Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Not sure if anyone else is following the Italian version of this thread (probably not haha)

from what I can gather via google translate, one of their members just got a response from the company saying something along the lines of "We have no interest in making statements or giving interviews. We will release information when it is available, when the trials are done".
Most likely because everyone keeps harassing them and thinks by sending a zillion emails they're going to get privileged information.

Sending these companies emails non-stop is only going to have a negative effect.


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At least this time they haven´t sent the same email... It´s pretty obvious Fidia is not Follicept! I hope the lotion works better than minoxidil and without side effects, that´s all I want!


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f*****g hell guys chill the f*** out....this thread is more depressing than my hairline....lets just give the guy a break, he's trying to help every single one of us and you are all so negative about this product when it hasn't even come out...I hope he gives all the haters a sample of his jizz to apply.

People are entitled to have their own opinion. He is not the first to claim this and surely not the last one.
And if his jizz was able to grow back hair i think everyone here would let him jizz all day long and make sure he hits the head :D. Relax mate, lets hope this is the real sh*t. If it is a goddamn lotion just release the product.


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Most likely because everyone keeps harassing them and thinks by sending a zillion emails they're going to get privileged information.

Sending these companies emails non-stop is only going to have a negative effect.

How would that be negative effect? If anything this should speed the process up as they see there is a lot of interest in the product.


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This came out of nowhere and there's no buildup hype like Replicel, Follica or Histogen. If it's a dud it wasn't something that we were counting on to begin with.


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How would that be negative effect? If anything this should speed the process up as they see there is a lot of interest in the product.

You think they don't already know that there is a lot of interest in treatments for baldness? It's not going to make them work any faster. It's just going to make them shut down communication. They have better things to do than answer the same questions from hundreds of different people every day. They're no benefit to them in responding, it's a courtesy, and one they aren't going to extend when it becomes overwhelming.


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You seem to think testosterone is formed in the scalp, i.e. this is a topical ...
My mistake, I hadn't considered that. The point I made that was most pertinent though, is that equol works downstream of finasteride. It doesn't stop DHT formation, instead it just mops up DHT so it can't bond with androgen receptors. The fact that it's a topical is kind of irrelevant since even if it went systemic, it's effect would be the same.
The important part is that it prevents DHT from binding with androgen receptors but doesn't prevent DHT formation. If you combined it with an AA it would probably reduce the effects of DHT further and help if ARs get up regulated.
It sounds to me like this lotion would basically do what topical finasteride would do so I would expect results from this lotion to be similar to finasteride if it works and a nice alternative for those who got sides. I wouldn't expect the effectiveness to be any greater than finasteride though.


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You never know, but if you followed him this wouldn be much too elaborate to be a scam. Why would he take months to search for ingredients then a lab.


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Yeah the thing with the guy who said he sent money but didn't even get asked for his address is a bit crazy haha. It's also crazy to think that we don't know if the guy has replicated Brotzu's method very well (I actually doubt that) and if the stuff he's sending out works, but a hundred people are ready to sign up anyway

I'm sure the guy is legit and it's a lot of work to get this all going, I just really don't think they're getting the lotion right


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The Spatatore guy could totally be a scammer (though I think he's probably honest).

I am surprised so many guys sent him money right away withour even asking to know the name of the laboratory or doctor he was liasing with.

Because he wouldn't tell. The lab is making these things under the table, since the lotion is patented. You can see a pic of the sonicator of the lab on his blog.

for the money lol

If I'd do it for the money I wouldn't wait for 3 months with posts on forums about ingredients and all. I would say, he I've found a lab, everythings fine, send me the money. That's not how it went. He spent weeks on the Italian forum searching for a way to buy the ingredients, asking others if they would know a lab that does that waiting 2 weeks for a response from the lab and so on.

Yeah the thing with the guy who said he sent money but didn't even get asked for his address is a bit crazy haha. It's also crazy to think that we don't know if the guy has replicated Brotzu's method very well (I actually doubt that) and if the stuff he's sending out works, but a hundred people are ready to sign up anyway

I'm sure the guy is legit and it's a lot of work to get this all going, I just really don't think they're getting the lotion right

If you read his post this is a professional lab with international clients. It's not complicated at all for such a facility to produce this lotion. The tricky part is having a sonicator, which the lab has (see the pic).

As I said, having a 100 participents you could lose track of who sent you his address already. He only needs it once it's sent out.
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Hey man, I hope you're right and it's all legit and it'll work. If nothing else I'm just always impressed with the hairloss community and it's constant taking the initiative and taking things into its own hands, it really is cool to see


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If I'd do it for the money I wouldn't wait for 3 months with posts on forums about ingredients and all. I would say, he I've found a lab, everythings fine, send me the money. That's not how it went. He spent weeks on the Italian forum searching for a way to buy the ingredients, asking others if they would know a lab that does that waiting 2 weeks for a response from the lab and so on.

I do not say that this gentleman is dishonest.Perhaps i do.You don't know this man.He could be incompetent too.Whatever.It must also be credible in seeking labs on forums lol


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I do not say that this gentleman is dishonest.Perhaps i do.You don't know this man.He could be incompetent too.Whatever.It must also be credible in seeking labs on forums lol

Hey nadia if I give you some money will you source the ingredients and find a lab to develop a lotion which will instil some f*****g positivity in you, jesus


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Who knows if Brotzu's lotion will work or not, who knows if this guys GB lotion is an accurate clone or not. I make a good salary so it's worth a try for a measly $90 even if he ends up scamming me.

For all you questioning if he's legit because he hasn't posted the name of the lab.... You seriously want him to post the name of the lab that is trying to copy a patented lotion? You guys blow my mind everyday....


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I'd risk the 90 bucks just to get the ball rolling and more people trying this lotion to see if it works. Finding out if it works months sooner than waiting for fidia is worth 90 bucks to me... regardless if I even choose to use the lotion or not.