Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I know this is all totally irrelevant now, but anyway. I actually am considering holding off on dating until either I go bald or there is guaranteed maintenance/potential cure - waiting until im sixty for that last one probs I know. I feel it would be a bit misleading to attract someone now to then bust out the baldness shortly after. I know thats probably a stupid way of thinking and that it shoudlnt matter. But I think id want someone to love my shiny head from the start ... if thats possible.

Dude wtf ? It worries me that you're 30 years old and have that sort of view. You start dating someone initially because of the combination of attraction and you like them as people, but what develops is far beyond that. Like it or not after 5 years the way you look at your partner and vice versa isnt like the first time you undressed them. They develop as your best friend and partner if its made to be. They're not gonna drop you cause you lost your hair or w/e. Just like if i was married and my wife was like a burns victim or became paralysed she's still that same person - the love of her looks has been replaced be an underlying sentiment far more powerful.


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no strength / muscle loss - loss of conditioning etc ?
Not at all, but I am very strict with my training and I don’t diet at all. If anything I’m on a permanent bulking style food regimen, not that it’s my aim. I just eat a lot and enjoy food.
I noticed that it increased my libido but that’s about it. My boobs have gotten bigger and perkier over the past few months but I’m probably just getting fatter lol


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Dude wtf ? It worries me that you're 30 years old and have that sort of view. You start dating someone initially because of the combination of attraction and you like them as people, but what develops is far beyond that. Like it or not after 5 years the way you look at your partner and vice versa isnt like the first time you undressed them. They develop as your best friend and partner if its made to be. They're not gonna drop you cause you lost your hair or w/e. Just like if i was married and my wife was like a burns victim or became paralysed she's still that same person - the love of her looks has been replaced be an underlying sentiment far more powerful.

This is beautiful.



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So a cat keeps going when a girl says 'no' and it's all fine and cute and gets a bunch of views, but when I do it...
Cats are my life!!!!! <3 My cat does that same thing to me. I think it’s adorable.


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Dude wtf ? It worries me that you're 30 years old and have that sort of view. You start dating someone initially because of the combination of attraction and you like them as people, but what develops is far beyond that. Like it or not after 5 years the way you look at your partner and vice versa isnt like the first time you undressed them. They develop as your best friend and partner if its made to be. They're not gonna drop you cause you lost your hair or w/e. Just like if i was married and my wife was like a burns victim or became paralysed she's still that same person - the love of her looks has been replaced be an underlying sentiment far more powerful.


Japnicks India

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I have naturally thick hair. Please don’t undermine my issues.
Like seriously! The regime you follow is what half of the men here are scared of.

I thought you must have something serious, but no, you’re beautiful too.

Honestly everyone feels their case is bigger than others & hence your point is right. Being a female & losing isn’t as common as male pattern baldness.

ps,go get a nw0 guy as you still look great, and don’t pass balding genes.

Extraordinhairy Gentleman

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Dude wtf ? It worries me that you're 30 years old and have that sort of view. You start dating someone initially because of the combination of attraction and you like them as people, but what develops is far beyond that. Like it or not after 5 years the way you look at your partner and vice versa isnt like the first time you undressed them. They develop as your best friend and partner if its made to be. They're not gonna drop you cause you lost your hair or w/e. Just like if i was married and my wife was like a burns victim or became paralysed she's still that same person - the love of her looks has been replaced be an underlying sentiment far more powerful.

I did acknowledge it was a stupid outlook. I do look at it as being a bit different to a burns victim, though, at least personally. Its not so much a tragedy to most onlookers but a haha gutted dude kinda thing. I probably wouldnt go so far to stop dating now, but it weighs heavily on my insecurity and affects me greatly in this way. Of course, to get rather cheesy, its whats on the inside that counts for sure.

Fleece Johnson

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Dude wtf ? It worries me that you're 30 years old and have that sort of view. You start dating someone initially because of the combination of attraction and you like them as people, but what develops is far beyond that. Like it or not after 5 years the way you look at your partner and vice versa isnt like the first time you undressed them. They develop as your best friend and partner if its made to be. They're not gonna drop you cause you lost your hair or w/e. Just like if i was married and my wife was like a burns victim or became paralysed she's still that same person - the love of her looks has been replaced be an underlying sentiment far more powerful.

Don't waste your time. I'm convinced people with male pattern baldness have more problems inside their heads rather than above of it


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Will I have a drastic change in my chest if I do push-ups every morning, even with a ectomorph skeletal frame? Or, do I absolutely have to bulk to see size gain? Thanks
Lol. Not sure if srs.

Callisthenics are great for your chest. Bodyweighg dips, push-ups etc. You want size you gotta bench press heavy though.


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Like seriously! The regime you follow is what half of the men here are scared of.

I thought you must have something serious, but no, you’re beautiful too.

Honestly everyone feels their case is bigger than others & hence your point is right. Being a female & losing isn’t as common as male pattern baldness.

ps,go get a nw0 guy as you still look great, and don’t pass balding genes.
Sadly I have no confidence left to go man or woman hunting.