Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Brotzu was attacked in the questions. It was pretty tense to be honest. 2 other dermatologists asked why they didn't show dermoscopy pics or why the test was only 6 months long. Brotzu said they had done dermoscopy pics but obviously don't know if they were shown since we don't have video. He also said they done pull test at month 0 and month 6 and it was very different. Dermatologists answered saying "shedding is not really a good measure".
We have on youtubes the video my friend ..


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I really hope that an italian member can provide us with a translation.. the sound quality of the presentation is really bad though, he might have trouble translating.


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Does anyone else's a**h** really hurt ?

At this point i just want closure. And i cant get closure when we've been told over and over again how good the lotion is for young folks (like the young areata people) but sh*t as you get older, yet they used someone old enough to be Brotzus brother.

However on the presentation if you do look from 1 to 6 months there is definitely regrowth. But seriously, 6 months you wouldnt see f*****g regrowth with finasteride, minoxidil or estrogen...Not to mention 1 Ml ??? When i apply ru i must use 7-8ml to cover my head and i don't even really put any on the crown.

I want to see a 25 year old using 5-10 ml a night for the 18 months specified. I think looking at the regrowth we have been presented with we can almost assume its at least a maintenance treatment ?

How can a bunch of scientific individuals be so clever yet so retarded when presenting findings.


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I really can’t imagine these will be the only results we see between now and the release of the lotion. I read here that Fidia have run their own trials too.
Sorry laddy, these were the Fidia trials, carried out by an external team. These are the official results, unfortunately.


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Has anything else been said about maintenance? Obviously a 6 month trial is not the right measure for this but i’m still optimistic about its finasteride replacement abilities


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- Bo vedremo sono il primo a volere che funzioni, nei prossimi giorni a sto punto speriamo diano una data di commercializzazione.

- And then that Facebook woman says: Vero (TRUE!)

Who made the first comment?


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Brotzu was attacked in the questions. It was pretty tense to be honest. 2 other dermatologists asked why they didn't show dermoscopy pics or why the test was only 6 months long. Brotzu said they had done dermoscopy pics but obviously don't know if they were shown since we don't have video. He also said they did pull tests at month 0 and month 6 and it was very different. Dermatologists answered saying "shedding is not really a good measure".
So Brotzu was destroyed by dermatologists.


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Brotzu was attacked in the questions. It was pretty tense to be honest. 2 other dermatologists asked why they didn't show dermoscopy pics or why the test was only 6 months long. Brotzu said they had done dermoscopy pics but obviously don't know if they were shown since we don't have video. He also said they did pull tests at month 0 and month 6 and it was very different. Dermatologists answered saying "shedding is not really a good measure".
That was the only part I could clearly understand without headphones, when I get home I will try to listen to the rest.


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Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 21.47.23.png Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 21.47.47.png


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just a thought. maybe he showed an older patient because he wanted to show its potency? Brotzu claimed that younger patients will have superior results. So by showing an older patient who seemed like he regained a modest bit of hair, we can assume that it would be even better for the younger demographic. Sort of like hey if we can maintain and grow this much in 6 months from an older individual, then imagine what it can do for the younger people. idk fk


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just a thought. maybe he showed an older patient because he wanted to show its potency? Brotzu claimed that younger patients will have superior results. So by showing an older patient who seemed like he regained a modest bit of hair, we can assume that it would be even better for the younger demographic. Sort of like hey if we can maintain and grow this much in 6 months from an older individual, then imagine what it can do for the younger people. idk fk

That was my interpretation of that picture. They got decent results in an older man and great results on a woman. If only Fidia would release all of the cases.


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I don't get it why hype it up so much , brotzu ..beps63 like wtf beps especially what the f*** was he thinking.


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The presentation doesn't seem to be a flop for women... but the hair regrowth on the male subject wasn't as amazing...


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Something I have long dreaded - shaving my hair - is now something I am excited to do to allow for better initial application, to then slowly see my hair grow back in the way it truly deserves to. My word, I hope this works out for all of us.
I'm a chick but i'm considering this also. I've done it before.