It's Time To Hit The Gym My Brothers


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And guys for the love of God, I'm not saying shave your head and deal with it, I'm giving out opinions on how to deal with it until you take the plunge and find a permanent, and non-life drenching solution to it.


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If that's the case, then I think balding is the least of your worries

Ugly, hermitry, virgin, no social life and weak manlet physique can all be forgiven even by reasonable women up to at least a 7/10.

Balding in your 20s on the other hand is the equivalent of being a serial killer to women. If fact if a serial killer is attractive they may even find it a turn on.


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If that's the case, then I think balding is the least of your worries
Got it now ? Balding maybe not that big of a deal if you're tall, naturally muscular with great facial aesthetics and head shape then you really could pull it off, but how many guys do you know are tall, naturally muscular with great facial aesthetics and head shape ? I bet you don't know many people who possess those traits combined. Balding is hard because many of us don't possess anything to compensate for it.


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Gotta do what you gotta do bello, I'm really just trying to make it out of my 20s with this stuff and hopefully by the time I'm 30 (6 years) we have some sort of viable option. I also don't discount that at any point sh*t can go south (knock on wood;)) and was aware of the risk before getting on the drug. 6'5 is respectable bro, but in the most humble way, I'm bigger.
It's well documented on some other forum sites of the damage that propecia has done to people, and how it's aged them dramatically, I didn't mean to hose you down because you're taking propecia, that wasn't my intention, but you touched a nerve when you came in mocking my original post. If you want to take prospects that's 100% up to you, I'm just helping guys out that probably are interested in my methods. Apologies for the insult.


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It's well documented on some other forum sites of the damage that propecia has done to people, and how it's aged them dramatically, I didn't mean to hose you down because you're taking propecia, that wasn't my intention, but you touched a nerve when you came in mocking my original post. If you want to take prospects that's 100% up to you, I'm just helping guys out that probably are interested in my methods. Apologies for the insult.
Propecia* ffs


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It's well documented on some other forum sites of the damage that propecia has done to people, and how it's aged them dramatically, I didn't mean to hose you down because you're taking propecia, that wasn't my intention, but you touched a nerve when you came in mocking my original post. If you want to take prospects that's 100% up to you, I'm just helping guys out that probably are interested in my methods. Apologies for the insult.
Dude most young bald people already want to die. Do you think that being aged will bother them compared to being bald ? Well guess what you'll also look aged as f*** if you're a young bald man. Many of us would give anything to get our hair back and you think that being aged will hold us back ? That's child's play.

g.i joey

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It's well documented on some other forum sites of the damage that propecia has done to people, and how it's aged them dramatically, I didn't mean to hose you down because you're taking propecia, that wasn't my intention, but you touched a nerve when you came in mocking my original post. If you want to take prospects that's 100% up to you, I'm just helping guys out that probably are interested in my methods. Apologies for the insult.

No worries bro, I don't really care and didn't intentionally try to strike a nerve. The truth is I have a brother who was basically a great example of what would happen if I took propecia for 6 years, dude is 30, in shape and looks younger than me. I know men at the barbershop I go to that have been on propecia for 8-10 years and their skin looks completely fine, just try not to feed into the propecia help stories as you don't know these people's situations prior to even taking the drug. With that said, I believe devastating finasteride sides are a possibility, and knew that prior to starting the drug too.


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Got it now ? Balding maybe not that big of a deal if you're tall, naturally muscular with great facial aesthetics and head shape then you really could pull it off, but how many guys do you know are tall, naturally muscular with great facial aesthetics and head shape ? I bet you don't know many people who possess those traits combined. Balding is hard because many of us don't possess anything to compensate for it.
I don't have the perfect head shape, I've got a bit of flat head and I'm not naturally muscular either, I'm fairly naturally lean, but I've had to work for my body because a skinny, lean 6'5er also looks quite odd and bfg-ish. And my facial aesthetics, my underbite is probably preventing me from reaching those aesthetic goals, but the surgery will correct it as the surgeon categorically said that bringing the upper jaw forward to correct the bite will change your nose, forehead and eyes for the better, and will also give me my cheekbones back, as I have naturally high cheekbones, but as I said the underbite is masking it. Neither of my parents have a underbite btw. My point is I'm trying to improve my physical traits other than my hair.


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It's a personal choice though, some enjoy that type of relationship. As long as a woman didn't mess with my finances I would enjoy her treating me like that as long as I respected her and found her attractive.

True but I couldn't do it, a controlling woman would piss me off in the long term

I love to hear a woman's opinions though

g.i joey

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My mindset was ruined when I finally accepted I was actually balding, propecia had nothing to do with that, if anything it's the reason I wake up in the morning with a positive outlook to my day and the future, cause without it, I dreaded opening my eyes every morning knowing it was gonna get worse and worse.


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I don't have the perfect head shape, I've got a bit of flat head and I'm not naturally muscular either, I'm fairly naturally lean, but I've had to work for my body because a skinny, lean 6'5er also looks quite odd and bfg-ish. And my facial aesthetics, my underbite is probably preventing me from reaching those aesthetic goals, but the surgery will correct it as the surgeon categorically said that bringing the upper jaw forward to correct the bite will change your nose, forehead and eyes for the better, and will also give me my cheekbones back, as I have naturally high cheekbones, but as I said the underbite is masking it. Neither of my parents have a underbite btw. My point is I'm trying to improve my physical traits other than my hair.

A bald looksmaxer is like a polished turd. Lmao at getting surgery on your jaw before a hair transplant.

g.i joey

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I don't have the perfect head shape, I've got a bit of flat head and I'm not naturally muscular either, I'm fairly naturally lean, but I've had to work for my body because a skinny, lean 6'5er also looks quite odd and bfg-ish. And my facial aesthetics, my underbite is probably preventing me from reaching those aesthetic goals, but the surgery will correct it as the surgeon categorically said that bringing the upper jaw forward to correct the bite will change your nose, forehead and eyes for the better, and will also give me my cheekbones back, as I have naturally high cheekbones, but as I said the underbite is masking it. Neither of my parents have a underbite btw. My point is I'm trying to improve my physical traits other than my hair.

I had an underbite too malocclusion 3, they wanted to crack my bottom jaw and move it backwards, and then on top of that they sew your f*****g mouth shut for weeks to let it heal. I remember smoking a joint that day and thinking about the procedure and almost knocking out lol. luckily my dentist used some other method that required me having about 7 rubber bands in my mouth at any given time for 6 months and I no longer have an underbite. But yes, get that sh*t fixed by any means, it's a world of difference. Also no offence dude but you're tall af, you have a huge advantage right there.


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Dude most young bald people already want to die. Do you think that being aged will bother them compared to being bald ? Well guess what you'll also look aged as f*** if you're a young bald man. Many of us would give anything to get our hair back and you think that being aged will hold us back ? That's child's play.
Skin and skin tone is VERY VERY important my friend, I've had this conversation on a forum that specialises in aesthetics when I was searching for some info on my jaw surgery. It goes : 1.) bone structure 2.) skin and skin tone 3.) a good body 4.) hair 5.) and so on.... But mate if people consider killing themselves because they're going bald, I think balding is the least of their worries. What I'm trying to say is make the most of what you've got at the moment and then when you raise enough funds etc. Go for the transplant or whatever you want to regarding your hair. But it's better to be happy and motivated to better yourself in the situation your in and then fulfil your goals at the right time, rather than be suicidal, because it can only take one bad day to do something like that.


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Skin and skin tone is VERY VERY important my friend, I've had this conversation on a forum that specialises in aesthetics when I was searching for some info on my jaw surgery. It goes : 1.) bone structure 2.) skin and skin tone 3.) a good body 4.) hair 5.) and so on.... But mate if people consider killing themselves because they're going bald, I think balding is the least of their worries. What I'm trying to say is make the most of what you've got at the moment and then when you raise enough funds etc. Go for the transplant or whatever you want to regarding your hair. But it's better to be happy and motivated to better yourself in the situation your in and then fulfil your goals at the right time, rather than be suicidal, because it can only take one bad day to do something like that.
People are suicidal man because their hair is the last thing that makes them look normal. Sure no one who is tall or 9/10 will consider suicide if he's balding. He'll probably be like 7/10 if he has a good head shape, but what about the 3/10 and 4/10 guys with bad head shape ? They will be 0.5/10 or something which means their life is over.


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I had an underbite too malocclusion 3, they wanted to crack my bottom jaw and move it backwards, and then on top of that they sew your f*****g mouth shut for weeks to let it heal. I remember smoking a joint that day and thinking about the procedure and almost knocking out lol. luckily my dentist used some other method that required me having about 7 rubber bands in my mouth at any given time for 6 months and I no longer have an underbite. But yes, get that sh*t fixed by any means, it's a world of difference. Also no offence dude but you're tall af, you have a huge advantage right there.
i know man, the whole process is a pain in the ***, and my orthodontist also said that it wouldn't be smooth sailing, but hopefully it will all be worth it.


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People are suicidal man because their hair is the last thing that makes them look normal. Sure no one who is tall or 9/10 will consider suicide if he's balding. He'll probably be like 7/10 if he has a good head shape, but what about the 3/10 and 4/10 guys with bad head shape ? They will be 0.5/10 or something which means their life is over.
I understand bro, but you can't think like that, and tbh if you're saving up for a transplant or even if you're on propecia, there's nothing you can do other than wait for it to take its full effect, so in the meantime why not better yourself in other areas? But mate if you're going through a tough time atm, and can't stand it that you're balding, then message me privately bro, or anyone for that matter, I'll try an be the voice of reason for you, and we can just talk. There's a lot more to life than be suicidal over your hair. But like I said if you're waiting for a transplant or prophecies to kick in and do its thing, then bide your time improving other areas of your body. It can only be a positive if you have a better body than you do right now or a better face than you do right now, through diet etc.


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That is f*****g unfair and retarded. May as well milk the system for all its worth then.
How is it unfair and retarded? My underbite is that bad, that I qualify for surgery to get it fixed, it's an abnormal thing, you don't see many people walking on the streets with under bites. It's that bad, that it's causing speech problems such as lisps and general slur of the speech and also chewing problems with food, and not mention a deviated septum because of the underbite, so yeh, I think it's perfectly f*****g fair.