Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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I think when Dante arrives into the UK this summer sunchyme will be there waiting with flowers and chocolates.



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Halo Effect: you can be shy or an introvert, but if you've got looks and have good, positive experiences because of them you'll get confident. Unless you're a useless f*****g aspie. I despise good-looking aspies more than anything, they are absolutely pathetic.
More fine words from Dante.


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Yep and about the people saying im above average looking and I should be fine. Then why am I getting only when 1 land whale per week match on tinder ?

Using the word "landwhale" says a lot about your character.
Work on that first.


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Here's some red pill for you: You're not part of any winning team. It's every man (or woman) for himself. You did not contribute to Nikola Tesla's creativity. Take command of your life because nobody else will.

This was well said.


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uhh the likes come from real people? lol

and ha you keep denying. i literally just what xander originally said. do i have to post it again? he never said there were no women "on his level".

"Can't talk to women because there's nothing I can talk to them about that they would show interest in. Only good discussions I had was with friends of my mother who are respected 50 year old doctors.

My sisters friends on the other hand...."

not having interests in common with someone means they aren't on your level? god you are being purposely obtuse it seems just to put me down

same with you @hairblues i got more likes than that. anyways at the very least i KNOW i am right about this. xander was not denigrating women lol. its so sickening how much of a misogynist branding witch hunting society we are in now

your initial statement in context to Davids original statement that set you off initially, NO ONE liked that except Xander.

If you made points as the argument went on for 10 pages that people agree with here and there is very different the anyone else 'noticing' that David was a Feminazi or being in female marches.


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I don't go to women's marches, I don't go to many marches at all actually. I'm skeptical of that mode of protest.

Men and women both have problems in society, and for those interested you might learn how a lot of these problems intersect with class, race, health, et cetera. Speaking of "men" for example is problematic, as not all men experience the world the same way. What does the sentence "it's harder being a man" even mean? On this forum it often means that being a beautiful woman is easier than being an ugly man -- I agree.

The other issue pointed out is that average women have an easier time than average men getting first dates without regard to quality. That's completely true. In that aspect of life, women have it substantially easier.

There are plenty of issues with being a woman in the USA. For example the maternity leave policies and day care costs are among the worst in the developed world. That will be abstract to 22 year-old posters but it will not be so in ten years when you're 32. That's not an issue for rich women though.


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The other issue pointed out is that average women have an easier time than average men getting first dates without regard to quality. That's completely true. In that aspect of life, women have it substantially easier.

There are plenty of issues with being a woman in the USA. For example the maternity leave policies and day care costs are among the worst in the developed world. That will be abstract to 22 year-old posters but it will not be so in ten years when you're 32. That's not an issue for rich women though.
Mate maternity leave compares with f*****g being incel and having no interaction with women at 23 ?


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Mate maternity leave compares with f*****g being incel and having no interaction with women at 23 ?

I don't think he is 'comparing' pain or struggles.
it's like saying who has it worse a person with MS or a person with breast cancer?
Both suck and are life ruining. what degree which is worse? only someone who had the misfortune to have both would be able to answer--and even then its so variable how bad the episodes of MS compared to what stage cancer? etc.


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I don't think he is 'comparing' pain or struggles.
it's like saying who has it worse a person with MS or a person with breast cancer?
Both suck and are life ruining. what degree which is worse? only someone who had the misfortune to have both would be able to answer--and even then its so variable how bad the episodes of MS compared to what stage cancer? etc.

It's ok, there's plenty of misery to go around for all of us !


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You're not an incel and you're choosing not to have interactions with women.

Dude you are pretty hot. I would date you if I were 18- 20..in fact you look like a sexy Turkish kick boxer I used to mess around with in College...You dress a little off to my personal taste but I'm old so i cant speak to current 23 year old clothes in another country no less...you are not experiencing women and sex yet so its hard to have a swagger that comes after you have actually fucked a lot... You are unfortunately in a Viking looks paradise it sounds filled with young jamie Lanister types of golden blondes...so you are in fierce competition...it's like if all my competition were blonde, blue eyed Sweedish bikini models i would be doomed. Well, probably not even then to be honest because I have a lot of experience with men so I can get interest with a clever line or two. You are missing that 'oomph' that comes with having had a lot of women. Oomph just means know what to say, when to say, how to say. That just comes with practice of being with the opposite sex...so it's a chicken/egg situation.

Find a sexy 30/35 year old woman to practice with.