little cute boy . Haven't you learned


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I get that the study seems to be sh*t and there’s multiple reasons to think this at best would just be a maintenance product. But does this not also contradict with multiple photos, including Fidia’s, showing (albeit sometimes minor) regrowth?

Snall regrowth is still regrowth, which the vast majority of products can not do, and I’d be satisfied with that + maintenance. I’d have the confidence then to go for a transplant as I’m not on finasteride.

I’ve been consistently loosing faith in this product over the last few weeks.

I’m quite fascinated to see how this meme ends.


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If someone has got the study can they not just f*****g release it? We are all clearly f*****g desperate for something why hold back something that’s going to be released anyway..

Just put us out of our missery FFS


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If the lotion does nothing but slow down the rate of loss/shedding I will be incredibly happy, as nothing including finasteride has been able to do that for me. A decrease in shedding should result in an increase in density over time, which should hold us until the next big breakthrough. Just sick and tired of seeing all that hair fall out everyday. If this lotion reduces shedding by 50% it would be worth every penny for me.

The 7TH Sense

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I don't think 6 months is long enough to prove maintenance.

I mean 6 month studies with minoxidil show maintenance + regrowth, and we all know what happens a year or so later.

I my honest opinion the s-equol likely does nothing. The dlga likely does something but we've no idea how effective it will be long term. And unless Fidia have another study then we won't know for a year or so.

This, this and this again. Minoxidil is indeed the perfect example. If the studies on it stopped at the 6th month mark, we would regard it as a "cure". Unfortunately, even if the people still say "you have to keep taking it indefinitely to have a benefit from it", at some point the regrowth/thickening stops and you lose hair again. This happens generally at the 2nd-year mark of treatment by the study of Vera Price, the favourite of Bryan (who was by far the most knowledgeable man here).
It's true that in this Brotzu lotion study the hair count data shows maintenance, but over a span of only 6 months. Hair cycle lasts much longer, and this was one of the many critiques Brotzu received at Sitri by the trichologists.

Regarding DGLA/Equol, I personally believe that it's the opposite; to me, DGLA sounds ineffective. But, as Marlin from IESON correctly says, regarding Equol we have to note that its S-form does not inhibit 5AR, so knowing that DHT is produced in hair follicles, there's not much "time" for the Equol to act before the DHT molecules reach the bulb; unfortunately, current literature doesn't show any astonishing affinity of DHT inhibition by Equol...

@The 7TH Sense I'm keen to hear your opinion on a 23 year old diffuse thinner who can't maintain on dutasteride, finasteride, minoxidil, castor/coconut oil, nizoral and derma stamping and if this product could potentially slow down my hair loss? Even if it dosent fully provide maintenance..

99% of the fuckers that are on such crazy regimens and say "help I'm not maintaining" are proven to be NW0 who have every single hair.
However, if you're serious, my opinion is that you should forget about this lotion, if even Duta and the other stuff are not working.

Wait. But did the study measure how much each participant was shedding before the lotion? If not, the claim it halts hair loss is totally null.

Yes, they were enrolled by dermatologists that had all their data; however when I said "shedding stopped immediately" I didn't mean that at first check up the wash test scored high, I meant that they conducted pull test and wash tests and overtime the situation greatly improved, showing also a substantial improvement in Anagen and Telogen ratio. Unfortunately, I don't think they are that much significant in Androgenetic Alopecia.

@The 7TH Sense so are you implying that trinov would work best at slowing/halting hair loss, rather than the claims of regrowth?

I'm not implying anything, their study shows little to no regrowth, and little to no thickening. Who knows after 6 months what happens? For now it doesn't seem a good product, at least not worth 75€ for 30ml. And let's remember that there were many Areata children that were waiting for this remedy...


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Regarding DGLA/Equol, I personally believe that it's the opposite; to me, DGLA sounds ineffective. But, as Marlin from IESON correctly says, regarding Equol we have to note that its S-form does not inhibit 5AR, so knowing that DHT is produced in hair follicles, there's not much "time" for the Equol to act before the DHT molecules reach the bulb; unfortunately, current literature doesn't show any astonishing affinity of DHT inhibition by Equol..

So you're saying that this product won't have any effect at all. FML


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Well, now we know why Brotzu didn’t sell to one of the big pharma companies. :confused:
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Funny how all those points were already said many times on this thread, all Brotzu's ingredients are weak against Androgenetic Alopecia, always have been...fancy liposomes are not gonna change that, you can find 10 years old thread about S-Equol in this very sub section.

Btw, there's a natural way to produce Equol in your bloodstream, become soy boyz guys !


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I saw the official study that was carried by Fidia + Brotzu + his son + first Brotzu's team, the one which was presented at Sitri briefly in form of abstract. This study lasted 6 months, from May to December 2016. I'm not aware of any other study that lasted 2 years. Maybe you are referring to one of the blatant Beps lies, in particular the one where he said that 5 years of hair could be recovered in 18 months? How the hell does he know if they conducted, as far as I'm aware, only two trials, both of 6 months duration? Don't get me started on him and his claims, please. I respect Brotzu senior but not his son.

we already know that the trial of fidia made in 2016 was for 6 months, beps already said in october 2016.
comment #2899 page 145.
The Fidia trial will end at the end of december.
I'm the special case of Brotzu, Him use my baldness to understand, how many degrees of balding can be recovered in a 50 year old man.

Having used the first version and then later the other (there have been many steps for improvement), the latest version is the one that produces a steady increase in re-growth (new Vellus).
I am the tipical case, used to understand, as long as you can retrieve in the degree of baldness.
Probably at the beginning it is more aggressive, to settle back down in a steady increase.

we already know that brotzu conducted his own trial before 2016. if he didn't have a data or prove that it work, how the hell a company like fidia would buy his patent.
Plus brotzu made a presentation in stiri torino (back on november 2016) and he presented a result of the areata trial and showed a picture of little girl cured. the presentation was made in november 2016, before the fidia first trial finished (december) and he showed a picture of 1 year treatment. if the fidia trial was the first trial how the hell he get these pictures. see video 10:34

Frankly i read all the comment of brotzu in this forum and didn't see any false claim by beps, the only false claim came from the accumulation of the rumor made by other people who spread rumors. you can take a look at the comments that beps made and they are only 91 comments in total.

That being said they need to show picture of +1 year with a respectful result for me to buy it, since it's too expensive.
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Way too expensive for us to buy it.

So, one mor equestion: how did the guys who used the homemade lotion got that results? Did they really used the Brotion or what? Did you see that temple? Wow, that was amazing and these guys were young.

I don´t get it: either they were lying (by using minoxidil or with fake photos) or the Brotion worked for them.

I´m one of those who want to believe, but everything seems kind of weird. So fishy! However, those results were impressive and just want to know if they used something similar to Trinov. How was that possible?

My God that temple, even better than having around a hot babe naked.
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Way too expensive for us to buy it.

So, one mor equestion: how did the guys who used the homemade lotion got that results? Did they really used the Brotion or what? Did you see that temple? Wow, that was amazing and these guys were young.

I don´t get: either they were lying (by using a minoxidil or with fake photos) or the Brotion worked for them.

I´m one of those who want to believe, but everything seems kind of weird. So fishy! However, those results were impressive and just want to know if they used something similar to Trinov. How was that possible?

My God that temple, even better than having around a hot babe naked.

With the homemade lotion we can not be sure if it was really homemade lotion or not just big 3 or something. All the guys disappeared.

I still think it will work to some degree. I believe, that it is a decent product in the hand of a bad company. But what we think or believe is irrelevant right now. We will know soon and I hope, that all the weird sh*t around is just the stupidness and incompetence of Fidia.


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@beps63 @Clockwise

Hey whatsup guys. Like I said I will be back soon.

It must be hard especially for our @tzt who was sure that I am a troll.

I hope that all of you guys now realize that I told you the truth. The original study was already seen a few weeks ago and like the 7th sense said he is not the only one who has seen it. There are at least 10 more guys on ieson and belicappeli who shared this study. But even before seeing it I had much more significant proof that beps is a son of a b...

At least I can be sure that there are only a few guys that are willing to spend their money on this like some idiots (@tzt)
But I will be fine with this.

The brotzu game is finally over now. 2 years of lies have ended for most of the brotzu followers today (for me already 6months ago)

These liars deserve it to suffer really bad. His old father is also a fkcing liar but I mean come on, he is over 80 years old. The real devil is his son who tricked all of us (me included) I am not saying that I knew it all the time. What do I gain? Nothing. This fkcing Italian liar was able to get the attention that has never ever existed in the hair loss world since finasteride and minoxidil (especially on this forum).

He deserves to lose everything he has. I hope karma hits this fkcing loser.

This was a further lesson for all of us. Dont believe anyone. ESPECIALLY suspicous italian wannabe scientists.

The brotzu clan and the mafia fidia clan will not achieve what they originally desired. These ugly bastards at fidia knew it a looooong time ago and these fkcing bastards did not say that the brotzus lied.

Life goes on buddies. Forget the italians and americans Have faith in japan. Hopefully they will bring their treatment of maintenance and some regrowth. This will be huge.

@beps63 what a shame you italian bastard. How do you feel now after been exposed as a fkcing fat lying loser? No serious face anymore? When I saw his picture for the first time I knew that this bald loser definetely will not solve our problem with 3 remaining thin hair on his scalp.

The real heroes are those of questioned this fkxing bald liar from the beginning on. There were some members who directly said that this a fkcing liar. Not the wannabe experts like BR.

We did not clearly read what these expert actually said but their message was actually really clear:

*"fkcinf b**, if you have something, just show it, dont talk" . And this is really Important ti learn. Dont listen to random fkcers who just takk and dont show anything.

You have to know when its over. Accept it.


LOL .. you have took this thing way too seriously ..

It was just a potential hair loss treatment, you’ve chosen to get this involved and emotional about it, you really need something meanigful in your life to concentrate on if you’re getting this wound up about something like this, everyone will be gutted if this doesn’t work and we were all hoping it does but you have taken this to the next level, calm down


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@beps63 @Clockwise

Hey whatsup guys. Like I said I will be back soon.

It must be hard especially for our @tzt who was sure that I am a troll.

I hope that all of you guys now realize that I told you the truth. The original study was already seen a few weeks ago and like the 7th sense said he is not the only one who has seen it. There are at least 10 more guys on ieson and belicappeli who shared this study. But even before seeing it I had much more significant proof that beps is a son of a b...

At least I can be sure that there are only a few guys that are willing to spend their money on this like some idiots (@tzt)
But I will be fine with this.

The brotzu game is finally over now. 2 years of lies have ended for most of the brotzu followers today (for me already 6months ago)

These liars deserve it to suffer really bad. His old father is also a fkcing liar but I mean come on, he is over 80 years old. The real devil is his son who tricked all of us (me included) I am not saying that I knew it all the time. What do I gain? Nothing. This fkcing Italian liar was able to get the attention that has never ever existed in the hair loss world since finasteride and minoxidil (especially on this forum).

He deserves to lose everything he has. I hope karma hits this fkcing loser.

This was a further lesson for all of us. Dont believe anyone. ESPECIALLY suspicous italian wannabe scientists.

The brotzu clan and the mafia fidia clan will not achieve what they originally desired. These ugly bastards at fidia knew it a looooong time ago and these fkcing bastards did not say that the brotzus lied.

Life goes on buddies. Forget the italians and americans Have faith in japan. Hopefully they will bring their treatment of maintenance and some regrowth. This will be huge.

@beps63 what a shame you italian bastard. How do you feel now after been exposed as a fkcing fat lying loser? No serious face anymore? When I saw his picture for the first time I knew that this bald loser definetely will not solve our problem with 3 remaining thin hair on his scalp.

The real heroes are those of questioned this fkxing bald liar from the beginning on. There were some members who directly said that this a fkcing liar. Not the wannabe experts like BR.

We did not clearly read what these expert actually said but their message was actually really clear:

*"fkcinf b**, if you have something, just show it, dont talk" . And this is really Important ti learn. Dont listen to random fkcers who just takk and dont show anything.

You have to know when its over. Accept it.

Mental illness is real and is needed to be taken seriously. If you are not taking it seriously, us users who are part of this forum should. Try meditation or something and take step back from internet and see how you feel. You will see things much clearer.