Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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We are going to need people to translate more text... Still quoting the Italian forum comments:

Senza offesa, ma, quanto è affidabile la tua fonte? Le notizie che ti ha dato, a quanto risalgono? Ultima cosa senza offesa veramente, cerca di capire, tu quanto sei affidabile?

- Alla tua domanda, rispondera' a breve, stasera penso, qualcun altro di cui di sicuro ti puoi fidare.


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My Regimen
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Hello again folks! Can anybody help me with a translation? What does that mean?

Thank you very much!

Premetto : NON POSSO FARE NOMI, purtroppo mi e' stato imposto.

Ho contattato privatamente una persona dei primi trials di Brotzu per AA, che pero' e' informata sulla sperimentazione che sta attualmente conducendo Fidia.

Sue testuali parole :

Purtroppo per una questione di contratto con Fidia, non posso dire piu' niente.
Pero' per quanto ne so, a breve sara' in commercio, purtroppo non posso dirti breve quanto.
Ti posso garantire inolte che e' molto piu efficace nel tuo caso (intende Alopecia Androgenetica Maschile) che nel mio (Alopecia Areata), ti dico solo questo.

Great contribution. Thank you.

I have a good feeling about this. I think people are getting impatient and translating this wait into the lotion being a scam or just another minoxidil. Fidia meanwhile has to do their due diligence, the last thing they need is to release something on anecdotal evidence and/or have it be harmful to it's customers. So why get everyone hyped up and risk harming their reputation until they are finished the process. We just need to sit tight. I suspect October will bring more insight.

On a side note, for those who are exchanging insults, please take this elsewhere. I think it's fair to say that we are all hoping for a cure, and this is obviously something that affects us on a fundamental level, otherwise we wouldnt be members, and we should be cognizant of that. And while some are antagonizing, it only escalates when you try to put those aggresors in their "rightful" place. We come here for news and only news, please lets keep it to that. Cheers.


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Hi i am italian
The most important things are
This person( that is in the trial of fidia) told to an italian user that the lotion is better for Androgenetic Alopecia than aa(as this person has saw)
And Will be commercialize by fidia but cant say when because has signed a contract
The Last message of mrjolly is useless dont worry about these italian comments


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Hi i am italian
The most important things are
This person( that is in the trial of fidia) told to an italian user that the lotion is better for Androgenetic Alopecia than aa(as this person has saw)
And Will be commercialize by fidia but cant say when because has signed a contract
The Last message of mrjolly is useless dont worry about these italian comments

Thank you very much for the translation!

Have you been paying attention to this Italian forum in particular? Have you read it this week?

It seems the clinical trials are taking place in Milan.

I don´t know I´m just eager to try the lotion and I don´t want it to be snake oil!


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Thank you very much for the translation!

Have you been paying attention to this Italian forum in particular? Have you read it this week?

It seems the clinical trials are taking place in Milan.

I don´t know I´m just eager to try the lotion and I don´t want it to be snake oil!
Yes sure, i am in the italian forum since 2014, and about brotzu s discussion i have read every message
I dont care about fidia now because Could be commercialized in 1/2/3 year i dont know when
Now i believe in spatolatore! I hope this lotion Could help us
I dont want to wait fidia


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Sorry to bother you again @at90, but does this mean a source has confirmed the lotion works?

Ave a tutti.

Il fatto descritto da Mattia corrisponde a verità..quindi non è un troll..ha solo voluto condividere questa notizia recentissima con tutto il forum.
Quindi la notizia che ha dato è vera..cioè che ha parlato con una persona che sicuramente è più vicina di noi a recepire notizie utili che gli ha riferito le frasi da lui riportate.

Invito però tutti quanti a tenere i piedi sul pianeta perchè anche se questa persona gentilmente ha corrisposto il suo pensiero con Mattia questo non vuol dire che la cura sarà quello che ci aspettiamo tutti oggettivamente risolutiva per l'Androgenetic Alopecia..è solo una notizia in più riportata che fà ben sperare bisognerà attendere di provare realmente la lozione quando(speriamo) uscirà.

Per favore non fate assolutamente nomi di persone sul forum che magari sapete coinvolte in trials sulla faccenda.


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I haven't found any study for PGE1 and any kind of alopecia, but fidia is doing it right now
Blood circulation in patients with Androgenetic Alopecia is confirmed to be lower, too lazy to find the study on pubmed for you
Why do women don't have Androgenetic Alopecia? or when they do is when they reach menopause? because of estrogen, or progesteron, but truth be told no one knows exactly how it works, but we can safely say estrogen doesn't have a bad effect on hair
I have an Androgenetic Alopecia since my 20 years.
Just estrogen , PGE1 and DGLA have long been known and have not saved an Androgenetic Alopecia.Nothing conclusive in the ingredients
That's bullshit story that lower estrogen in women with menopause which are the cause of Androgenetic Alopecia.Many women begin their Androgenetic Alopecia at the same time as men.The problem is not hormonal.It's sensitivity to hormones
Estrogen will not save a smooth head.
For estrogens, can be but must take in adequate amounts ,in high dose to affect
Blood flow is a result of the Androgenetic Alopecia.The cause is sensitivity to male hormones.
I took three months estrogen progesterone and anti coagulant.I saw nothing lol. anticoagulants are very powerful .We can make bleeding
The desperation is pathetic.I wonder why I lost my time with you.Stop quote meThere is others thread most interesting than this crap.I don't answer now .I want to go see lots of others subjects.You' ve been so kind that you can talk to my ***.You'll see if it will respond


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Actually... don't misunderstand me, i am part of the GB and i'd love this to work, but those type of comments " it will come soon... can't tell when but soon... just can tell it'll work better for than it did for me..." are instilling me doubts.
i caught up with that thread and i've just read that the source has been confirmed by a respected user, who i know personally.
so, unlikely a troll.


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I have an Androgenetic Alopecia since my 20 years.
That's bullshit story that lower estrogen in women with menopause which are the cause of Androgenetic Alopecia.Many women begin their Androgenetic Alopecia at the same time as men.The problem is not hormonal.It's sensitivity to hormones
Estrogen will not save a smooth head.
For estrogens, can be but must take in adequate amounts ,in high dose to affect
Blood flow is a result of the Androgenetic Alopecia.The cause is sensitivity to male hormones.
I took three months estrogen progesterone and anti coagulant.I saw nothing lol. anticoagulants are very powerful .We can make bleeding

No one sprinkled PGE1 on his balding scalp before so we don't know if it works or not until Fidia tells, well it has a topical effect since people literally use it on the penis as a sort of v****.

your hormone theory doesn't stand with real life, show me a woman with NW3 in her 20s, pro-tip you can't. Because her hormones protect her. In PCOS women start balding like men but not THAT much because even if they have lower SHBG and higher testosterone, they still have high estrogen or progesteron to back them up

Alopecia androgenetica is male PCOS