Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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The person who said the lotion won´t work hasn´t explained why he claims that!

Maybe he is right, but I don´t really trust him. What do you think about it?

ok argomentiamo, non ho segreti:

1. Sono cagliaritano, ho tanti amici a Cagliari e qui Brotzu e' un medico famoso e rinomato.
Conosco anche gente che ha partecipato ai test o trial come li volete chiamare.

punto 2 e 3 credo non abbiano bisogno di spiegazioni particolari.


Per curiosita' mi sono consultato con un paio di dermatologi a Milano su questo argomento e mi hanno risposto con una grossa risata...facendomi pure sentire un imbecille.


1. Secondo voi la cura magica per sconfiggere l'Androgenetic Alopecia e il brevetto saranno in mano a un'azienda italiana? Per di piu non molto conosciuta ( ad essere buoni.)

2. Secondo voi come mai non ci sono di mezzo multinazionali in questo affare?

3. Secondo voi come mai le cure miracolose vengono dalla sardegna? (vedi la cura di erbe tanto chiacchierata qualche anno fa).

4. Come mai si parla di questa lozione solo qui e in pochi altri forum/siti italiani? Togliamo un paio di casi di forum inglesi alquanto "disperati".



Mettiamoci il cuore in pace, l'Androgenetic Alopecia non verra' sconfitta perche' non conviene economicamente, non e' facile da risolvere, e soprattutto perche' la medicina fortunatamente si
occupa di cose piu' serie.


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The guy claiming the lotion doesn't work is no more credible than the people claiming it does work. It's disheartening to hear negative anecdotes about it, but this guy is making a claim which completely goes against all the other claims we've heard so far. So we'll just have to wait


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why isn't Kane just whipping this sh*t up and making a killing? because of the sonicator?


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Google translate:

ok I argue, I have no secrets:

1. Cagliari, I have many friends here in Cagliari and Brotzu and 'a famous and renowned doctor.
I also know people who have participated in the test or trial as you want them to call.

Point 2:03 they have no need for special explanation.

I add:

For curiosity 'I consulted with a couple of dermatologists in Milan on this issue and they responded with a big laugh ... making me feel a fool as well.


1. Do you think the magic cure to defeat the Androgenetic Alopecia and the patent will be in the hands of an Italian? For more not well known (to be good.)

2. In your opinion why there are no means of multinationals in this deal?

3. In your opinion why the miracle cures are from Sardinia? (See Herbal Cure time chat a few years ago).

4. Why do we talk about this lotion only here and in a few other forums / sites Italians? We take a couple of English forum cases somewhat "desperate".



Let's put the heart at rest, the Androgenetic Alopecia will not be 'defeated' cause is not convenient economically, not 'easy to solve, and especially because' medicine fortunately
deals with things more 'series.


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I'm happy I put it into google translate, there's no content there, just sociological priors.

Sociological priors are acceptable -- but why is it absurd for an Italian to have the cure to Androgenetic Alopecia but not the cure to AA? Wouldn't either one be an achievement?

Dermatologists laughing, that is fine, but not super meaningful. Doctors are wrong on a regular basis.

ETA: He also says it's not convenient economically for Androgenetic Alopecia to be defeated. That's true -- Androgenetic Alopecia is good for capitalism. It exacerbates inequality by creating another vector in which people can be unequal, further, rich people are less impacted by Androgenetic Alopecia because they can more easily afford hair transplants or just better hair cuts. As such, Androgenetic Alopecia is even better, as it pushes poor people (in the aggregate) further down the social status ladder.

However, that only reduces the incentive for large American companies to research the issue.


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The rest of the guys in the forums are pretty much chewing this guy out for his claims - some are strange and some are just wholly false; like Fidia not being multinational and no other forums discussing the lotion (someone even replies to this by saying has a huge thread on it, which would obviously be this thread haha)

Also I instantly lose interest in someone's opinions when they make the "hair loss will never be cured because it's too profitable" argument


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the guy seems just like typical pesimist who already lost his belief and trying to ruin other people's hope too


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ETA: He also says it's not convenient economically for Androgenetic Alopecia to be defeated. That's true -- Androgenetic Alopecia is good for capitalism. It exacerbates inequality by creating another vector in which people can be unequal, further, rich people are less impacted by Androgenetic Alopecia because they can more easily afford hair transplants or just better hair cuts. As such, Androgenetic Alopecia is even better, as it pushes poor people (in the aggregate) further down the social status ladder.

However, that only reduces the incentive for large American companies to research the issue.

@David_MPN i definitely believe corporations will do their best to milk their profits and markets for as long as possible, however I also think that sometimes companies cant do squat to stop major discoveries. in our lifetimes we've seen bookstores, printing, domestic manufacturing, taxis/Uber, retailers, mail service to name a few, being brought to its knees due to disruptive technology making many products and services obsolete. The biggest is the self driving car that seems to be on our doorstep, imagine what that will do to car sales and affiliatedindustries of the future as well as the impact on gasoline use compacted by the electrification of cars as well. These are huge industries with historical mountains of cash to try to squash competition. Some things cannot be stopped. I like to think that Androgenetic Alopecia is not an industry that Rogaine and Merck will be able to have any impact on. Generic drugs are already eating away at their profits, and the life cycle for these treatments i believe has more than matured. It's simply my opinion, but i think Androgenetic Alopecia will soon be cured, and many are racing to be the first. Given the timeline, im hoping Fidia will be the solution we need, or at the very least have a significant impact as a transitional treatment.


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Yeah the notion that a "cure" for hairloss wouldn't be profitable is completely backwards and nonsensical. I don't believe that big pharma companies pushing out obsolete medications like finasteride and hair transplant surgeons have enough avenues to prevent a private company from coming up with a technology that would make tens of billions of dollars in a couple years. It might not seem as profitable long term, but the market would be so enormous it wouldn't even matter. I worry about government red tape slowing things down and incompetence from researchers but this idea is a full blown conspiracy theory that's not really backed in anything IMO.


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I don't know, his reasoning is a bit strange.

I also don't think Brotzu's a scammer. He's probably very well of financially and has a great reputation. Also, why would Fidia buy the patent then?


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Can. We. Just. Wait. Until. The. Trial. Is. Done...........Please.

We've heard more positive anecdotal evidence than negative but they're all ANECDOTAL.

If what we hear is true Fiidia will be releasing the lotion in the coming months and one can only assume that they'll release pictures or statistical evidence. Then all we have to do is worry about all the people who swear the pictures are a scam......


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Think the guy said the lotion is completely useless! But as you have mentioned before, we just have to wait until the trial is done. We are going to laugh at this guy (or the next one after him) once this is finally over! I´m positive about it, and if these people are turn out to be true in the end, what can I say... I haven´t given Fidia a nickel.

Ps. Who is contact with the Italian guy producing the "fake" lotion? Is he answering the emails?



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Yeah the notion that a "cure" for hairloss wouldn't be profitable is completely backwards and nonsensical. I don't believe that big pharma companies pushing out obsolete medications like finasteride and hair transplant surgeons have enough avenues to prevent a private company from coming up with a technology that would make tens of billions of dollars in a couple years. It might not seem as profitable long term, but the market would be so enormous it wouldn't even matter. I worry about government red tape slowing things down and incompetence from researchers but this idea is a full blown conspiracy theory that's not really backed in anything IMO.

A private company like histogen struggles to conjured the 10-20 million necessary for phase III trials alone. Developing the drug through phase I and phase II costs money too. The cost of one mediocre researcher probably starts at 250,000/year once you include taxes, office space, and overhead.

It's not up to small companies to research. Brotzu found this by fluke.

And there's no need for a conspiracy.


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Regarding the notion that the lotion cannot treat AA and Androgenetic Alopecia since they have different mechanisms...

Brotzu obviously explained the science behind the lotions mechanism of action already. My opinion is that the lotion just makes the scalp a more habitable area for hair to grow and that's why it's possible it can have an affect on both Androgenetic Alopecia and AA.

Whether it works remains to be scene.

If it does work I personally don't think it will be the cure or give you dramatic results but it will help, more so with recent hair loss.


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Looking at the other sites and the conspiracies and crazy accusations on there, it's pretty funny to think this might be the most sensible brotzu thread hahah.

Anyways, from a PR perspective, I'm thinking Fidia should think about making a statement soon. Too many unchecked rumours flying around, supposed connections with trial patients, etc.


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Actually, i am more concerned about the comment stating it works for AA, not for Androgenetic Alopecia... as it would be expected the lotion worked for one and not another (not the same mecanisms)
Don't be so much concerned. They are running the Androgenetic Alopecia trial in Milan, not Sardegna.
And, correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Brotzu stated he is still in charge of the AA part?

"I've been in Italy 6 months ago, no one knows Brotzu"... Yeah