Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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And henceforth the Negative Nancies approached 'pon the hill, and to them he called out: "Ho! Foul creatures be thee still and encroach no more. To ye beasties I say, shut up. Post no more for thou shalt be in awe, fleeing from gleaming golden discs of cheese and sauce and towards the hell regions from whence thoust came when the sacred hour arrives." - Giuseppe 20:18


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I’ll check it. And I’ll be genuinely sad to see the joy and hope and fun of the last few weeks peter out.

Can I ask how old you are?

Either you're old enough to not be so stupidly naive as some people here, or you're young and ahead of your time.


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Jimm and wire will be doing the regrowth chant with me by this time tomorrow


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And henceforth the Negative Nancies approached 'pon the hill, and to them he called out: "Ho! Foul creatures be thee still and encroach no more. To ye beasties I say, shut up. Post no more for thou shalt be in awe, fleeing from gleaming golden discs of cheese and sauce and towards the hell regions from whence thoust came when the sacred hour arrives." - Giuseppe 20:18

I expect more of these as the day goes on


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Let us pray
>Our Father who art in heaven
>Brotzu be thy name
>Thy lotion come
>Thy hair become
>Full again

>Give us today our daily thread
>And forgive the finasteride shills
>As we forgive those who dump ED oil on us

>And lead us not unto JUSTing
>But deliver us from baldness
>For thine is the lotion, the baldlet, and the big mac forever


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Jimm and wire will be doing the regrowth chant with me by this time tomorrow

If all goes well this time tomorrow i will be burning candles and incense, have a tattoo of Brotzu on my back right above my ***, be blackout drunk, reeling on lsd, and sacrificing my cat in the name of our Lord Brotzu while reciting your sacred scripture.


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I have a feeling that after the conference, we won’t be any smarter. I just hope we can get a «yes» or «no». Been telling myself that I’ll start finasteride, but tbh I’m not going to risk my sexual health. So if this doesn’t work out, I’m getting a buzz cut. It sucks though.


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The funny thing is, if we forget the info we have, and just have the introduction, it sounds as promising as any other snake oil.

My closest family knows about my hair loss struggles.

«Hey, how are you doing today?»

«Everything is good now, I’m not worried anymore! There’s this 80 year old doctor in Italy who’s making a lotion»


If this works out, I’ll be crying in joy.


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Mike Tyson

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What time does this sh*t start? I need to get everything done before then so that either 1. I can celebrate the news, or 2. Not have things to do when the crushing depression sets in.