Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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It feels so strange that this is coming out in a month. Can't help, but hope for it to work. It would be great if it actually does something not only for the joy of it actually working, but also to give a glimmer of hope that things are actually moving forward for the treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. If it does something it would be the first treatment after years of just hope.


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Brotzu himself could outright say it's a scam before it's released and some people here would respond "can't know for sure until we test it ourselves" and 6 months later say "I definitely see some regrowth but my hair loss is too aggressive so it didn't work for me, hope others have some luck!!!"

As an individual that sincerely (unfortunately) doubts that Trinov will be capable of providing even short-term maintenance, I find comments like these jarring, there’s no need to laud it over those that remain convinced of the product’s efficacy, doing so accomplishes nothing other than feeding your self-satisfaction.


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maybe we should start a pole to see how many are willing to try trinov and on what else meds these volunters are.

Where do you even purchase it? Quick google search showed nothing but threads and news.


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As an individual that sincerely (unfortunately) doubts that Trinov will be capable of providing even short-term maintenance, I find comments like these jarring, there’s no need to laud it over those that remain convinced of the product’s efficacy, doing so accomplishes nothing other than feeding your self-satisfaction.

There really is a need in some way. Call bullshit where bullshit is; don't sit there and try to polish the turd. Call Fidia and Brotzu out for handling this whole thing the way they have. Brotzu has made claims that seem, based on what we've been benevolently bequeathed today, to quite literally hint at delusions if you're not willing to explain them as attempts to deliberately scam people. Fidia puts out a statement that you can't even find on their site anymore. They claimed their study demonstrated proper efficacy when it quite literally says otherwise--but, then again, I guess it depends on how you define 'proper efficiency'.

God dammit I wanna come to this thread and be proven f*****g wrong. I really do. But people who go along with this are willfully blind.


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There really is a need in some way.

There’s a difference between the comment that the 7thSense made earlier in the thread and the comments that acbrantlin repeatedly makes; the former is designed to provide a reasoned opinion that is capable of informing, the latter are designed primarily to mock, if you see no difference between the two then that is up to you, it is, I would argue, shortsighted.


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as long as this stuff provies maintainence, and prevents all further DHT destruction sign me up. I can live with what I got until a better solution shows up. I cant lose any more though. at all.


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There’s a difference between the comment that the 7thSense made earlier in the thread and the comments that acbrantlin repeatedly makes; the former is designed to provide a reasoned opinion that is capable of informing, the latter are designed primarily to mock, if you see no difference between the two then that is up to you, it is, I would argue, shortsighted.

We weren't talking about the difference between the two, you charlatan. We were talking about whether or not there is justification for extolling one sort of opinion--a critical one--over those that repeatedly make excuses for Fidia or for Brotzu to hold onto some sort of hope. And the reasoned opinion by the person you cite really exalts one over the other. I still have hope, and I can admit that while being critical. I can also admit I'm a damned fool for it, too.


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We were talking about whether or not there is justification for extolling one sort of opinion--a critical one--over those that repeatedly make excuses for Fidia or for Brotzu to hold onto some sort of hope.

Jimm, if you’re going to use a thesaurus use a dictionary also, would you? Charlatan: A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill. The word you were looking for was perhaps equivocator (?) - even that is a clunky fit. Regardless, I was quite clearly talking about a particular variety of comment, not about critical opinion in general.


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Jimm, if you’re going to use a thesaurus use a dictionary also, would you? Charlatan: A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill. The word you were looking for was perhaps equivocator (?) - even that is a clunky fit. Regardless, I was quite clearly talking about a particular variety of comment, not about critical opinion in general.

Hopefully we can grab a drink sometime when all this hairloss business is over. I’d like to have the chance to hit you with a dictionary, you charlatan.


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Hopefully we can grab a drink sometime when all this hairloss business is over. I’d like to have the chance to hit you with a dictionary, you charlatan.

If that means that we can have a significant remedy for this whole thing then I’ll buy the first round. I’ll bring my thesaurus too.


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If that means that we can have a significant remedy for this whole thing then I’ll buy the first round. I’ll bring my thesaurus too.

Good deal. You could use it now while we wait. Look up ‘charlatan’ in there, refer back to the original post where I’d used it, and really try to dig deep into your brain and interpret the context—be sure and read as hard as you can. Brains molder, you know. <3


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I really don't understand why most of you are all doom and gloom again, seriously the reason why I avoid this site and similar ones is because it is just one big pessimistic circlejerk most of the time.

For the trial, men between the ages of 18 and 55 were asked to join, but it just happened that the youngest participant that volunteered was 32. This sucks, because with this study it doesn't give us much of an indication how well it works for us young guys, BUT:
The fact that these men in their late 40s and 50s with advanced hair loss have an increased hair count and diameter, is very promising for us.

A better indication of what it could do for us are the home made results, and I know I sound like a broken record but they are all great and we got anecdotes from users that are in our group that they experienced results within the short time they used it. For some members it worked wonders together with minoxidil, even when minoxidil did nothing for them on its own (à la Crazyhorse/Cavallopazzo) and temple guy.

In just six months, these men with advanced hair loss (perhaps for decades already, we don't know) have seen improvements:
View attachment 103205 View attachment 103206

These men are in their late 40s/early 50s, 1 ml with no other treatments for only 6 months. Then there are the results of the younger guys who also use minoxidil (and wounding, not sure):

View attachment 103207 View attachment 103208

These pictures don't lie. We have talked to most of these home made responders, and they are not bullshitting us; they have had success with the lotion.

Truth of the matter is, we will test this stuff very soon ourselves. Market release is only one month away and we will get our answer. For now, I advise everyone (if you aren't yet) to get on existing treatments just in case, but it is only a month left guys. I know it's been a wait that has been way too long and way longer than expected (I have been following the subject since early 2016 when I was 16 years old). I know it is hard, and I understand that some take a (exaggerated) pessimistic stance to not get possibly disappointed/hurt/depressed.

If you are still one of the guys who expected a full blown cure: I'm sorry, this isn't it. If you expect thickening of existing hair and deminiaturizing hair, which makes a cosmetic difference? I believe you will get what you expected, even more so in conjunction with stuff like minoxidil.

Get your asses ready, this is happening.
Lol! This guy is probably the youngest, yet most mature, guy on this forum XD


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Can someone please post the study?

Those I-talians make it out like it's a bit hard to get at, themselves. Some here claim to have access to the full, though.

Screen Shot 2018-10-30 at 9.57.37 PM.png


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Good deal. You could use it now while we wait. Look up ‘charlatan’ in there, refer back to the original post where I’d used it, and really try to dig deep into your brain and interpret the context—be sure and read as hard as you can. Brains molder, you know. <3

Jimm, you misused a word, it was, quite simply, not applicable in that context. But hey, guess what? That’s ok! You’ve learned something and you’ll continue to do so. That’s the whole point. And if you couple that thesaurus with a dictionary well, watch out world, Jimm’s about to become someone that knows what he’s talking about! I’ll leave it there, this isn’t the place for repartee or as you (using the thesaurus but not the dictionary) might say, satire.