Maliniak Method


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I thank you for your advice Fred. It makes sense and is something to keep in mind. That said, I completely disagree with your thought that people on here have gone overboard. What I have seen time and time again is that those with high powered machines are using them at their lowest settings because we find them powerful.

Once again, thanks for the tips. It's something I'm sure all of us will take into consideration and your time is much appreciated. I myself seemed to have followed them already, mostly out of logic I think, but now you have added reason.


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Hi Fred,

Thanks for the advice. If people have the right quality machine, then it should be obvious which power setting to use. If you begin to go over the lowest settings, it begins to really hurt, that's when you know to back down.

But then someone who doesn't have a high quality machine could use it at it's highest setting and it wouldn't even match the power intensity of the lowest setting on the high quality machines.


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Hey everyone,

I found this on another forum. It's an interesting discussion to look through. Of course some people just call it scam, but whatever.

Also, is this Hobbes on hairlosstalk? I could have sworn I saw him before but i'm really not sure!


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Although the link from yesterday didn't work, I was able to use it and google to track it down. For anyone who didn't see it, what relates to us is basicly a guy was posting back in Aug on another forum that he was getting results after only weeks of using Leon's method and then a bunch of people called him a shill. The thread only lasted a week and went dead.

I am going to tell you something but first a little history. I am 42 and started on Proscar 15 years ago when it was first discovered. I never thought it would work and I still remember my reaction when 1 month in, I noticed a whole bunch of new hairs coming in. It is an adreneline spike when you notice. A take your breath away moment. Proscar grew back some hair and worked for me for about 12 years before it's effect faded.

Now, as I have said, I have long hair and am only missing about a square inch at each temple. In this area, I only have a few hairs so it is easy to see any change, especially on my right side. Well, guess what. I have a group of 4 terminal hairs in a little circle in this area about 1/8th of an inch long. I am NOT willing at this time to give credit to what we are doing here but I fully admit I got that adreneline spike when I noticed a few days ago. Full disclosure is that I have only been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks which means if it was the ray, it would have had to jump start the hair right off the bat for me to see 1/8th inch hair. I will re-state that I am not giving credit to the ray yet but it has my full and undivided attention now, I'll tell you that. I also realize it may also be coincedence so for now, I will monitor things closely. The only fly in the ointment I have now is that I leave next week for a week in Mexico and I am not bringing an electric glow in the dark rake with me through customs. Hopefully the week off doesn't set me back any if what I am seeing is indeed progress. If I see anything else, you will be the first to know.


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elliotramsey said:
Yes and please respect that by not circumnavigating the decision.

I will respect it, but it is frustrating when trying to get information across to people and to not be able to type out the word..

drex: Very interesting! Of course only 2 and 1/2 weeks is not enough time yet, but if you were doing the massage component before starting the violet ray, then maybe that is a factor.

As far as not having it for a week, i hear ya there. Since the electrode broke i have been waiting for a replacement, and it has almost been a week and its driving me crazy. I keep using my first cheaper machine, but even at full power it doesn't come close to matching the power of the better machine (ironically the electrode seems to be more durable!). I've been doing the massage religiously hoping that offsets whatever damage going this long could cause.

Wayne Sunn

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Guys (and gals), I went and bought one of those high powered violet ray wands to use with the Maliniak method, and the brand name I bought is Electro Technics. I bought the version with the on/off button.

And wow, I know what you guys have been saying now about the power of the better Tesla coil generators (violet wands). Even on the lowest setting, man, it takes some getting used to! It stings like crazy, and is super loud, so being discreet and using this device quietly is not an option. I even tried applying it to the sides of my head, when a spark nailed my right ear. It felt like an Eagle bit me or something. You don't want to know what I yelled at that moment. You've got to be real, real careful with these high voltage generating devices, especially around your eyes.

Cross your fingers for me, and all of us trying this. I hope this is not yet another disappointment, because this thread seems to have died, and I'm not seeing any new photos on Leon Maliniak's website to show his further hair growth, besides his previously posted photos. I saw his 2 facebook pages, but there's barely any interaction. And no one else as far as I know has come forward with any good news about this method. Or photos. Yes, photos can be faked, but when you're talking about a widespread problem where there is an ocean of claims floating around, people asking for proof is VERY reasonable, no matter who says it isn't.

I'm going to try this though. It sounds feasible. I hope it works and I will persist at it.

Wish me luck, I'm diving in.



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Hey Wayne

Good luck! I hope things go well for you.

I don't think this thread as necessarily died out, its just that the members who have jumped onboard are now doing the method and waiting to see how things turn out.

I know what you mean about not being discreet with the high powered machines. I'd have to turn the TV up loud in my dorm room in order to drown out the sound just a little bit. When i get home tomorrow.. well lets say I'm still figuring out how I'm gonna do this!


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6 week report. I skipped week 4 while on vacation but it didn't seem to make any difference. In the one inch square I am watching, I have yet a couple more terminal hairs which brings the total to 4 or 5 new hairs. I also have a few vellus hair I don't think I had before but let's be honest, who was staring closely at their head before they started this? This is not earth shattering and could be a coincedence completely unrelated to this exercise. Then again, it could be totally related to this exercise. I am starting to lean that way but will wait until I see better results.

If I believe I see something 6 weeks in, I can't be the only one of us. Anybody else believe they may have some results?


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I haven't seem remarkable results so far, but i haven't been expecting any either, not for a while at least since I'm addressing the temples, the hardest area to regrow. I had a couple setback with the electrode breaking and not having the machine for a couple weeks, a couple band trips, and other college disturbances, so i haven't been as religious as i would like to be. That's gonna be changing though. At any rate, here is a pic of my temple taken today. You can compare to pics in the hairloss blog. Really, it doesn't seem like it has gotten worse, and at my age that is a really good sign, especially at this step.

Now i will say that before this school year i noticed that my crown seemed to really be thinning. Now when i look at it, not so much. i can't see as much skin (if any) besides my cowlick. I never had any good pictures to document that area though, so i can't "prove it". So for now i will be documenting that temple in particular.


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well i'm not quite 2 months in after switching to the quality device. I can't say there have been any results yet. I was thinking that maybe some temple vellus hairs were longer, but honestly, they're probably just sticking up more after a good zapping haha

Wayne Sunn

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Hi all. I'm still regularly using my high powered tesla device/violet ray wand on my scalp, and like Elliot did, I've had problems with those glass electrode attachments breaking. The right ones are not cheap (I try to find the ones that are shaped like a comb), and the glass part comes right out of the flimsy metal base way too easily. I'm not talking about the violet ray here; I mean the attachments that in my case were sold separately.

It seems like the glass attachment part and it's light metal base are just glued together, but I don't know if you must use some kind of special glue, considering this is used with a high-voltage device.

Anyone know how to safely glue the electrode/attachment parts back together? They sure don't last long.

Oh, and most importantly, I have not seen any results by using the device on my hair yet, but I've read time and time again that you must be persistent. I guess we're trying to dislodge trapped dht from the follicles that's keeping new hair from coming in. I wish I could just slap some duct tape on my head and rip the dht off my scalp. I'm scared, desperate, people are noticing there's something wrong with my hair, and I want my hair back...... now!



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Just to reiterate what has been said before. Be absolutely sure to do the massage before using the violet ray (i do it before and after). Leon stresses that this is possibly the most critical part of the method!


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Well, here I am again, not quite 2 months yet but more to report. To recap, I am concentrated on my right side temple, of which I have lost hair in a 1 inch square area to almost bald. My left side still has some hair there so it is the right side I use for ease of discovery. I first had a group of 4 hair pop up I think before my first month, right along what used to be my hairline. Then I noticed 2 more hair a few weeks ago. About one week ago, I also noticed 2 black dots and although I was pretty sure what they were, it was just today I noticed they are indeed hair that have broken the surface, right in the middle of my area.

Not how I envisioned this would all happen but at least for me, this is what I see. The hair come through the skin very fine, but with color. Hard to see at first, sometimes you see them, other times you don't. In a few days from first discovery, they seem to become more apparent and you mark them down as official. A few weeks down the road they become fully thick, but obviously, still short hair.

8 hairs in a 1 inch area isn't going to do a thing but it has given me hope that maybe one day down the road, more than a few hairs will come though at one time.

Wayne Sunn

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Drex, that's awesome news! 8 hairs is better than nothing. In my case, I'm not seeing any improvement so far, but I am diligently following the program. I get a little disheartened about this whole method from time to time, because no one's really posted any result photos except Leon Maliniak on his website, but he hasn't even done that in a while, and his facebook pages show virtually no activity. I would like to see his current progress, but his last scalp photo is dated June 2011. I would think he'd be posting more of his personal progress, and believe me, I'm rooting for him. Also on his website, there's a testimonial from a man named "Yervant", but that person's facebook profile still shows him very bald. If he had success by now, I would think he'd be shouting it from the rooftop. And the testimonial from "Aurele" shows someone with extreme hair loss that not only shows an improvement, but in the two short months between November 2010 and January 2011, the new hair growth somehow seems like long hair. I wonder about that, because doesn't average hair growth occur at the rate of about 1/4 inch per month?

See, it's things like the above (and the lack of enthusiasm and photos from others), that makes me wonder if I made yet another mistake. Over the years, I thought I'd discovered "the answer" many times, with many different people's methods. My reservoir of hope is almost gone after all these methods that I (at the time) thought were "sure things", but they all turned out to be yet another heart-wrenching letdown. I sincerely, definitely, wholeheartedly want to be wrong with my cynicism. I want my hair back in the worst way, and I am so sick of this situation owning me all these years. I want Leon Maliniak's method to work, and I am diligently doing the work regularly, but that doesn't mean I don't have grave doubts about the points I mentioned above.

Continued good luck to you Drex, and PLEASE, anyone out there who's making some progress, please post on this forum (preferably with photos), because there are those out there (like me) that are hanging onto hope by a thread and could easily give up all hope.

I wish Leon himself could post here and answer some questions, but I know he can't. I would love that, though. I hope his hair growth progress continues for the sake of all of us, and I would love to see his name in the history books as the man who finally solved the puzzle that confounded millions of people for thousands of years.

Good luck to all of us. Hair loss is horrible, and I'd love to see an end to it.
