Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Invito però tutti quanti a tenere i piedi sul pianeta perchè anche se questa persona gentilmente ha corrisposto il suo pensiero con Mattia questo non vuol dire che la cura sarà quello che ci aspettiamo tutti oggettivamente risolutiva per l'Androgenetic Alopecia..è solo una notizia in più riportata che fà ben sperare bisognerà attendere di provare realmente la lozione quando(speriamo) uscirà.

[...] but that this kind guy (or girl) told Mattia about his opinion (that the lotion works) doesn't mean that it works as well as we are expecting it to.It is just a news that give us some hope, but one must wait for the lotion to come out to really know about its efficacy"

Hilbert, please correct me if i am wrong (i am not Italian)
more or less.
"this person's opinion does not mean it will be THE cure, but it's one more nice piece of news"


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to all the f*****g naysayers here, listen to rule number 3 and 4. thx to all the other guys here who are willing to fail, because no naysayer ever will be able to solve a problem like ours. maybe we can do it, if not, at least we tried!



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I have to say based on the whole spectrum of reactions here - from naysayers to those heralding this as the cure - I am pretty jazzed about this.

We have a prominent doctor who stumbled across this formula in researching a cream for legs/diabetes, a pharma co doing their due diligence and a couple test subjects saying this is the real deal, that it works (better in cases of Androgenetic Alopecia) and will in fact be released soon. While this is word of mouth and hearsay, I believe a certain amount of faith needs to be given here. With a lack of pictures, it keeps me cautiously optimistic, however Im leaning towards this potentially being part of the big 3/4. I can also understand that others are of the opinion of "I'll believe it when I see it". But to others who say this is snake oil, i think is not impossible, however unlikely.

How well it will work is a whole other question, but I suspect given the claims that this will require significantly better results than minoxidil, and I believe the company and team involved knows this too, otherwise we are n closer to a cure (which brotzu said it was). An increase of 10-20% density would be a dream come true for me.

I realize Im pretty worked up based on anecdotal evidence, however there are enough different positive variables that point to this being the real deal. It's like being a kid and waiting for christmas to come, hoping you get that present you asked for- iIn this case what my scalp has been asking for. :) Hope news comes in the next weeks.

That Guy

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If I can keep what I have with finasteride for the next few years, between Brotzu, Histogen, Shiseido, possibly Follica and a small transplant I'd essentially be cured. If all else fails, in or around 2020, Tsuji will descend from the heavens to bless us all with primordial hair follicles.

As the prophecy foretells.


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beggars cant be choosers. We havent had anything new in what 25 - 30 years? I think anything even if regrew 5 percent hair would be better then nothing. The bar certainly isnt set very high right now anything even near propecia would be a breakthrough even if it just can maintain what you have.
Regrowing vast amounts of hair I think we can all acknowledge might not be possible until hair is multiplied or grown. Nothing can do that your just hoping for minor growth and maintain.


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is there any way in this forum to hide a certain profile comments ? because i want to hide Nadia1972 's comments !!

Dayuum !!! she's annoying, i suspect her working for another pharma companies. :)

if you don't believe in this product why would you come daily in this thread and waste your time reading and answering all this comment ?


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beggars cant be choosers. We havent had anything new in what 25 - 30 years? I think anything even if regrew 5 percent hair would be better then nothing. The bar certainly isnt set very high right now anything even near propecia would be a breakthrough even if it just can maintain what you have.
Regrowing vast amounts of hair I think we can all acknowledge might not be possible until hair is multiplied or grown. Nothing can do that your just hoping for minor growth and maintain.

Valid point, even if it regrew only 1% and completely stopped any further regression without sides, it would be a huge win.

But as we all conclusively know, thanks to Brotzu, come 2017 there will be millions more (ourselves included) Norwood 0's beaming on the streets! ;)


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thanks MattiaBCF


  • upload_2016-9-2_18-45-45.png
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Yeah honestly I think a lot of men would be happy with a more accessible finasteride alternative, and being able to avoid internal drugs. Internal drugs are never going to lead you down a good path long term. Its best to avoid them unless you have to just because of how little anyone really knows about how they work.
Medicine is arguably more trial and error then it is science when it comes to drugs at least.


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TBH I'm finding this whole thing deeply frustrating, we're now inside September 2016.


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Yeah I'm so freaking tired of waiting for an update and after that we will most likely have to wait another year for an official release. Shitty hair loss. f*** you! Die.


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Hi! I´ve been reading the Italian forum and I think a guy phoned Fidia this morning, but I don´t get what he is saying...

oggi ho chiamato fidia

mi hanno detto fra qlc mese tutto ok

- potresti essere un po' più dettagliato per cortesia?

- Nel senso che fra qualche mese esce la lozione?

- Infatti, cosa significa?


questione di mesi

di richiamare sett prossima che ce il tipo che si occupa di cio

ho chiesto quando uscira'

e mi par di aver capito a pelle che il preparato e' quasi pronto

solo sensazioni pero'

secondo me non e' una bufala


New Member
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Hi! I´ve been reading the Italian forum and I think a guy phoned Fidia this morning, but I don´t get what he is saying...

oggi ho chiamato fidia

mi hanno detto fra qlc mese tutto ok

- potresti essere un po' più dettagliato per cortesia?

- Nel senso che fra qualche mese esce la lozione?

- Infatti, cosa significa?


questione di mesi

di richiamare sett prossima che ce il tipo che si occupa di cio

ho chiesto quando uscira'

e mi par di aver capito a pelle che il preparato e' quasi pronto

solo sensazioni pero'

secondo me non e' una bufala
Google translate tells us in a big picture that the lotion will be released in a few months, but nothing official.


My Regimen
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"Today I called fidia

They told me in qlc month all ok

- You might be a little ' more detail please?

- In the sense that in a few months leaves the lotion ?

- In fact , what does it mean ?


matter of months

to call back next week that we the kind that deals with what

I asked when it will be released '

and it seems to me that you understand that the preparation to the skin and ' almost ready

only feelings but '

I think not and ' a hoax"

Damn google. You have done better!


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Hi! I´ve been reading the Italian forum and I think a guy phoned Fidia this morning, but I don´t get what he is saying...

oggi ho chiamato fidia

mi hanno detto fra qlc mese tutto ok

- potresti essere un po' più dettagliato per cortesia?

- Nel senso che fra qualche mese esce la lozione?

- Infatti, cosa significa?


questione di mesi

di richiamare sett prossima che ce il tipo che si occupa di cio

ho chiesto quando uscira'

e mi par di aver capito a pelle che il preparato e' quasi pronto

solo sensazioni pero'

secondo me non e' una bufala
@hilbert @at90 can you guys give us a more accurate translation when you get a chance?



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And the last thing that guy has written a few minutes ago... (I mean, the same guy who phoned Fidia!).

ragazzi calma

mi ha detto di chiamare per avere info dettagliate sett prox che torna il dott incaricato

state tranquilli secondo me ci aspetta qlc di positivo

sett prossima io chiamero''

provate a starci sotto anche voi

piu' siamo meglio e'


Experienced Member
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And the last thing that guy has written a few minutes ago... (I mean, the same guy who phoned Fidia!).

ragazzi calma

mi ha detto di chiamare per avere info dettagliate sett prox che torna il dott incaricato

state tranquilli secondo me ci aspetta qlc di positivo

sett prossima io chiamero''

provate a starci sotto anche voi

piu' siamo meglio e'
‎guys calm‎
‎ ‎‎ ‎
‎ told me to call to get detailed info week prox back Dr in charge‎
‎ ‎‎ ‎
‎ rest assured I would expect positive‎
‎ ‎‎ ‎
‎ next week's sth I call him '‎
‎ ‎‎ ‎
‎ ‎
‎ try to stay under you‎
‎ ‎‎ ‎
‎ more the merrier ‎


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Trying to rely on Google translate for accurate translation is like relying on human traffickers to implement health plan and worker rights.