Maliniak Method


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Just e-mail him Wayne. He answers. Go back to page one of this topic and start reading. You'll come to his e-mail address very quick...a hotmail one I think.

If you start reading about the violet ray, you will probably come across reports from 100 years ago that it worked back then.
Go to page 217 here:

On top of Leon's routine, try this: Interlace your fingers and use your palms to fold the skin on the top of your head, from ear to ear. I have lost hair at my hairline but none in the back. If I do this at the back, I fold up skin but if I do it at the front, I don't get's tight. So I do that as well to get things flowing underneath. If my skin is that tight, folding it up as I do/ stretching it must allow some flow as well to get things to and waste away from the folicles.

Lastly, I'm not ready to call this a success yet. I am just very hopeful now.


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Interesting quotes:
"He began to sprout new hair 12 days after the ion treatment."
"Hair began to appear in about eight days."


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But the stuff about using the violet ray seemed pretty accurate. That was month instead of days.

It also described the skins reaction to the violet ray quite well. It mentioned how they irritated the skin and it turned a pink color. This has been happening to me and i was just wondering if it was supposed to happen or not!


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If you guys haven't read that, have you looked into what the ray does? On one side you have resonance. Tesla was all about resonance. On the other side you have ozone. Ozone is pretty powerful. I can show you a link on how cancer is treated by it. BUT, make sure you understand ozone is also very bad to breathe in. I pull my shirt up over my mouth and nose when I zap. You'd be wise to get on your Google and look up ozone.

You will find this pretty interesting I think:
The 13 effects of ozone on the body ... erapy.html

Wayne Sunn

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Drex, thanks for the links. I'm in the process of starting to read your latest link. Too bad for many people using the Maliniak Method (Violet Ray Wand to regrow hair) that nobody mentioned the health dangers of the ozone created by Violet Ray Wands.

I'm just now reading the wikipedia site about ozone. Oh my God. Now what about the people that have been doing this for a while to try to grow their hair back?



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The only way ozone is bad for you is if you breathe it in. I don't believe we get it in large doses anyway with the wand. As I stated, I just pull my shirt up as a precautionary measure. I can't smell it at all when I do that. Rays have been in the beauty biz forever and nobody has jumped up and down about any dangers. I brought it up as I believe better to be safe than sorry.


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like 10 months ago i ordered this book, and the book was deleted after a few hours, never hear anything back!

Wayne Sunn

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Bombarie, you mean you paid for the Maliniak Method e-book from Leon's website but never got it? No reply either? As I mentioned above in previous posts, I have my doubts and questions that have not been answered, but I will persist in hopes that this is legitimate and actually works.

Oh, and PS to the others like me that are trying the Malinak Method of galea perimeter massage and using a violet ray wand immediately afterwards.... I'm still zapping away, and because of the potential ozone dangers that Drex mentioned above, I'm using goggles to cover my eyes and a paper paint mask to cover my nose and mouth. Hope nobody comes to my door.



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Leon sent me a message indicating that there is no real threat from ozone by using the violet ray. Evidence being that the device has been used in beauty parlors and whatnot for quite some time.

Just as a precaution i hold my breath if I'm zapping close to my mouth (i use it to treat breakouts.. which it works wonderfully on)


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A few months ago i bought the e-book of mister maliniak and i was sad that it was only a very long story without any photo`s how to massage your head.

And the link of the e-book was deleted after 24 hours!


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?? the ebook has videos included on how to massage your scalp and how to use the device. the download link is supposed to expire, thats why you download and save the book


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What High Frequency Generator / Violet Ray Device is everyone using?

I think someone posted an ebay link earlier but that one didnt have any of the probes or attachments that are needed. I'd personally like to have the comb attachement as well as the bulb but its hard to find.

I paid the $30 for the book but I dont feel so good about paying $525 for the device Maliniak's got on there.


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I just put a pic up in my profile. Click on my photo link below my name on this post. Then click the tab to the photos. Click on the pic to make it big. I'll describe what you see. The bottom half of the picture is half hair I had and half newer hair that has come in. The newer hair in that region is about 3/4" long now.

OK, now just above center of the picture, look close in what would be the baldest area. You can see new small hairs that have appeared and are coming in. You can see new small hairs in the current hairline too. My hair is on average about a foot long or more so the small hair you see for the most part are newer hair.

Now, it looks great here on camera up close but in real life it is not really noticeable far...


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drex1999 how long have you been at it with this method? Meaning both massage and the violet ray? How long do you massage for and how frequently? Same for the violet ray?


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Ok, so we're dealing with loss of flow right? Like stepping on a garden hose. You need flow to and away from. Read up on ozone and this will make more sense. My thought on maybe how it works: relax the galea and when you pump ozone into your scalp, it gives oxygen to feed it and the singlet O binds with the stuff that needs to go and is carried away while the galea is still relaxed. Right or wrong, that's how I see it.

A few posts ago I said I use my palms to fold the skin on my head up. My skin over my problem area is much harder to fold up. I bet your's is too. I do this to briefly "take the foot off the garden hose" so to speak. you can really feel the blood flow.

So: I do not have much time in the morning. I only do this right before bed except weekends I'll get a little morning shot in. Ready? Leon's massage for 3-4 minutes followed by using my palms to fold up my scalp a bit. Repeat again. Then I use the ray until I feel the very slight stinging sensation all over. Everybody who has one knows what I mean. 5 more minutes. This all takes 10-15 minutes total. that's it, that's all. I have been doing this for just under 2 1/2 months.

Wayne Sunn

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Elliot, since Leon Maliniak keeps in contact with you, can you please ask him when we might see some newer photos of his hair growth progress on his website? His last photos were dated back in June 2011. Right now, I need some encouragement bad. I've been faithfully using Leon's method, but my hair has never looked more sparse.



Wayne Sunn

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It's a shame there's been no reply to my previous post from 6 days ago. Because of that, and the many other points I mentioned in my previous posts, I am starting to have serious doubts about this whole thing. And I'm sure other people who are following this subject (but not necessarily posting about it) are too.
