Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Reading this thread is just funny... you guys thought this would be a full reversal? It was always mainfence + slight Norwood reversal, maybe 1-2 Norwood’s. Let’s all jump the gun and assume that the pictures from the man in his 60’s is standard.... lol your expectations should have been tapered from the beginning

I also think like you, but the problem most have comes from the fact that they didn't use a younger guy to display the lotions potential. Automatically everyone will naturally assume that this is the best result they got, which is no change in an older guy that could have been fully done with his hair loss anyways.

I think everyone would shut up if they showed one good example of a young guy


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I dont want to hijack this thread, but if anyone here wants maintenance without sexual sides you might want to give 2g/day seti a try.

Its expensive as hell let me warn you though.

Im getting a lot of vellus hairs in the temple region and solid maintenance in the vertex area..

Just took this pic right now. I used my front facing camera at work so sorry about the quality .




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Lol on the powerpoint the "renowned" doctor Brotzu claims S-Equol inhibits 5-alpha reductase... what a joke this has been


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I dont want to hijack this thread, but if anyone here wants maintenance without sexual sides you might want to give 2g/day seti a try.

Its expensive as hell let me warn you though.

Im getting a lot of vellus hairs in the temple region and solid maintenance in the vertex area..

Just took this pic right now. I used my front facing camera at work so sorry about the quality .

View attachment 85239

View attachment 85240

where can you get it? and how much would it cost


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In the final dissing of the audio doctors are basically saying that this test is bullshit cause you can't see anything in 6 months and the number of hair falling means nothing in Androgenetic Alopecia (it's Telogen Effluvium)


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I dont want to hijack this thread, but if anyone here wants maintenance without sexual sides you might want to give 2g/day seti a try.

Its expensive as hell let me warn you though.

Im getting a lot of vellus hairs in the temple region and solid maintenance in the vertex area..

Just took this pic right now. I used my front facing camera at work so sorry about the quality .

View attachment 85239

View attachment 85240
You should put your hair progress in the Brotzu presentation aswell, my friend. I have a feeling that it will fit very well..


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In the final dissing of the audio doctors are basically saying that this test is bullshit cause you can't see anything in 6 months and the number of hair falling means nothing in Androgenetic Alopecia (it's Telogen Effluvium)
Seems like we won't see Brotion on the shelves in the nearly future.


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What if he actually was forced to not release this product, cause of the mafia and now has to present some sh*t data so people get less interested in it .


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I dont know about you guys, but august is the month I'm booking whent it comes to hairloss news.

I believe Choi is ahead of everyone and its more advanced than we can imagine. I assume its already being tested on humans.

Until then I will continue on my nofap journey as Im 100% sure it stops hairloss and even make it thicker and healthier.
And why do you think nofap stops hairloss

Extraordinhairy Gentleman

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What I want to know is, if this is a supposed 'scam' it clearly will be to no benefit as no one is going to buy it if it as poor as most are assuming here. So why hype it up so much for an ultimate dud which will the have no real profit potential. It could just be crossed wires and a poor presentation, and further information is going to be giving at a later date. I am clutching at straws I know and never expected this to be a wonder cure, but something seems very peculiar to me about the whole affair. I think its clear that whatever the reason they chose to show an older example, it was a mistake not to show a younger one if indeed the younger one had better results. But maybe, just maybe they are really bad at this side of things and/or there has been a degree of miscommunication. If not, then seriously. f***.


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You guys are ridiculous, looking at the dissapointment youd think that the male in the picture regained nothing in those 6 months, not only did he regrow a fair bit on the back of his head, but also on his temples, that was in SIX MONTHS, results peak at 18 (according to Brotzu) now imagine adding dermarolling to this.