Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Will I have a drastic change in my chest if I do push-ups every morning, even with a ectomorph skeletal frame? Or, do I absolutely have to bulk to see size gain? Thanks

If you want to progress and build a physique dude you'll need to lift ... the bodyweight stuff will be minimally helpful in comparison. To save yourself about 4 years though check out a guy called Ben Pakulski on youtube - learning to keep tension in a muscle will be the hardest but best thing to learn if you want to build a physique.


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Besides what I really waiting for is Emily ratajkowsi who is a goddess to call me up in the middle of the night and tell me she wants me. f*** men. I want Emily.

Japnicks India

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I did acknowledge it was a stupid outlook. I do look at it as being a bit different to a burns victim, though, at least personally. Its not so much a tragedy to most onlookers but a haha gutted dude kinda thing. I probably wouldnt go so far to stop dating now, but it weighs heavily on my insecurity and affects me greatly in this way. Of course, to get rather cheesy, its whats on the inside that counts for sure.

I feel you bro, i’ve done the same mistake. I had a girlfriend with whom i broke up. I told her my reason to breakup was “male pattern baldness” and i’m inferior dude. She certainly deserves better. To which she replied “no one is perfect & i have no issues” and then i ghosted.

2 other girls who were after me, i occasionally did stuff to them & then ghosted because i felt i’m inferior again.
Lately i stopped instagraming, facebook which was replaced by hairloss talk forum.

I feel stupid and now fap alone with inferority complex & anxiety. LOL.

Fleece Johnson

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Next motherfuker whiteknights georgie I'm going hard on you. This is a warning. Cant stand u bald forever alones trying to flirt with her in this thread. Take it to PMs u baldites. Such thing would've never happened in misc. Good old days.


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Next motherfuker whiteknights georgie I'm going hard on you. This is a warning. Cant stand u bald forever alones trying to flirt with her in this thread. Take it to PMs u baldites. Such thing would've never happened in misc. Good old days.
I reckon some of them are just being nice though


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Hi guys, new member, but long time lurker, finally signed up.

In the video of the presentation, towards the end, Dr. Brotzu while pointing at the male subject says that there has been an error, and that the 3 month and the 6 month photos are swapped. So the actual 6 month results are the ones on the third photo. Just so you know.


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Hi guys, new member, but long time lurker, finally signed up.

In the video of the presentation, towards the end, Dr. Brotzu while pointing at the male subject says that there has been an error, and that the 3 month and the 6 month photos are swapped. So the actual 6 month results are the ones on the third photo. Just so you know.

Not even being funny the month 3 were the worst pictures on there...

Can we get another italian speaker to watch it and confirm this please before i punch myself in the face


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Not even being funny the month 3 were the worst pictures on there...

Can we get another italian speaker to watch it and confirm this please before i punch myself in the face
Look closely at it. You can see in the 3(6) month photo, the crown is filling in sparsely with hair where there was none previously. You have to remember this is only 6 months worth of results. Say it continues at the same rate for 18 months - double that hair growth. That’s pretty decent.

Fleece Johnson

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Hi guys, new member, but long time lurker, finally signed up.

In the video of the presentation, towards the end, Dr. Brotzu while pointing at the male subject says that there has been an error, and that the 3 month and the 6 month photos are swapped. So the actual 6 month results are the ones on the third photo. Just so you know.

lmao not sure if srs but it won't suprise me. that presentation was total failure. but still not sure why people are so angry. that old dude had some slight regrowth. Dislike it all you want but I still don't think brotzu lotion is snake oil.


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Next motherfuker whiteknights georgie I'm going hard on you. This is a warning. Cant stand u bald forever alones trying to flirt with her in this thread. Take it to PMs u baldites. Such thing would've never happened in misc. Good old days.

Not sure if srs. There are far more whiteknights on misc and you know it.


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Not even being funny the month 3 were the worst pictures on there...
they are not. You can see the progress there, and it's not that bad. And again - this is some old dude. And it's 6 MONTHS


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I guess the Brotzu lotion was a let-down, or perhaps there is more to come. Why would Fidia purchase the patent? Why would Brotzu take the time to present? Why would a for-profit company and a professional scientist waist all this time and money on the preparations of a hairloss lotion and present such disappointing pics? As a person who is just starting to thin at the temples, I was really hoping that I got this problem at the right time... at least now I know what older balding folks mean when they say "Oh a new 'treatment' comes out every three months... they're all scams" lol

As a last note (before I check out this godforsaken forum), I just wanted to make one final statement. I truly and honestly believe that I can see SOME regrowth in the pic (No I am not coping or deluding myself). Look closely T the pic and it's undeniable that there is at least SOME regrowth (thickness) at the vertex and crown. Again... it's not impressive, but it is noticeable.

Peace out guys!


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Look closely at it. You can see in the 3(6) month photo, the crown is filling in sparsely with hair where there was none previously. You have to remember this is only 6 months worth of results. Say it continues at the same rate for 18 months - double that hair growth. That’s pretty decent.

I second this. Still pretty disappointing, though.
@Ollie I'm 300% sure he said that, been Italian for all 20 yrs of my life