Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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One last prayer before the conference

Regeneratione erit Quinquennium saltem
Populus meus erit optimum pizza
Capillus angeli et pasta idem est
Scriptum erit Googli transferendum


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moment of truth.PNG


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All the doctors are not going to like the fact that brotzu is effective. That means brotzu will take away millions of their euros. They will definitely trying to take down brotzu for sure


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All the doctors are not going to like the fact that brotzu is effective. That means brotzu will take away millions of their euros. They will definitely trying to take down brotzu for sure
A lot more people will qualify for transplants if there's a maintenance treatment. Don't forget that a lot of people only realise the state of their hair when it's too late.


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Guys I literally can't eat anything, I'm so nervous and I feel that we will be dissapdisapp. :(
Mate, expect nothing and you won't have anything to be disappointed about. That's the stance i take now. If it works alright, cool, but i won't be holding my breath to regrow "5 years of hairloss". I wouldn't expect anything more than a "oh hey.. a few regrown hairs.." type of result.


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Stay strong, I remember the time when everyone went nuts for Follica conference last year. They had boxes and packaging, but still they said 2 more years or something.