Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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fuckkk its over boys diffuse in nw6 pattern at 20 years old


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Shills are beginning to promote their products immediately. As I said many times before, only full head or shills who make you desperate will want everything fails. If you say Brotzu is scam, then why do you promote PRP, it has long been known as SCAM, people even had increased shedding after treatements! You shills are actually the ones who use the desparate of baldies. See? The naysayers are so excited now which doesn't make sense as genuine baldies. I knew Applemet is scam I don't even bother clicking into that thread, so we know the purpose of the so-called realistic people to keep posting here now.

Are you accusing me of being a shill or troll?

Funny, a)I don't work for a hair company. B) I am not promoting one c) I have nothing to gain and D) I am not a shill or troll and finally e) I said people need to manage their expectations.

I have already called out one troll in particular on this thread Mike Hunt, displayed a healthy warning to Brotzu treatment yesterday even though such talk went against the grain.

All I am doing as a diffuse suffer is saying PRP thickened and darkened my hair.
My first two procedures were free of charge as a complimentary from my hair transplant surgeon in Turkey.

It works for me as a diffuse thinner, I am not saying nor guaranteeing it will work for everyone but just honestly giving my experience.

I now pay for my PRP treatment in Ireland and I would be lost without it but again I am not saying it will work for everyone.


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I dont know about you guys, but august is the month I'm booking whent it comes to hairloss news.

I believe Choi is ahead of everyone and its more advanced than we can imagine. I assume its already being tested on humans.

Until then I will continue on my nofap journey as Im 100% sure it stops hairloss and even make it thicker and healthier.


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But mates look at the final video uploaded by that mother on her Facebook: Her daughter has now a full head of hair and great hair at that. Is it only succesful on AA or is she a complete shill? f*** this sh*t man


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But mates look at the final video uploaded by that mother on her Facebook: Her daughter has now a full head of hair and great hair at that. Is it only succesful on AA or is she a complete shill? f*** this sh*t man
Look at what it did to the woman’s hair in the presentation from today. You can’t call it a scam when it’s completely rejuvenated her hair. I want to see more results on men though, particularly young men.


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The bald spot looks smaller but it could be that his head is just tilted at a different angle. Did they do a hair count per cm^2 with a microscope? Eyeballing it seems so unprofessional, why wouldn't they report quantitative, concrete proof if it actually succeeded?

Having said all this, if and when this stuff comes out, I'm desperate enough that I'll buy it.


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If this lotion was really worthwhile then they would've shown a picture of a way younger person as well. They are being clever. Beps says it works best on young people and less good on older people. Now they show the results on older people so the younglings under us would think "well this is shite but it is supposed to work way better on younger people, right? Right?" and then still buying it, only to be sorely disappointed. Calling BS, I'm sorry for my uncharacteristic pessimism but this was quite a blow and it's my fault entirely that it is.


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- Bo vedremo sono il primo a volere che funzioni, nei prossimi giorni a sto punto speriamo diano una data di commercializzazione.

- And then that Facebook woman says: Vero (TRUE!)


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Brotzu was attacked in the questions. It was pretty tense to be honest. 2 other dermatologists asked why they didn't show dermoscopy pics or why the test was only 6 months long. Brotzu said they had done dermoscopy pics but obviously don't know if they were shown since we don't have video. He also said they did pull tests at month 0 and month 6 and it was very different. Dermatologists answered saying "shedding is not really a good measure".
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The bald spot looks smaller but it could be that his head is just tilted at a different angle. Did they do a hair count per cm^2 with a microscope? Eyeballing it seems so unprofessional, why wouldn't they report quantitative, concrete proof if it actually succeeded?

Having said all this, if and when this stuff comes out, I'm desperate enough that I'll buy it.
But can you See news hairs my friend ?


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If this lotion was really worthwhile then they would've shown a picture of a way younger person as well. They are being clever. Beps says it works best on young people and less good on older people. Now they show the results on older people so the younglings under us would think "well this is shite but it is supposed to work way better on younger people, right? Right?" and then still buying it, only to be sorely disappointed. Calling BS, I'm sorry for my uncharacteristic pessimism but this was quite a blow and it's my fault entirely that it is.

I really can’t imagine these will be the only results we see between now and the release of the lotion. I read here that Fidia have run their own trials too.