Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Trying to rely on Google translate for accurate translation is like relying on human traffickers to implement health plan and worker rights.

Hahaha, that´s so true! But that´s all we have, because most of us don´t speak Italian so we need it, not to panic!

More details provided by the same guy:

allora ripeto per chi non intende:

ho chiamato fidia, mi ha risposto una donna che mi ha detto che il prodotto in questione uscira' fra qualche mese (non mi ha specificato il num dei mesi) ,poi mi ha detto che la sett prox torna un suo collega a cui posso chiedere info piu' in preciso in quanto lui si occupa del progetto!!!!!!

questo mi hanno detto e questo vi ho riferito

ripeto per la sec volta: dalla telefonata fatta ho avuto la senzazione che ci sia qlc che bolle in pentola

ripeto e' una mia senzazione e non una comunicazione ufficiale di fidia


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Hey Guys! Ive been super busy with school and stuff. Ive decided to take some time off from the forums because it seems like most of the treatments are at the final ropes in clinical trials so not much news to find, and as the Admin has taken to getting info straight from the source, I feel like we can all stop scouring for info as much. Its good to hear Fidia plans on releasing in months, and not years. Hopefully we'll know more next week and how effective it is. Even if it is a dud, Follica will most likely release 2018, same with histogen and replicel.

Ive been worrying less about my hair loss because I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. While thinking about this, Ive noticed that in the last 3 years or so I have really let my body go. I have gained about 30 pounds. Maybe subconsciously its from feeling like why prevent the inevitability of being unattractive as with hair loss it will happen anyway. Maybe its the stress of school. Who knows. What I do know now, is that a solution for hair loss is what is inevitable, and for anyone else who may have let their bodies go, this is the time to shape up, eat healthy, and exercise. We want to be at our peak when we get our hair back, and working on our bodies is the perfect way to wait out the next year or two.

I hope everyone is well.


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can you translate this one too please

allora ripeto per chi non intende:

ho chiamato fidia, mi ha risposto una donna che mi ha detto che il prodotto in questione uscira' fra qualche mese (non mi ha specificato il num dei mesi) ,poi mi ha detto che la sett prox torna un suo collega a cui posso chiedere info piu' in preciso in quanto lui si occupa del progetto!!!!!!

questo mi hanno detto e questo vi ho riferito

ripeto per la sec volta: dalla telefonata fatta ho avuto la senzazione che ci sia qlc che bolle in pentola

ripeto e' una mia senzazione e non una comunicazione ufficiale di fidia


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He Wrote that he called fidia, and a woman said that the product Will be commercialize in a few month
And next week you can Call because the Doctor who thakes care about lotion Will be in fidias bulding
He said this
But dont fly high stay on hearth
Because is not sure
We need spatos lotion


New Member
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How much people have send the email?
How much english people are in the list?
Thank you


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He Wrote that he called fidia, and a woman said that the product Will be commercialize in a few month
And next week you can Call because the Doctor who thakes care about lotion Will be in fidias bulding
He said this
But dont fly high stay on hearth
Because is not sure
We need spatos lotion

Have you talk to him lately?

Hope he has sent the 1st GB´s lotions!


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can you translate this one too please

allora ripeto per chi non intende:

ho chiamato fidia, mi ha risposto una donna che mi ha detto che il prodotto in questione uscira' fra qualche mese (non mi ha specificato il num dei mesi) ,poi mi ha detto che la sett prox torna un suo collega a cui posso chiedere info piu' in preciso in quanto lui si occupa del progetto!!!!!!

questo mi hanno detto e questo vi ho riferito

ripeto per la sec volta: dalla telefonata fatta ho avuto la senzazione che ci sia qlc che bolle in pentola

ripeto e' una mia senzazione e non una comunicazione ufficiale di fidia

I'm french and I speak "a little" italian. I can Translate you what he said :
" So I called Fidia, and they answered me, a woman, that the product would be on the market in few months (she doesn't know how many months), then they told me that the next week, her (the woman) bussiness colleague could know more and so he could be more precise about the exactly numbers of months for the release of the product because he is in charge of this product!!!.

I told you for the second time : at phone, I have had the feelings that it would be something great but this is a feeling from me and not an official press release
Last edited:


My Regimen
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Hey so i did spend a long time going through this thread but its very hard to follow some pages so forgive me if i missed the information i am looking for.

I noticed the group buy is mostly people under or around i am assuming their is not further clarification about it working for people over 30 or 40 for maintenance or some regrowth? Im assuming he did indeed mean age and not degree or years of loss? Im only thinning few years not too severe/aggressive but i am 45.


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My Regimen
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Hey so i did spend a long time going through this thread but its very hard to follow some pages so forgive me if i missed the information i am looking for.

I noticed the group buy is mostly people under or around i am assuming their is not further clarification about it working for people over 30 or 40 for maintenance or some regrowth? Im assuming he did indeed mean age and not degree or years of loss? Im only thinning few years not too severe/aggressive but i am 45.

I think that's just the demographics of the forum.


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Why are people so hung up on these age groups? I mean best case its exactly like finasteride it just works the more recent the loss and younger you are. Just like finasteride maintance most likely and a little regrowth. Nothing in existance can regrow vast amounts of hair its probably not possible
Its still going to work to an extent in older people just like finasteride, but no one ever knows to what extent. Medicine is largely guessing.


My Regimen
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Why are people so hung up on these age groups? I mean best case its exactly like finasteride it just works the more recent the loss and younger you are. Just like finasteride maintance most likely and a little regrowth. Nothing in existance can regrow vast amounts of hair its probably not possible
Its still going to work to an extent in older people just like finasteride, but no one ever knows to what extent. Medicine is largely guessing.

I can't speak for anyone else i was going by what the Dr said in an interview his own wording. I don't consider that being hung up on it its a valid inquiry.


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If it works for Androgenetic Alopecia,
It still do for NW2-3???

My forehead-hairloss is going on
finasteride didnt work for it

I hear it works for Androgenetic Alopecia and wonder if it works for forehead or just crown of head???


My Regimen
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If it works for Androgenetic Alopecia,
It still do for NW2-3???

My forehead-hairloss is going on
finasteride didnt work for it

I hear it works for Androgenetic Alopecia and wonder if it works for forehead or just crown of head???

I asked kinda the same question pages ago. We sadly don't know if it works for temples or slick bald areas even if the hairloss on these areas were recent. We just have to play the patience game and wait.. I know it sucks.

And remember: One question mark is always enough.


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My Regimen
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If it works for Androgenetic Alopecia,
It still do for NW2-3???

My forehead-hairloss is going on
finasteride didnt work for it

I hear it works for Androgenetic Alopecia and wonder if it works for forehead or just crown of head???

well a few pages back, someone who was a part of the trial said it works better for Androgenetic Alopecia than AA. He said he cant say much, but it does really work and not to worry that it will come out soon.

We can speculate as to its effectiveness until the cows come home. The fact is nobody has any clue beyond the soundbites we've heard so far. And that's that its potentially a cure regrowing up to 5 years of lost hair, it's better for younger people under 40, it works for Androgenetic Alopecia, and that we should be hearing more news soon.

It seems we just need to sit and wait.


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My Regimen
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I hope that in a few months we'll be able to buy it online, even if they don't have international shipping, just use a re-direct shipping company.


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First we hear this product has the potential to recover 5 years of lost hair. Then we only see an AA treatment of a kid recovering almost a full head of hair. Androgenetic Alopecia not being mentioned. Then a trial member says it works better for Androgenetic Alopecia than aa and now all of a sudden it doesn't work at all for Androgenetic Alopecia. Nice info


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Bad news, so sorry :s

But only time will tell us if the lotion will work for Androgenetic Alopecia...