Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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LOL More exciting and unexpected than a Scooby-Doo episode reveal. :D


It's absolutely obvious, as Dench said.


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He also made the apology video, so it's certain that it's him. He had an alt, the question is who is the alt.

I'm pretty sure it's rick39, he even admitted it at one point. He backpedaled and said he was trolling later though. Baldhurts was real, I'm guessing most of his post was sincere, but he loved to troll. Rick39 was too good to be true.


man it probably is rick isnt it

im gutted. id love to rick to be a real person


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Here it is as Simple as going online (they will say what they are willing to do) picking one out, ringing, paying 50 to 200 (depending on quality and time) and f*****g her. Legal.

Doesn't boost your confidence though. I thought it was complete waste

This is my beef with PJ he really talks untrue things about states so much and no one ever calls him on it.

If you google a city or major town in US and escort you will be directed to escort sites where you can order a woman to pay for services.

Granted its not a $100 hooker off street its expensive but its available.

men have options to pay for sex and i have never heard of (not saying there is not any) men getting into real trouble for hiring hookers/escorts etc....Its usually the woman who gets into trouble...but even then not really. They get arrested and fined i think. IF they even get arrested...no one really cares about that...They are more worried about fighting human trafficking prostitutes and underage women prostitutes. NOT the willing consensual adults.
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i think its just 6. but yea i mean i still got on meds, better than doing nothing.

about growing into it i kind of agree. i already feel a lot better thinking i'm 23 and bald instead of 18 and bald. however with the years stacking up its more and more time that could have been so much more if it wasn't for baldness. it depends on how you look at it.

thoughts @CaptainForehead ? you have been bald a lot longer than me.

15-22 all my energy was into studies, so baldness wasnt my top worry. It helped that at my engineering school, there were like 20 boys for every girl. 24-30 I spent in general depression. I was not aware it was due to baldness, messed up teeth, being physically untalented, and being generally ugly, but I think that was the cause.

I was in denial about my ugliness for quite a while (but subconciously I knew). Finally faced the truth in my late 20s and decided to do something. Got braces and dental implants. Saw Iron Man and started beard compensating after looking at Obadiah. I've mentioned this before, a couple of people I worked closely with in my mid 20s said after seeing my new look that they barely recognized me.

So it wasn't that I accepted my look, rather I changed my look to work with my baldness.

However, I hate my voice more than ever. I've become more aware that it sounds girly, and it bothers me much more than it did in my 20s. I really should do some voice training. I'm just being lazy (compounded with work troubles and job search).

Also pounding weights in the gym for years has changed my body. Most of my age group is just out of shape and soft. It is somewhat small of me, but I take pleasure in that fact.

My advice to people who don't like their appearance is to change it --you won't just grow to accept it. And also evolve in some other facet so that you can find worth in yourself (I'm looking at you Exodus/Dante, and your feeling subhuman next to women comments).

The three posters who embody this philosophy of changing yourself are @WhitePolarBear , Zircon and @David_MPN . Fred and Zircon are the most satisfied with their lives. And I think David prefers the new him much more than the old him.

I cannot emphasize how few people have the drive to change themselves. Most people just coast along, whining how they hate their lives. Some make grand plans, but quit at the first hump. That's why there are so many fat people.

I look up to people who keep going despite setbacks. I have tons of respect for @David_MPN : even though he hasn't found success with women, he has kept relentlessly at his David 2.0 project. That resolution is something to emulate.


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Lol might as well go to womens marches and preach about women being superior

What was the point in this? All he said was that he doesn't have typical female interests

I have the same problem

Women are much more homogenous

Oh and btw theres way more smart men than women, men have a wider bell curve. Not surprising as everything was made by men lol

Its f*****g illegal to even come close to not worshipping women lol

Men and women have similar intelligence and overlapping interests, you don't need to go to women's marches to be aware of that.

As for men having a wider bell curve:
1) It's not convincingly demonstrated;
2) Even if it's true, it's a tiny difference;
3) Men and women overlap in every IQ bin, it's not as though Xander has an IQ of 180. There's nobody on this forum with an IQ of 180. Perhaps his IQ is 115 or 120. There are tons of women with IQs of 120. And if his IQ is 120, he can date a woman with an IQ of 115 (who outnumber men with IQs of 120) and not notice the difference, let's not pretend that 5 points is a huge deal.

You don't need to "worship women", just recognize reality, that men and women are equal or very nearly equal.


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So are Baldhurts and Rick the same person after all?

That's too bad.

If so, great job to Rick on building a fake persona and being consistent about it.


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15-22 all my energy was into studies, so baldness wasnt my top worry. It helped that at my engineering school, there were like 20 boys for every girl. 24-30 I spent in general depression. I was not aware it was due to baldness, messed up teeth, being physically untalented, and being generally ugly, but I think that was the cause.

I was in denial about my ugliness for quite a while (but subconciously I knew). Finally faced the truth in my late 20s and decided to do something. Got braces and dental implants. Saw Iron Man and started beard compensating after looking at Obadiah. I've mentioned this before, a couple of people I worked closely with in my mid 20s said after seeing my new look that they barely recognized me.

So it wasn't that I accepted my look, rather I changed my look to work with my baldness.

However, I hate my voice more than ever. I've become more aware that it sounds girly, and it bothers me much more than it did in my 20s. I really should do some voice training. I'm just being lazy (compounded with work troubles and job search).

Also pounding weights in the gym for years has changed my body. Most of my age group is just out of shape and soft. It is somewhat small of me, but I take pleasure in that fact.

My advice to people who don't like their appearance is to change it --you won't just grow to accept it. And also evolve in some other facet so that you can find worth in yourself (I'm looking at you Exodus/Dante, and your feeling subhuman next to women comments).

The three posters who embody this philosophy of changing yourself are @WhitePolarBear , Zircon and @David_MPN . Fred and Zircon are the most satisfied with their lives. And I think David prefers the new him much more than the old him.

I cannot emphasize how few people have the drive to change themselves. Most people just coast along, whining how they hate their lives. Some make grand plans, but quit at the first hump. That's why there are so many fat people.

I look up to people who keep going despite setbacks. I have tons of respect for @David_MPN : even though he hasn't found success with women, he has kept relentlessly at his David 2.0 project. That resolution is something to emulate.

Did you ever try going to a vocal coach or even a private acting coach (dont know where you live) that you can work on the pitch of your voice?

they have tricks to do..Im not saying its going to change your chords..but it might help you modulate it.