Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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This 5 year reversal notion is absurd. Every person loses hair at different rates so to claim it will revert your hairline back to five years as a blanket statement is naive and ignorant.

Let's just hope it works and it may not work for all, if it contains alcohol as I thought I saw somewhere in the last 200 pages than that might cause severe irritation for some and it may not work.
Let's all hope it works for as many people as possible.

f*** is there really alcohol in it? Alcohol is really bad for my already dry hair...


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I guess as a NW6 if it can get me back to a NW3 then great - though I won't be able to grow it out as NW3's grown out look crap + I have Scalp Micropigmentation anyway so would need to keep my hair shaved very short. Then get a transplant into the frontal third......and probably keep it short.

If this doesn't work for you guys that are hopeful it will then Scalp Micropigmentation, as mad a concept it is, works well. It is realistic and people don't notice it, people think you just shave your head. It is definitely waaay better then having an 80 year old style NW6 look going on, or a slick bald look. At least it frames your face and stops you from looking ill. On a lot of guys it works very very well.

Those of you that know the English Premier League.....Andros Townsend of Crystal Palace has had it done, there is also a player for Watford who has also had it done, amongst other famous people I suspect.
This is why I am not so bitter against hair loss as I used to be. Knowing I can get SMP if sh*t hits the fan in a few years is a good feeling. I like the shaved head look anyway so with a nice solid nw0-1 hairline and a lean face it looks good. Bit off topic but would you be able to PM me your results?


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f*** is there really alcohol in it? Alcohol is really bad for my already dry hair...

It sounds like you'll only need to use it a couple times a week after the first year or two, so hopefully it won't be that big of a deal in the long run.


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From the distance Micropigmentation looks good but from up close it looks totally ridiculous. Townsend from up close looks like he painted his hairline but when you watching him playing on the pitch you don't notice that.
Just like any tattoo, if you go to a good practictioner, it's seamless between hair and tattoo even up close.
A scalp tattoo looks semi bald under lighting, but so does a shaved head.

This for e.g. looks great (redness goes away a few days later).
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Sorry to go off-topic slightly (but hey, it's the Brotzu thread so who cares), but I see this Norwood 3 "hate" for a lack of a better word, which I don't understand. I am NW3 and I grow my hair out, no one even knows I'm balding. Alright, I realise I can't style it anyway I want, but I can still make my hair look fairly good with minimal effort. My hairs also thinning, so it's not just because I have high density either.

Well I am so sorry for recommending something to fellow balding people. Shoot me.

The thing with Norwoods, is that it is hard to classify a NW3 from a NW4, also people's hairloss pattern varies. IMO it's somewhere in-between a NW3 and a NW4 that hair is at the stage where it looks better shaved off. For me it was probably more of a NW4, but I didn't have a bald patch, I just had a NW3/4 hairline and the hair throughout was getting quite thin.

Everyone's different, if your hair is still quite thick then you are probably at the early stages of a NW3 and you can use the thickness of your hair to cover up your forehead. Assuming your balding is progressing, it will likely be around 2 years from now when you will struggle to hide your baldness as your hair recedes a little further and your hair thins out.


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A user on "bellicapelli" wrote that his own physician reported that Fidia wants to come up with a whole product line based on prostaglandins.

The physician did not know if this included hair loss products.
Is this true? Who knows!

In the meanwhile I will superstitiously/religiously hang on to this hyaluronic acid gauze (used against burns) produced by the same company.

View attachment 46126

This sounds a little fishy to me. I thought it's all about hair loss.


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As per alcoholic concerns -- I read throught the patents a while back...I'm sciency, I grew up with origami and dinosaurs.

The alcohol is used as an organic solvent during sonication. That is when the stuff is being shaken by sound waves, yielding the appropriately small sized phospholipid liposomes (essentially tiny fat balls) that carry active ingredients past the skin barrier to the fat/lipid layer underneath where they can work their microcirculatory boosting magic. Before anyone jumps on that - it's not frkn magic - it's science! magic is not real.

but!! after sonication the organic solvent -- most likely ethanol -- is evaporated off because it's not needed. liposomes don't need a vehicle to pass through the skin barrier - that's the whole point. Beyond the soothing feeling of knowing that your microcirculation is getting jacked, you should feel not much at all.

it will not contain alcohol! your head will not feel irritated. You will feel great as the wind blows through your flowing locks.

please dont pile on me - there's a lot fo aggresive hairloss sufferers on here!

That Guy

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it's not frkn magic - it's science! magic is not real.



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I'm just throwing this out there, as we hear fidia is due to release some news this week.

I'm thinking since they've concluded their tests on AA, they basically have the green light to move forward and market this product for AA sufferers already. So they don't need the Androgenetic Alopecia results to move forward at all. We seem so wound up on those results that we've maybe overlooked the fact that they don't need us male pattern baldness'ers to release their product. So maybe this week we hear that the product will be released or AA brethren.

I'm the meantime, the Androgenetic Alopecia results will soon come in. And it could be that the visual evidence from their subjects is already so conclusive, they don't need some report to confirm what the Fidia is seeing with their own eyes.

Just a theory, but what if?.... :)


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I'm just throwing this out there, as we hear fidia is due to release some news this week.

I'm thinking since they've concluded their tests on AA, they basically have the green light to move forward and market this product for AA sufferers already. So they don't need the Androgenetic Alopecia results to move forward at all. We seem so wound up on those results that we've maybe overlooked the fact that they don't need us male pattern baldness'ers to release their product. So maybe this week we hear that the product will be released or AA brethren.

I'm the meantime, the Androgenetic Alopecia results will soon come in. And it could be that the visual evidence from their subjects is already so conclusive, they don't need some report to confirm what the Fidia is seeing with their own eyes.

Just a theory, but what if?.... :)

exactly its never been a concern to me that this would be released for very least AA suffers

There is NOTHING for kids to use to treat the baldness and loss of eyebrows. Nothing. Its all too toxic.

So if i had a child with AA and knew a pharmaceutical company had a viable treatment for kids that caused no side effects or minimal side effects?

No way they are not going to make it available.

Jole had already talked about organizing AA suffers in Italy to go picket outside of Fidia headquarters.

So if this gets immediate approval for AA and it helps kids that will get pushed through to be available all over the world.

Medication or cosmetic it does not matter.

If it works and MUST be a prescription they can prescribe it as Off-Label to Androgenetic Alopecia.

Its just common sense.


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I'm just throwing this out there, as we hear fidia is due to release some news this week.

I'm thinking since they've concluded their tests on AA, they basically have the green light to move forward and market this product for AA sufferers already. So they don't need the Androgenetic Alopecia results to move forward at all. We seem so wound up on those results that we've maybe overlooked the fact that they don't need us male pattern baldness'ers to release their product. So maybe this week we hear that the product will be released or AA brethren.

I'm the meantime, the Androgenetic Alopecia results will soon come in. And it could be that the visual evidence from their subjects is already so conclusive, they don't need some report to confirm what the Fidia is seeing with their own eyes.

Just a theory, but what if?.... :)
They never did a test or trial for AA. That was Brotzu.


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I'm pretty sure they will present us good news. If not they would never make an announcement. But is it as good as we hope? Mh...


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Does anyone know how they're making this announcement? Are they holding some kind of press event or just updating their website? Or is that still unknown?


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I wonder how this product is going to be made accessible to the public when released. I mean the demand would be so huge. I hope everybody will get easy access from the beginning so I don't have to be special VIP.


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I wonder how this product is going to be made accessible to the public when released. I mean the demand would be so huge. I hope everybody will get easy access from the beginning so I don't have to be special VIP.
The demand would be huge in a year, not afer release. Remember that members and probably the IESON members know of this lotion. We are just a very small portion of the potential demand, which is great for us!