Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Those companies are raising capitol...

Fidea does not need to raise capitol.

Why advertise if you dont need funding for research?

From their site I understand they are privately owned. They're not in the stock market (the "Fidia" that is on the FTSE is another one).
So I believe a "hype" announcement is really not what they're looking for.


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I'm not one to be negative and certainly not one to be pessimistic but I have been reading through this thread for a while now and it's exciting stuff. But is it only me that the only place you can find info on the Brotzu lotion is in hair forums?

I've looked at fidia's website and i dont see anything and for a treatment that 'may' help hair loss it really isnt getting as much traction on the internet as you would think. A simple search of Brotzu lotion only brings up forums and blogs and not any real credible newspapers or websites. This is really compared to other treatments in the pipeline like Sassummed or Histogen. Where is the buzz surround a product that potentially could be released in the next year?

Also I said i'm not pessimistic so.... when are Fidia going update us all! There's only two days left before the holidays and time is of the essence. Anyone know for certain that they will post an update or has this theory snowballed from word of mouth?

All we have is hearsay, but the moderator of this website Bellicapelli called Fidia, and Fidia themselves said they will release some news.

I dont think either of these parties has anything to gain from making false promises. I have faith that something will be released prior to the holidays. I have been wrong in the past, but i just dont see any reason not to take their word at face value.

With respect to Brotzu and google - I can pretty much guarantee that you'll only get forums and websites on google because they mention his name and they are getting a ton of hits. You wont be getting any of his work on diabetes, as he was likely a relatively unknown research doctor in a field that may be so sub specialized the average layperson could care less about his work. There are many such doctors that devote themselves to research (my dad was one of them) but never get any press until they discover something big. I suspect this is the case with Brotzu.


If Im wrong, im not afraid to admit it, but I see no reason to be anything but optimistic that this news is something us fellow baldies around the world have been hoping for.
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The admin for FollicleThought said in a comment that he contacted FIDIA and they said the same thing. Is that for real? Are they the same person (FT and Belli whatever?)



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The admin for FollicleThought said in a comment that he contacted FIDIA and they said the same thing. Is that for real? Are they the same person (FT and Belli whatever?)

View attachment 46140
i don't think they are the same person because the folliclethough admin is an americain who lives in new york if i remember correctly and the guy from bellicapelli is an italian guy.


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The admin for FollicleThought said in a comment that he contacted FIDIA and they said the same thing. Is that for real? Are they the same person (FT and Belli whatever?)

View attachment 46140
The Follicle Thought guy is suprised and didnt know the press release will be so soon. Why would you think they are the same person?

Good to hear similar things from 2 different sources tho.


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God I hope this works in somewhat of a significant degree. I'll be getting married in a year and half. At 31, we all know how quickly and efficiently male pattern baldness can progress at that age and in that timeframe.

I refuse see myself in photos as the thinning guy frozen in time forever and ever. It's either this or I am off to get an FUE.

God speed fellas'!


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Only two working days left until the Xmas holidays. Time really is running out. Anyone fancy calling Fidia again?


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Only two working days left until the Xmas holidays. Time really is running out. Anyone fancy calling Fidia again?
whats the point of calling if they said that they will release something this week.. Will probably be on friday, because it would make our holidays better :)


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Hopefully they dont release an apology and explanation for why they arent going to release the product


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Hopefully its just a festive hoax by Fidia, I'm thinking they all have bets on to see if this thread can make 300 pages of bald men arguing over the non existent before the said xma holidays :D:D


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As per alcoholic concerns -- I read throught the patents a while back...I'm sciency, I grew up with origami and dinosaurs.

The alcohol is used as an organic solvent during sonication. That is when the stuff is being shaken by sound waves, yielding the appropriately small sized phospholipid liposomes (essentially tiny fat balls) that carry active ingredients past the skin barrier to the fat/lipid layer underneath where they can work their microcirculatory boosting magic. Before anyone jumps on that - it's not frkn magic - it's science! magic is not real.

but!! after sonication the organic solvent -- most likely ethanol -- is evaporated off because it's not needed. liposomes don't need a vehicle to pass through the skin barrier - that's the whole point. Beyond the soothing feeling of knowing that your microcirculation is getting jacked, you should feel not much at all.

it will not contain alcohol! your head will not feel irritated. You will feel great as the wind blows through your flowing locks.

please dont pile on me - there's a lot fo aggresive hairloss sufferers on here!

"In contrast to coupling agents, other oil-soluble solubilizers that can dissolve bilipid membranes, such as ethanol, may compromise liposomal stability and can present an explosion hazard when processing a liposomal solution through high pressure devices, including microfluidic devices. Moreover, at concentrations above about 3%, ethanol can disrupt the density balance of the colloidal system and reduce the viscosity of the external phase so as to negatively impact upon colloidal stability and/or cause the collapse of gellant structures."


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Posting for those just tuning in.

I still can't get over how insane those claims are. You can't just say that stuff and act like it's no big deal. At face value, that interview showcases the expectation of a complete redefinition of current treatment.
His claims are pretty bold. I'm no researcher nor am I as knowledgeable as some users on here but the mechanism of action he describes seems to make sense.

I think (hope) this will help recent hair loss and diffused thinners but in my opinion anything short of hair cloning won't help slick bald areas.