Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Can someone ban this clown? Literally all he does is praise his magic (and bullshit) cure while bashing everything else while behaving like a 12 years old.


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Where are the studies done on Brotzu, where are the photos ?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

I don't use dutasteride, what is your problem dude ? Really, check your brain, is fucked.

Dude, are you broken? 3 f*****g weeks and you'll see the photos and trial data - its literally written on the Sitri programme. Yes the dutasteride that is written in your regime. You may very well be right this could be a huge anticlimax, but we've seen photos of AA sufferers and they've been good, so why not expect the same for Androgenetic Alopecia.

Lets wait.


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There is no place to buy it ? Have you ever here of a pharmacy ?
Dude, really !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? READ PAPERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the f*** is wrong with you !?!?!?! Did you even bother to read one of the papers about ketoconazole and male pattern baldness ? with photos an all !??!?!?!!?!?!?!
Really dude, you worry about your hair, you should worry about your brain.
Hey maybe you should stay away from the keyboard for awhile. You’re embarrassing yourself


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And why would people think a Brotzu is a scam? The dude is a vascular surgeon and old. He’s not the type to be scrounging for cash. The areata results were already promising.
And why would Fidia spend another two years working on the lotion and paying for a patent if it was a scam.
I think JamesBooker tried too many experimental hair loss remedies


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And why would people think a Brotzu is a scam? The dude is a vascular surgeon and old. He’s not the type to be scrounging for cash. The areata results were already promising.
And why would Fidia spend another two years working on the lotion and paying for a patent if it was a scam.
I think JamesBooker tried too many experimental hair loss remedies
I think JamesBooker has been through a lot (atleast for 5 years of this sh*t probably more) and that is why he is so cynical. I wish everyone the best, and James no reason to shoot this sh*t down, man. I know you've probably been disappointed by many things in the past but at least wait until the conference and make your conclusion then.
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I'll never understood the amount of people that want this to fail, you're on a f*****g hair loss forum? Maybe he uses To help his depression and knows once everyone's hair loss is cured nobody will be here anymore.

Don't think many people want to see it fail (yes I know, there might be a few crazy enough that actually do). A lot of people just get annoyed by some of the crazy 'optimimists' that kind of displayed cult-like behavior. Same thing with feminism and veganism for example. Most sane people do not really have anything against the construct itself, but they do have something against the militant MINORITY that has a bad way of representing their belief.


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Ha, let's call it a gentle swipe. :) I am in agreement with a fair amount of what you're saying. Hoping for a cure to hairloss is great, and baldness is disheartening, no dispute there.

But letting it reduce you to a state where you're crippled, and not able to take active steps to filling your life with things that bring you pleasure is what I am talking about. Feeling down on your luck can be a slippery slope and a massive waste of time. Embracing the brief period we have to take full advantage of the life (emotions included) we are given is a gift, call it being a man, or just a positive attitude is what I am advocating. Stewing in grief on the other hand I do not advocate. Unless you say otherwise, I cant imagine we think all that differently.
I love you, Worm. You're a good guy. I'm just arguing for the debate. There's not a lot else to do.

I hope you know that the comment about you being old was just tongue in cheek :p

I'm all for people to stop being b****s. I just like crying at night.


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I'll never understood the amount of people that want this to fail, you're on a f*****g hair loss forum? Maybe he uses To help his depression and knows once everyone's hair loss is cured nobody will be here anymore.
What can I tell you, I hate snake oil sellers.


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I think JamesBooker has been through a lot (atleast for 5 years of this sh*t probably more) and that is why he is so cynical. I wish everyone the best, and James no reason to shoot this sh*t down, man. I know you've probably been disappointed by many things in the past but at least wait until the conference and make your conclusion then.
22 years to be exactly . And I am a pharmacist . Kinda I know a little about the subject . ON brotzu all I see is broscience and fancy words. I was active in hairlosshelp with the nickname guillermo since 1998 .