Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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Dude you are pretty hot. I would date you if I were 18- 20..in fact you look like a sexy Turkish kick boxer I used to mess around with in College...You dress a little off to my personal taste but I'm old so i cant speak to current 23 year old clothes in another country no less...you are not experiencing women and sex yet so its hard to have a swagger that comes after you have actually fucked a lot... You are unfortunately in a Viking looks paradise it sounds filled with young jamie Lanister types of golden blondes...so you are in fierce competition...it's like if all my competition were blonde, blue eyed Sweedish bikini models i would be doomed. Well, probably not even then to be honest because I have a lot of experience with men so I can get interest with a clever line or two. You are missing that 'oomph' that comes with having had a lot of women. Oomph just means know what to say, when to say, how to say. That just comes with practice of being with the opposite sex...so it's a chicken/egg situation.

Find a sexy 30/35 year old woman to practice with.

youve seen xander??

send me your pic @Xander94 !!!


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youve seen xander??

send me your pic @Xander94 !!!

he is good looking..It think he's at a disadvantage because he is in a country with Northern Gods.

But if he had had experience with women before going there i think he would be okay.

Just going by pics...hes totally doable for a lot of hot women.

@Xander94 you need to go on spring break somewhere with some USA party circuit college girls. Like Cancun of something.


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Damn, I need to see a pic of the aesthetic legend Xander94.

Confirmed pic of Xander94:
