Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Well, this is a great results to be honest. Noticable regrowth only in 6 months time. And a patient is old person who has lost his hair years ago (arguably). Who knows, maybe they picked up this example because, well, this is actually quite impressive.

Im back on hype train. Now we need a release date.

LOL trisomic alert


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Looks like a different angle, he looks slightly up in the second one...


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There is no future for me friend. Maybe I'll try propecia before I off myself. If I'm ganna be dead it doesn't matter if I have ED, so might as well try it.

Please talk to someone you trust in your life or to a professional mental health specialist.


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Yes maybe i am frustrated to have no solution for hairloss
BUT i am not naiv sorry man
I'm not naive either thats why I have never bought scams lotions with organic oils(reboost like). I'm just waiting for detailled results of the trial (if they exist) to have my final say because this has ingredients which are far from the ones we find in scams. that said if you have been balding for years I doubt you can have miracles on slick bald areas, in a few months ; )


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I wouldn't call it a great result either, and like some other guys pointed it out, it is slightly zoomed in and an old guy won't lose much hair at that age anyways


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View attachment 85182

Looks like a different angle, he looks slightly up in the second one...

This is an obvious optical illusion. The head is tilted up in the second photo. You can clearly distinguish the same patterns from the two different angles: absolutely no change. This trick is so abysmal I feel actually bad for Brotzu and Fidia at this point. They must be desperate as f*** to pull off something like that.


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Great work man, definite regrowth.

Impressive for only 6 months, especially knowing it's an old guy.

Srsly, I'm not dissapointed. Sure, the powperpoint has an "amateurish" look but what has been shown is good imo.

If it just stops hair fall I would be more than happy.