Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Personally I'm not really comfortable with the idea of getting a prostitute however, if a guy feels genuinely fucked and has no chance of being with a woman, a prostitute is definitely a good idea. Your social skills feel fucked because you aren't comfortable with the female form, and how much you instinctively want to stick your dick in it, but the nerves you feel at the same time are so conflicting you just want out of there. Thus your conversation skills turn autistic.

Don't be like most incels and ironically think you're above it, if it's not happening for free when you're young then it may not ever happen.

Of course there are other ways of building a passably extrovert personality but that takes time, reading, travelling, all that boring bullshit.


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I just think if men are not good looking and they have an education and a good job to go to other dating sites that focus on those things.

Its like keep going to a well with no water or try another well.


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I just think if men are not good looking and they have an education and a good job to go to other dating sites that focus on those things.

Its like keep going to a well with no water or try another well.
Nobody cares about that sh*t. That matters only if you're f*****g 40


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You're not the smartest man in the world.

However smart you think you are, there are lots of women of comparable intelligence, and of greater intelligence.
Lol might as well go to womens marches and preach about women being superior

What was the point in this? All he said was that he doesn't have typical female interests

I have the same problem

Women are much more homogenous

Oh and btw theres way more smart men than women, men have a wider bell curve. Not surprising as everything was made by men lol

Its f*****g illegal to even come close to not worshipping women lol


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Lol might as well go to womens marches and preach about women being superior

What was the point in this? All he said was that he doesn't have typical female interests

I have the same problem

Women are much more homogenous

Oh and btw theres way more smart men than women, men have a wider bell curve. Not surprising as everything was made by men lol

Its f*****g illegal to even come close to not worshipping women lol

Irrespective of intelligence, I think it's safe to say that men and women tend to be a a bit different in how they act and what they like. I personally find that most women like to talk about topics that I find downright boring. Hence the reason I tend to rely on my male friends for conversations that I actually find interesting. I know some intelligent women but even they can't escape their feminine tendencies sometimes. For example, one of them once was a bit angry at her husband because her friend receive a car as a gift from her husband while she didn't.


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Nobody cares about that sh*t. That matters only if you're f*****g 40

LOL not true..I knew a lot of girls when i was in early 20s who only dated men who were educated and had good professions and they were good looking.

And david is 33

I thought you were old you keep referring to yourself as old.


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Lol might as well go to womens marches and preach about women being superior

What was the point in this? All he said was that he doesn't have typical female interests

I have the same problem

Women are much more homogenous

Oh and btw theres way more smart men than women, men have a wider bell curve. Not surprising as everything was made by men lol

It's f*****g illegal to even come close to not worshipping women lol

Read what he wrote he is saying a lot of women in ratio to 'him' not all men or all women.

I think he wrote that in relation to many of his postings.

Not just about women in general.


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I see that behavior more often in females. I have never seen my male friends getting angry at their partner because their male friends received some gift from their girl friends.

maybe it's the type of women that the type of men he befriends goes for.


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Personally I'm not really comfortable with the idea of getting a prostitute however, if a guy feels genuinely fucked and has no chance of being with a woman, a prostitute is definitely a good idea. Your social skills feel fucked because you aren't comfortable with the female form, and how much you instinctively want to stick your dick in it, but the nerves you feel at the same time are so conflicting you just want out of there. Thus your conversation skills turn autistic.

Don't be like most incels and ironically think you're above it, if it's not happening for free when you're young then it may not ever happen.

Of course there are other ways of building a passably extrovert personality but that takes time, reading, travelling, all that boring bullshit.

A lot of dudes, even who can't get laid, won't sleep with a prostitute because of the stigma, same way many men don't treat their hairloss...because it's "weird"


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I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Sex is the only thing I would want and expect from a woman, so, paying for it or not, sexual gratification and pleasure would be the only things that really matter to me. Having no libido is simply taking a 3rd option, at least I save money which I can invest for my future, rather than for an escort.

I think if you have no moral or negative thoughts about it you should look into hiring a prostitute for a few reasons.

(This may be too much TMI so forgive me in advance if this makes you mad or anything.)

but men who have issues achieving errection--when a woman gives them blow job--basically when you are with a woman who is experienced and not shy i.e. aggressive she may be able to help you achieve erection.

Even if it's not full on--and it's not a fully satisfying experience you can have some pleasurable experiences that are at least sexual.

It is just a thought maybe some of the others who have similar reaction to meds who have been with experienced women or prostitutes can expand.


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Lol might as well go to womens marches and preach about women being superior

What was the point in this? All he said was that he doesn't have typical female interests

I have the same problem

Women are much more homogenous

Oh and btw theres way more smart men than women, men have a wider bell curve. Not surprising as everything was made by men lol

Its f*****g illegal to even come close to not worshipping women lol
Thanks bruh.


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I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. Sex is the only thing I would want and expect from a woman, so, paying for it or not, sexual gratification and pleasure would be the only things that really matter to me. Having no libido is simply taking a 3rd option, at least I save money which I can invest for my future, rather than for an escort.

Escorts are not a viable option in many parts of the world. In the US, it is illegal and you can pretty much ruin your life if you get caught. Not to mention the danger of getting robbed/stabbed by a pimp. In short, it's simply not worth it. Better to stick with masturbation.


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Sex is the only thing I would want and expect from a woman

I agree with it, although it may depend on men too. Personally, I find that I have nothing in common with vast majority of women. However, I also have male friends who are into things that many females like, so they are right at home with women.