I've Had Enough...not Dealing With This Anymore


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God that 'beta alpha zeta omega' crap is annoying. Braindead assholes the lot of them, whoever uses that sh*t.

Yeh I agree, that kind of language is f*****g juvenile and obnoxious - I'd also add incel and looksmatch to that list of ridiculous made up terms

what's your problem, you beta cuckler? maybe if you weren't such an incel, white knight cuck face you'd be more looksmatched with the alpha's brah!!!

Those who constantly use the word "beta" are usually sh*t scared of actually being perceved as beta, themselves.

All very good.

I'm sure at some point "beta cuck white knight slayer incel gymcel" bollocks was being used jokingly and ironically, then over time a few people crossed into that territory of using it seriously. Every time I see it being used non-ironically I get a little sick in my mouth, and it's a relief I'm not the only one because it's more prevalent than ever and I thought the ridiculousness of it was going un-noticed.

I do sometimes say these words but it's definitely sarcastic. I even have a hunch that on BB forums and reddit and the like, half of the people there are also using these words to take the piss out of broski's who are braindead and being completely serious, usually these guys are covering up major issues in an attempt to prove how "alpha" they are.

But then again in trying to explain myself thoroughly and reasonably, sometimes with words more than 5 letters long, I'm probably just a beta cuck incel.


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Shookwuns first two posts were supportive. And what I think he was doing is saying if you run out of options,
this is better than suicide. I don't think it was that bad.

He was the first response. And I read his first and second post.

Ahhh at the very start of the thread, I thought you meant his first few posts since I started referring to him.

OK so at the start of the thread well he did have that stupid roll-eye smiley, not really necessary and undermines the issue.

I think as devil's advocate you may be giving him a bit more credit than deserved, those posts were basically meaningless. Fine if you think they air on the side of "support" but they were hardly sincere or thought out, in comparison with those who made some genuine attempts at getting to the root of the guys problems, not just going "meh happens to us all".

So basically just because shookwun was acting like less of an insensitive jackass at the start of the thread, let's not go crazy here and act like those first few posts were really helpful and shows what a kind soul he is. They aren't even worth really acknowledging as a positive or negative, they were filler posts.


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Mann... This is sad. So aside from assuming he's still alive do we have any PROOF he is alive, a last login or something?
I've been wondering the same. If you're reading this, Bobster, just reply to this thread and let us know how ya doing.

I won't give you any sh*t, I can promise you that.
Some us us here are worried.


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hey i'm glad my post worked - i figured if Bobster was ok he would either pull down his Twitter or ask me to take down the post. Basically, like some others have said, this guy was just feeling down and wanted some comforting words.

That's not to say he doesn't have a legitimate issue, since depression is a real problem that afflicts many (including Androgenetic Alopecia sufferers). However, it is good to know that at least for now he clearly hasn't done anything rash.

I agree feeling like you want to die even if its in a weak moment yet not carrying it out is not BS its a cry of pain...and no one should make him feel embarrassed over this...we want him to come back on and post--weather suicide attempt or not.
Its depression.


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Mann... This is sad. So aside from assuming he's still alive do we have any PROOF he is alive, a last login or something?

I guess I don't have proof but there was that post in this thread that he took down his twitter some time after creating this thread. So I guess we hold on to that for now.


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OK to be more specific his twitter was posted:


And I can't remember who said this but I think someone said an hour after that his twitter was taken down (however they knew this). So that means, if it was him who pulled it down, still around over 24 hours after posting this thread, and that being his last known activity a bit over 12 hours ago.


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Hey, thanks for quoting my (excellent) work back on Page 4, h.l.

So what are ya gunna do if "Bobster" blew/blows his brains out, Mr. Concerned?

Pay for the funeral? Set up and donate to the Bobster Memorial Fund for Curing Hair Loss?

(the guy is probably sitting on his couch laughing his *** off at all you knuckleheads)...


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Hey, thanks for quoting my (excellent) work back on Page 4, h.l.

So what are ya gunna do if "Bobster" blew/blows his brains out, Mr. Concerned?

Pay for the funeral? Set up and donate to the Bobster Memorial Fund for Curing Hair Loss?

(the guy is probably sitting on his couch laughing his *** off at all you knuckleheads)...

I can live with that just fine.


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Hey, thanks for quoting my (excellent) work back on Page 4, h.l.

So what are ya gunna do if "Bobster" blew/blows his brains out, Mr. Concerned?

Pay for the funeral? Set up and donate to the Bobster Memorial Fund for Curing Hair Loss?

(the guy is probably sitting on his couch laughing his *** off at all you knuckleheads)...

Again, just reaction seeking crap, can't respond to my post or make a decent point. Incapable of it.

And I'd be fine if he's laughing at us right now, maybe tools like you can't deal with such a thing but it doesn't bother me.


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I can live with that just fine.

Maybe this is better left unsaid, but after reevaluating my response above,
it may be fair to point out with criticism how cavalier it sounded..
It was not my intent to feed an attitude here that already runs incongruous
with the majority of tremendously positive and much needed support seen here.

So yes in matters of such sensitive magnitude, ambiguity should be checked.
I am encouraged by the preponderance of continually sincere outreach to OP.
The abundant humanity and refreshing commonsense demonstrated by you guys
does a lot to reinforce my opinion that HairLossTalk.com is still a safe house
where even the best of the worse off can rest their bones even after a little mischief.
Frankly it is not my place to grade the authenticity of all members privileged to actively participate
on an anonymous group support venue long constructed on a premise that boldly sanctions
both free expression and acceptance.

Arguably to a larger extent, we here are all performers corresponding in good faith with each other.
We come on our own free will and accord mostly for comfort and comradery.
Let's not allow our differences or misguided self righteous attitudes diminish the special place
of solidarity HairLossTalk.com means for many here.

My business is the welfare of my balding brothers and sisters, so like them/You,
I openly take Bobster's expressed concerns seriously.
Fully understanding that my input may not change his outcome favorably,
regardless of the remotest possibility, that at best I am the unwitting object of his or someone else's vain and/or dubious motives.

I simply don't believe it's in any members' best interest or the interest of this forum's core principle(s) to hazard such behavior..
if I believed that, then I would have to hold every poster's motives suspect;
I say f*** that notion and the jackass it rode in on.

Just let one of us know that you're ok Bobster.
Last edited:


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I don't know, but seeing as it had got to the 4th page and a long time after zircon's post without anyone noticing, you definitely would have got away with it if I hadn't noticed how fucked up you're being. So obviously you could have thought that, and you're acting as if it's the craziest possibility, well it almost happened, had I not posted nobody would have noticed by now and I could easily have not clicked on this thread.

Don't give me this "freedom of speech" bullshit, what a waste of time when people get all up-themselves about their "rights", I didn't call for you to be censored, you put out what you feel and I have the "freedom" to respond to it and point out that it's fucked up. You have the right to be an a**h**, and you know things are desperate in an argument when people revert to "I can say what I want and you can't do anything about it!!!".

Yes, that wasn't at all necessary to point out but thank you for that.

I'm guessing your claim that this guy is exhausting our personal energy is still what you're sticking to, so that's a f*****g mess of a reason to post what you are claiming, the only credit I can give you is that it takes some unashamed balls to stick by such a bullshit argument.

All I can say is your attitude of "people will kill themselves if they want to" is absolutely sickening, but also really idiotic logic, and thank god you are one of the few people who feel like that. And this is based on what, your huge experience of knowing a few people? Do you get your doctorate after that? Everyone has known someone who "cried for help", but you're now acting as if every day you are bombarded by people whining about suicide and how much of your personal energy is wasted on them, you talk some sh*t.

A lot of people will kill themselves no matter what, a lot of people won't, you are simply basing an argument on what you want to be true, when logically your absolutes make no sense. The human mind is a lot more complicated and ever-changing than that, nobody is "addicted" to suicide what the actual f*** are you talking about now?
Breath buddy breath

Captain Rex

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I'm alive guys..

I was in a mental home for 2 months. Almost offed myself 3 times. Antidepressants helped.
now Bobster231 be like


no offense just trying to be funny
so tell us
do u feel the same like before or it's totally different now?