Maliniak Method


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Wayne.. why dont you email the man himself. i dont know what you are expecting of anyone here. To my knowledge, no one here has been on the proper system for more than a few months. How long have you been at it?


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It's only been 2 weeks since my last picture but I put up another one. I believe I see progress. I'll leave it to the rest of you to decide for yourselves. You will have to click on the first picture to bring up the 2nd one. If you are able to zoom in on the second one, you'll see even more new, but very fine hairs.

One thing is for sure: this is a slow moving process. As for the mention of topicals, I have already considered them but don't want to start while I believe I am still progressing. When I stop seeing growth for quite some time, I had planned to throw some minoxidil at it as an experiment but I really hope that is far down the road.


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I am sorry that I have not been posting much, but i do have a life and a slightly busy schedule being at school. It's relatively easy for me to forget to check here often.

I just got an email from Leon and he requested that you email him. You've had the opportunity to do so yourself, and his email has been posted here numerous times, but for your convenience, it is


As far as my progress, i've been continuing with the program. Like i've said before, my hair loss was not severe, with only frontal loss and perhaps the beginning of a thinning crown. My crown has not gotten any thinner since i started 4 months ago.

Also, i cut my hair the other day, and messed up pretty bad, so i had to buzz it, and the buzzed version today definitely looks better than the buzzed version 1 year ago.


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I personally think that looks pretty good. It definitely hasn't gotten any worse!

You also have to look at this with perspective. Based on your pictures, you don't have THAT much hair loss. So accounting for hair that comes with a mature hairline yada yada yada, realistically, keeping the hair you have would be a major victory.


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True, keeping it would be great. Improving would be even better. That first picture was not baseline. I had already gained 8-10 hairs in that area before that. I see good improvement near the freckle on the left. It has gone from mostly vellus hair in the first pic to becoming terminal in the 3rd. Now I hope for the rest to catch...


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well i'm at 4 months since switching to the better zapper. nothing really to report, still watching..


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30 pages, over a year later and noone with any improvement.


Are you high off your arses on crack, how about using a proper treatment instead of putting your faith in some scammer quack who sells an e-book. A f*****g E-BOOK.

(Edited to be less directly insulting). :)


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well the only 'proper' treatment that seems to work are transplants, but i'm holding off for now. other than that, no one on here had been on this treatment, as per the ebook, for longer than about 4 or 5 months.


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... or the big 2.

This guy has been around a bit and realised any sucker will buy an e-book if he offers a cure for hairloss.

That's all there is to it.

If I was a hard-up doctor in my 60s I would probably do the same and scam all you dopes. :dunno:

(Edited to be less directly insulting). :)


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Thanks for the kind words you have for those of us using this method in our "hope" for recovering our hair. I believe this is the experimental section of the forum. I guess you are some kind of Internet tough guy who likes to insult people you dont know and will never meet. By the way I am having excellent results since starting in early November. Good luck and keep up the useless posts.


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Nice Cleve! I knew there had to be more than just me :)

Zambutu, try taking a picture under the light of your bathroom mirror of a spot you hope to grow hair. I didn't realize it until I took the first one for this forum but the camera sees all. It is hard to see much just in the mirror but the close up picture shows way more. Even in the last picture I posted doesn't show too much but the picture viewer on my computer has a zoom that shows a whole bunch more hair just breaking the surface that doesn't show up even in the zoom feature on here.

I also came to the realization myself that the hairs all start at different times and take a while to get thicker and grow so I believe I really won't have a noticeable visual appearance until the 6 month mark imo.


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Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind.

I wouldn't say it's useless of me to make posts like that. I'm just trying to stop more people falling for crap like this.

And the fact it's the experimental section doesn't mean 'anything goes', I think it would be dangerous to just let this forum section become a ghetto of nonsense.

Cleve, sorry I just don't believe for a second that you're having results from this. How about some pics for proof if you really are?

I do feel for you guys obviously, but really? C'mon.


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mr hoper, it sounds like you are just here to vent your personal hairloss frustrations. dude, i've been trying all the crap out there for over 15 years now, including the 'big 2;' i certainly don't need your advice. You should be thankful that there are people like us willing to be guinea pigs, trying stuff out like this, and ultimately helping you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't interested.


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zambutu said:
i certainly don't need your advice. You should be thankful that there are people like us willing to be guinea pigs, trying stuff out like this, and ultimately helping you. You wouldn't be here if you weren't interested.

He is allowed to have his opinion on a product even if its negative. You can go talk down every proven product if you like on the other threads, but that also means people are going to be skeptical of whats in here. Just the way it is.


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sure he's allowed an opinion, that goes without saying, but if he's going to be a dick he can expect a rebuttal, thats life.


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zambutu said:
sure he's allowed an opinion, that goes without saying, but if he's going to be a dick he can expect a rebuttal, thats life.

Well that's highly mature of you and now we have a bit more insight into your thinking process.


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I'm going to bring something else up. I have mentioned before that my new hair came in fine, then thickened up. Once I started to take a few pictures and zoomed in on them, I noticed the brand new hair comes out kinked. Imagine pulling out a tape measure and bending the tape in two or three spots.

So why is that? To me, that seems that it had to force it's way out. So on the theory that balding hair tranferred to a good blood donor site still becomes dormant because it is clogged and we have hair growing in part because the ray is helping to unclog things a bit is a viable thought to me.


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zambutu said:
sure he's allowed an opinion, that goes without saying, but if he's going to be a dick he can expect a rebuttal, thats life.
Sorry that you see it as venting or being a dick. I realise I'm being bolshy but as I said cruel->kind.

If you really have no other options and think there's any value in this, then fine. I'm probably not going to change your mind at this point, I'll leave it there.

Drex, can we see these pics? :)


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Hoper, did you ever consider, oh, I don't know, looking at my picture page, found by the button on the left of every post that says "my photos and blog"....the one I have been pointing people to the last couple of pages of posts now? What you have just shown is you showed up slamming this procedure as a sham with no results without even reading the thread to see if anyone had results. If grass doesn't grow on a busy street, then you must have a headfull of hair.

Since you didn't read anything beforehand, I'll say again: the first picture isn't even baseline. I had a total of maybe 8 hairs there to start. Anything under a foot long for the most part is new hair.