Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Yeah, you just got a date with an 8. Cry me a river.
Im pretty sure Im gonna get ghosted since it's not even a confirmed date (we havent exchanged phone numbers yet nor discussed the details), and shes my only match along with another land while. She might not even be an 8 by your standards more like a 6.
Im pretty sure shes gonna dissapear tomorrow and unmatch me.

All in all I have no expectations.


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Im pretty sure Im gonna get ghosted since it's not even a confirmed date (we havent exchanged phone numbers yet nor discussed the details), and shes my only match along with another land while. She might not even be an 8 by your standards more like a 6.
Im pretty sure shes gonna dissapear tomorrow and unmatch me.

All in all I have no expectations.

show us a pic, we can rate


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I don't go to women's marches, I don't go to many marches at all actually. I'm skeptical of that mode of protest.

Men and women both have problems in society, and for those interested you might learn how a lot of these problems intersect with class, race, health, et cetera. Speaking of "men" for example is problematic, as not all men experience the world the same way. What does the sentence "it's harder being a man" even mean? On this forum it often means that being a beautiful woman is easier than being an ugly man -- I agree.

The other issue pointed out is that average women have an easier time than average men getting first dates without regard to quality. That's completely true. In that aspect of life, women have it substantially easier.

There are plenty of issues with being a woman in the USA. For example the maternity leave policies and day care costs are among the worst in the developed world. That will be abstract to 22 year-old posters but it will not be so in ten years when you're 32. That's not an issue for rich women though.
Wow those are some minor problems lol

But im disappointed you still havent admitted to your wrongdoing
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Yep probably found f*****g 50 chads above my level to f*** and f*****g unmatched as I predicted. It's time to buy a f*****g Katana sword and start impaling women.

well dont feel bad mate if she was hot

but the way ppl here describe you, im surprised your not getting a bunch of chicks who are at least decent looking. similar to you

like hb said it is weird.


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well dont feel bad mate if she was hot

but the way ppl here describe you, im surprised your not getting a bunch of chicks who are at least decent looking. similar to you

like hb said it is weird.
Like I said I only get a couple of land whales per week when I show my face Im genetically inferior in this place f*** this place. It's f*****g over Im gonna die by finasteride overdose.


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The fact that you think I would waste my time trolling someone here speaks volumes about your opinion of me. :D
It was you the moment she unmatched me almost synchronizes with the moment you replied its confirmed. sh*t man I honestly thought I couldnt get more black pilled than this.

Women dont give a sh*t they go for the genetically superior male f*****g right swipe get 100 matches (troll people that you're gonna date) pick best one. f*** IT


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Im not gonna dye my hair it's f*****g over I quit. This was a serious wake up call Black pill confirmation. Replaced because of genetical inferiority.

mate you gotta send me a pic of you

im curious as f***

no trolling promise :D


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f*** it one last attempt Im gonna try through real life cause this sh*t aint working. How do I ask girl out in real life. I wanna be as direct as possible 100% no f*****g bullshit gonna ask 10 women out if all say no I give up.