Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Men and women have similar intelligence and overlapping interests, you don't need to go to women's marches to be aware of that.

As for men having a wider bell curve:
1) It's not convincingly demonstrated;
2) Even if it's true, it's a tiny difference;
3) Men and women overlap in every IQ bin, it's not as though Xander has an IQ of 180. There's nobody on this forum with an IQ of 180. Perhaps his IQ is 115 or 120. There are tons of women with IQs of 120. And if his IQ is 120, he can date a woman with an IQ of 115 (who outnumber men with IQs of 120) and not notice the difference, let's not pretend that 5 points is a huge deal.

You don't need to "worship women", just recognize reality, that men and women are equal or very nearly equal.
tiny difference? like all the high iq societies are overwhelmingly male. the one with the highest proportion is only like 1/3 female and thats mensa, the lowest one. and that still doesnt change the fact that women haven't achieved much of anything.

the widened bell curve for men shows theres almost no women in the 120+ iq range. it helps explain the dearth of women in STEM as well

the main study supporting it was this huge study of 80,000 scottish kids in 1932. but admittedly there are other factors like back then girls probably werent encouraged to do well in school as much. simultaneously though girls mature faster than boys so that should help make up for it


idk i always took the greater distribution at face value. it explains how men have done everything of note


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anyways its not just about that but how you jumped down xander' throat when he just said he didnt have anything in common with women. i mean they do generally have much worse tastes than men. especially with art women haven't done anything (few notable exceptions though like harry potter and mary shelley). i think thats cuz women have default value, art is fundamentally about proving reproductive worth imo


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tiny difference? like all the high iq societies are overwhelmingly male. the one with the highest proportion is only like 1/3 female and thats mensa, the lowest one. and that still doesnt change the fact that women haven't achieved much of anything.

the widened bell curve for men shows theres almost no women in the 120+ iq range. it helps explain the dearth of women in STEM as well

the main study supporting it was this huge study of 80,000 scottish kids in 1932. but admittedly there are other factors like back then girls probably werent encouraged to do well in school as much. simultaneously though girls mature faster than boys so that should help make up for it


idk i always took the greater distribution at face value. it explains how men have done everything of note
Men have largely done everything of note because they have had greater opportunity. It shouldn't take a genius to figure out why the first women scientists showed up in the 20th century ... do you think the X-chromosome changed or something?

What you're doing is arguing that Americans have worse genetics than Ethiopeans because they have higher obesity. You're ignoring the role of culture.

anyways its not just about that but how you jumped down xander' throat when he just said he didnt have anything in common with women. i mean they do generally have much worse tastes than men. especially with art women haven't done anything (few notable exceptions though like harry potter and mary shelley). i think thats cuz women have default value, art is fundamentally about proving reproductive worth imo

Even if any of that were true, what has Xander done of value? Is he Richard Feynmann or something? Warren Buffet? Elon Musk? Martin Scorcese?

No, he's not, and neither is anybody else on the forum. Even if you accept the outlier argument, it doesn't apply to the vast majority of men, they ... "WE", yes "we", have numerous peers among women.

Lots of women have interesting interests, if you bother trying to get to know them as people, which Xander hasn't done and you haven't done by your own admission. It takes a while to get to know people and most don't open up their own more esoteric interests immediately.

On this forum hairblues is an artist working in Hollywood (which she rarely talk about), Evil Locks is a graphic designer (which she doesn't talk about), and pas knows a lot about politics, music, film, food (which she occasionally talks about).


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the women here are cool exceptions. i like them. but overall i am right from what i have seen. even just based on the few girls i friend on facebook, good majority are boring *** generic relationship quote posting "basic b****s".

and it doesnt matter if we arent special, we are part of the group that has done everything amazing, so that always makes me feel better ;)


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the women here are cool exceptions. i like them. but overall i am right from what i have seen. even just based on the few girls i friend on facebook, good majority are boring *** generic relationship quote posting "basic b****s".

and it doesnt matter if we arent special, we are part of the group that has done everything amazing, so that always makes me feel better ;)

The bold summarizes your post.

You have no idea due to two modes of failure:
1) It's just a few girls and you have not gone out and met a lot of people;
2) It's f*****g facebook.

A whole lot of people are boring and generic on facebook. If I wanted to spin, I'd say women have better social skills and self-control than men, since they don't express personality on facebook. I'm not going to -- there are too many variables.

Facebook is not a good representation of the real world as a whole other than a microcosm or if you're applying filters. In a lot of cases, most cases there is no substitute for getting to know people.

But let's assume you're right though ... how is Xander anything more than a "basic b**ch"? All we've seen from him in terms of personality is a scintilla of interest in MMA. That's something I guess. However, all of the women I have on my feed expressed more than that.


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the women here are cool exceptions. i like them. but overall i am right from what i have seen. even just based on the few girls i friend on facebook, good majority are boring *** generic relationship quote posting "basic b****s".

and it doesnt matter if we arent special, we are part of the group that has done everything amazing, so that always makes me feel better ;)
Hang on.... I thought you were transgender.


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The bold summarizes your post.

You have no idea due to two modes of failure:
1) It's just a few girls and you have not gone out and met a lot of people;
2) It's f*****g facebook.

A whole lot of people are boring and generic on facebook. If I wanted to spin, I'd say women have better social skills and self-control than men, since they don't express personality on facebook. I'm not going to -- there are too many variables.

Facebook is not a good representation of the real world as a whole other than a microcosm or if you're applying filters. In a lot of cases, most cases there is no substitute for getting to know people.

But let's assume you're right though ... how is Xander anything more than a "basic b**ch"? All we've seen from him in terms of personality is a scintilla of interest in MMA. That's something I guess. However, all of the women I have on my feed expressed more than that.
Lol wut? Its real life where people are boring as sh*t haha. Part of why i dont like real life interaction

And how does it mean you have better social skills or self control if you dont express yourself on Facebook? Lol that makes zero sense.

Usually its just people too fucked up to leave the house who Facebook the most, and those types a million times more interesting than mainstream adjusted people lol

Damn you are doing some mental gymnastics just to defend womens honor haha

Lol xander hasnt even discussed himself enough for me to make a judgment


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Lol wut? Its real life where people are boring as sh*t haha. Part of why i dont like real life interaction

And how does it mean you have better social skills or self control if you dont express yourself on Facebook? Lol that makes zero sense.

Usually its just people too fucked up to leave the house who Facebook the most, and those types a million times more interesting than mainstream adjusted people lol

Damn you are doing some mental gymnastics just to defend womens honor haha

Lol xander hasnt even discussed himself enough for me to make a judgment

Don't really care about defending women's honour, and they don't either.

It's just the facts. Intellectual ability doesn't differ greatly between men and women in the aggregate.

By the way lots of people keep their Facebook histories sanitary for professional reasons. I deliberately avoid discussing politics on Facebook. Some people have their two feet planted in two different worlds.

I hope that eventually you can get to know more people.


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We should see in the upcoming decades what women accomplish

I think we should be at the point where the glass ceiling or whatever doesnt keep them down

The default value thing i mentioned probably is a reason though. They dont need to succeed to be worth something like us men


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We should see in the upcoming decades what women accomplish

I think we should be at the point where the glass ceiling or whatever doesnt keep them down

The default value thing i mentioned probably is a reason though. They dont need to succeed to be worth something like us men

Where do you get your history from I'm just curious? Did you study independently history in a non biased manner or do you get it from pro male sl*t hate websites?


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Where do you get your history from I'm just curious? Did you study independently history in a non biased manner or do you get it from pro male sl*t hate websites?
what do you mean? just from school and the history channel and wikipedia and whatever places.


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It's just the facts. Intellectual ability doesn't differ greatly between men and women in the aggregate.

I can't comment on the differences in intellectual ability as I don't really know what specific definition of intelligence are you referring to in this discussion. But there is a pattern in the sort of career males/females choose in the US. STEM fields are male dominated(75% males) whereas there are there are fields heavily dominated by females. I am not sure if it can be explained entirely by cultural factors although it's impact can't be 100% denied. It will be interesting to look at the data of Norwegian countries where cultural factors have been weakened greatly.
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im gonna troll roberto for a bit. see what happens. he seems like the main mod.
Absolutely wrong!
The unofficial ranking is:

1 - admin
2 - wolf
3 - Agustin
4 - everyone else (me)