Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Are there any other soon to be released treatments that we should look forward to or is everything set to be around 2018?


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Are there any other soon to be released treatments that we should look forward to or is everything set to be around 2018?
Nope. Closest things we have next are Histogen in Mexico and Follica. God knows if they'll even come out on schedule. Brotzu was the closest thing to holding people over.


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I think the reason that the company is reporting "alopecia" rather than "androgenic alopecia" is simply to avoid the taboo of doing research on baldness. The latter might come off as a waste of funds, it could open them up to attacks in the media, from people like Bill Gates That $1.00 spent researching baldness is $1.00 too much.

By delivering on a treatment for alopecia, they are sparing themselves of the taboo of working on a worthless cosmetic, instead they're treating a disease.


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Replicel just released that from their phase 1 safety trials, the average patient saw the same results in six months that propecia and rogaine give after a year... this was released 5 years post trial.

So not necessarily, is what I'm saying
replicel is a start up they need to keep investors excited. such results would disappoint so they might have delayed it to avoid crashing interest in in them and they didn't ever claim total coverage of bald ares in 90 days they are trying to figure out its potential and safety. heck it might do wonders at high doses but trigger cancers who knows. this dgla product is claimed to do miracles for hair loss, so if results are as claimed at least they should publish some exciting photos like histogen did. think about it, they have visually exciting results like stated in the patents and want more data analysis. all we have is people on forums swearing by its efficacy with no photos. only explanation is that if they wanna alter the concentration to cheapen production and they want to get the least concentration of actives that gives optimal results. but i dont think this is the case when we already have people talking about how effective it is with no photos from them nor from fidia. seriously why this lotion, i get the reputable Doctor and big company with published studies, but then this is the case in almost any hair loss treatment out there. heck one called evolis just launched in australie with published studies in journals and weird photos. it didnt get any attention and it shouldnt. for short term we should focus on replicel, histogen and follica. i think we should focus on organizing an interview with them to know if accelerated release could be achieved with 21st century cure act since histogen did phase 2 and replicel about to finish it in japan in 2017.


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No one should be waiting on these treatments

get on what is available now and works.
You think minoxidil by itself would be good? Won't dare get on finasteride even though I know most don't get sides I still just won't. I wouldn't really say I'm diffuse but my crown definitely has taken a beating the last few months though my temples have little recession. f*** I honestly just hope I recede as gracefully as my brother has who is a solids Norwood 2.5 at almost 30. If I go that gracefully that gives me another solid 10 years of pretty good hair.


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You think minoxidil by itself would be good? Won't dare get on finasteride even though I know most don't get sides I still just won't. I wouldn't really say I'm diffuse but my crown definitely has taken a beating the last few months though my temples have little recession. f*** I honestly just hope I recede as gracefully as my brother has who is a solids Norwood 2.5 at almost 30. If I go that gracefully that gives me another solid 10 years of pretty good hair.

yes! better than nothing.
keeps hair in growth phase and stimulates new hair...
but it depends on it you are a responder and how aggressive your hair loss is.

can also add topical anti DHT.


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I wouldn't have had any big issues with a 2018 release if they could have confirmed what Brotzu has been stating over the past year or so in his interviews. I mean - going by the answers in those it sounds like a near cure like we all know. We know Fidia have ran trails at least over the past 6 months so they must have data to present, or at least some rough pinpoints. Would of settled the upset crowd down a lot too.


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I wouldn't have had any big issues with a 2018 release if they could have confirmed what Brotzu has been stating over the past year or so in his interviews. I mean - going by the answers in those it sounds like a near cure like we all know. We know Fidia have ran trails at least over the past 6 months so they must have data to present, or at least some rough pinpoints. Would of settled the upset crowd down a lot too.

Presenting data when a trial is not complete and the data is not properly interpreted is very unprofessional. Also it's in their best interest to release final numbers at the end because obviously they will be best then.

I interpret the press release as positive, they have been trialing it for 6 months and plan to continue and also gave us a rough time frame.


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Presenting data when a trial is not complete and the data is not properly interpreted is very unprofessional. Also it's in their best interest to release final numbers at the end because obviously they will be best then.

I interpret the press release as positive, they have been trialing it for 6 months and plan to continue and also gave us a rough time frame.

that is what i was thinking is why not extend the trials to May to get a full year--or a phase 2 or a comparison trial to existing medications...this is what i would do if i had a promising product.


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I wouldn't have had any big issues with a 2018 release if they could have confirmed what Brotzu has been stating over the past year or so in his interviews. I mean - going by the answers in those it sounds like a near cure like we all know. We know Fidia have ran trails at least over the past 6 months so they must have data to present, or at least some rough pinpoints. Would of settled the upset crowd down a lot too.

I never had impression this was a near cure--i had impression it was possibly an alternative to finasteride and or minoxidil..

also we have no long tern studies--how do we know how long term effect is compared to finasteride and or minoxidil.


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Hi all -

Just a followup to my previous post.

Spoke a little too soon. Kane primarily focuses on supplying research chemicals TO companies that create end-user cosmetics products. This means it may be necessary to find another source for creating this particular product. If you guys have any sources for this please do let me know directly by sending a PM ("start a conversation" is the way the forum describes it). Just so I don't miss it.

Kane has received all your emails and it is 100% on the radar now, so the message has been received. If possible, lets discontinue emails to them as they've apparently received so many that they're having difficulty managing the inboxes to communicate with other clients.

I will make myself available for any input from everyone, and of course you guys can do what you want if you want to make your own too. I am not sure the legalities of hair loss talk "officially" getting involved in it. I haven't looked into it whatsoever at this stage.


Admin thank you, and please do this. Outside of a pharmaceutical company, of all the people I'd trust this site to provide a genuine group buy product.

I'm very, very disappointed in Fidia, they are sitting on a potential hair loss cure and they are giving us next to zero information apart from available at earliest 2018. I would have a thousand times more respect for them if they had a monthly update that as well being in their native Italian being also in English too, I mean FFS employ someone who can speak English as well, you're sitting on a annual multi billion dollar product.

That Guy

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replicel is a start up they need to keep investors excited. such results would disappoint so they might have delayed it to avoid crashing interest in in them and they didn't ever claim total coverage of bald ares in 90 days they are trying to figure out its potential and safety. heck it might do wonders at high doses but trigger cancers who knows. this dgla product is claimed to do miracles for hair loss, so if results are as claimed at least they should publish some exciting photos like histogen did. think about it, they have visually exciting results like stated in the patents and want more data analysis. all we have is people on forums swearing by its efficacy with no photos. only explanation is that if they wanna alter the concentration to cheapen production and they want to get the least concentration of actives that gives optimal results. but i dont think this is the case when we already have people talking about how effective it is with no photos from them nor from fidia. seriously why this lotion, i get the reputable Doctor and big company with published studies, but then this is the case in almost any hair loss treatment out there. heck one called evolis just launched in australie with published studies in journals and weird photos. it didnt get any attention and it shouldnt. for short term we should focus on replicel, histogen and follica. i think we should focus on organizing an interview with them to know if accelerated release could be achieved with 21st century cure act since histogen did phase 2 and replicel about to finish it in japan in 2017.

I think I'm going to just stop responding to these kinds of posts.

Replicels results are the opposite of disappointing. It is showing results exceeding their expectations in a safety trial. You're not scaring off investors by showing them results that indicate your treatment is potentially much more effective than anything presently on the market. That is why their stock prices are now climbing. I can't wait for the forthcoming results and phase 2.

I have said this repeatedly and if you google, one of the first results is my faq containing all the published data about this lotion from before fidia even started their trial.

It takes but a few minutes to find the information people keep claiming doesn't exist and I'm starting to suspect it's by choice that they don't know about it


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That Guy I'm perplexed why would you dislike my post above yours?? what about it to dislike?
I get the dislikes on my stupid memes I find that comical, but dislike that post above is strange?


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That Guy I'm perplexed why would you dislike my post above yours?? what about it to dislike?
I get the dislikes on my stupid memes I find that comical, but dislike that post above is strange?

I am going to guess its because your view of Fidia seems a bit dramatic compared to actual facts.


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That Guy I'm perplexed why would you dislike my post above yours?? what about it to dislike?
I get the dislikes on my stupid memes I find that comical, but dislike that post above is strange?

ill give u 3 likes man to make up for it :cool:

that star trek profile pic is hilarious