Maliniak Method


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And I would like to restate as I have before, that Mr. Maliniak provided me with a free violet ray with the condition that I honestly report my results. Somehow I don't think scammers provide their users with free equipment and ask them to test their techniques.

So far I have only spent $30 total on this program, and while you obviously have to spend quite a bit more for a decent machine, the thing has other proven benefits besides the one we are testing for.

I will forever be using this thing to control break outs, because it works AWESOMELY.


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elliotramsey said:
Can a mod please restrict this guy from posting in this thread? He has not contributed AT ALL, and instead defaults on the same remarks over and over again.

I've asked this before but i'm asking again. This is getting ridiculous. I'm glad he must think he's so amusing.

No. He has a right to his opinion and to show other points of views. Every product is allowed to be praised or bashed.


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cassin said:
No. He has a right to his opinion and to show other points of views. Every product is allowed to be praised or bashed.

He has made his opinion known several times. All he is doing now is trolling.


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cassin said:
elliotramsey said:
Can a mod please restrict this guy from posting in this thread? He has not contributed AT ALL, and instead defaults on the same remarks over and over again.

I've asked this before but i'm asking again. This is getting ridiculous. I'm glad he must think he's so amusing.

No. He has a right to his opinion and to show other points of views. Every product is allowed to be praised or bashed.

Let's hope it doesn't get closed like the p***-n threads do.

Guy's my suggestion is to ignore 2020 and keep going as is. If 2020 come up with valid and mature questions or opinions answer them in like.


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no masturbation
skin needling
no shampooing
urine therapy
fatty liver disease
liver toxicity
alcoholism - seriously!
drinking red wine
too much carbohydrates

^ all of those "theories" were suggested and most of them have been tried JUST ON THIS FORUM ALONE.
None of that worked. I won't say anything but just think about it....


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All of those may play a small part in male pattern baldness. We put so much crap into our hair and body who knows how it will react overall.


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my hair would get nasty if i didnt wash it. palying with your ding dong doesnt cause hairloss. i agree with some stuff that maliniak mentions though


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This guy and his site raises so many flags!

Cassin, how is this not against the rules? Obviously he's making money off of this crap - $425 per wand?!


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2020 said:
This guy and his site raises so many flags!

Cassin, how is this not against the rules? Obviously he's making money off of this crap - $425 per wand?!

Because no one posting on here is selling them?

The drug companies make millions off their hair loss "treatments". Obviously that's against the rules!!


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elliotramsey said:
The drug companies make millions off their hair loss "treatments". Obviously that's against the rules!!

right, except that those drugs that are on the market have to go through FDA to prove their worth. Internet has no such filter. Anyone can sell anything, that's why there are so many scams...

anyways, this is one of the dumbest theories ever proposed. 26K views... I'm sure that guy made thousands of dollars from some of you.
Circulation has nothing to do with hair loss. If it did, people in a coma would lose their hair but somehow they don't.... :jackit:


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2020 said:
elliotramsey said:
The drug companies make millions off their hair loss "treatments". Obviously that's against the rules!!

right, except that those drugs that are on the market have to go through FDA to prove their worth. Internet has no such filter. Anyone can sell anything, that's why there are so many scams...

anyways, this is one of the dumbest theories ever proposed. 26K views... I'm sure that guy made thousands of dollars from some of you.
Circulation has nothing to do with hair loss. If it did, people in a coma would lose their hair but somehow they don't.... :jackit:

I asked about the coma thing a few weeks ago in another thread the response i got was they would continue to lose hair. Do you have something that proves otherwise?


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I have an update on my condition to make.

I have been shedding more than normal this past week or so. When I comb my hair after showering, there are quite a few hairs in the comb. A lot more than normal.

I can think of a few scenarios.

1. A shed brought on by the effects of the method. This would be best case scenario because it means they will probably be replaced by better hair. I only started doing the techniques everyday without fail over a month ago.

2. Seasonal shed. I read that humans shed more hair in the spring and fall. I think this happened to me a couple years ago, except in June, and it seemed to subside. Perhaps this year it is earlier because of the abnormally warm weather we've had so far. And because it is earlier it is happening faster.

3. A combo of seasonal and the techniques.

4. I'm just starting to loose my hair faster.

Time will tell. I think that if this was associated with my hair loss (and assuming the techniques DON'T work), this would have started happening a long time ago when I first noticed I was loosing my hair. This is obviously a shed of SOME kind. Lets wait and see what kind it is!


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zeroes said:
cassin said:
elliotramsey said:
Can a mod please restrict this guy from posting in this thread? He has not contributed AT ALL, and instead defaults on the same remarks over and over again.

I've asked this before but i'm asking again. This is getting ridiculous. I'm glad he must think he's so amusing.

No. He has a right to his opinion and to show other points of views. Every product is allowed to be praised or bashed.

Let's hope it doesn't get closed like the p***-n threads do.

Guy's my suggestion is to ignore 2020 and keep going as is. If 2020 come up with valid and mature questions or opinions answer them in like.
Locking that was a mutual decision agreed by all parties. If you have any solution to deal with grown men bickering like children id listen. Assuming it isn't just silencing those who you don't agree with.


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cassin said:
zeroes said:
cassin said:
No. He has a right to his opinion and to show other points of views. Every product is allowed to be praised or bashed.

Let's hope it doesn't get closed like the p***-n threads do.

Guy's my suggestion is to ignore 2020 and keep going as is. If 2020 come up with valid and mature questions or opinions answer them in like.
Locking that was a mutual decision agreed by all parties. If you have any solution to deal with grown men bickering like children id listen. Assuming it isn't just silencing those who you don't agree with.

I don't want to silence anyone, i don't want this thread locked if it becomes childish bickering.


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I'm going to post this here, since Leon's method involves circulation.

I think there is something to circulation. Someone feel free to correct any of the following:

1. we shed less in winter months, greater circulation during this period?
2. some evidence that blood thinners work to an extent
3. some evidence that alcohol works to some extent, moderation might be the key here.
4. castrated men fail to regrow hair, so dht might be required for hair growth, too much dht however has the opposite effect
5. there is no one universal pattern loss for hair, some hairs can survive longer than others, thinking this has something to do with grooming and circulation
6. the claim of regrowth in uneven pattern by people that brush or massage leads me to believe that is the case because you are not going to be brushing or massaging exactly the same through out the scalp\temple.


I'm also taking supps so if I have any regrowth it could be due to that.

I tried Margo's towel method a couple of times, but it ripped out too much hair and I don't think that is healthy. Instead I have used Margo's towel method on my temple where I have no hair for about 30 seconds most nights.

I have noticed some hair around my right temple, a bit less around the left temple, they are thick but never noticed them before. These hairs are also by themselves away from the hairline. I don't have any clear photo's of either temple to compare against so I don't know if they are new or not.

Now here is the interested part, the left temple I have scrubbed too hard a few times and as such caused bruising and bleeding, so I had to abandon scrubbing on that side until it healed. I continued to scrub on the right temple, which seems to show the better results.

I now have clear photo's so hopefully I can now track it better.



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I'm not sure obviously.

However the things I am taking are very low dosage. We are talking 1 cap a day, I am going to increase garlic and curcumin to twice a day, at least in the short term. Toco8 I am leveling of the scoop from now on, I was originally leveling then swapped to not leveling.

I will be interested to see how the crown and scalp goes since that is one part I am not touching. I'm also going to do massages like Leon mentions, but only a few minutes a day. If my crown returns I can only attribute it to dropping nizoral, temple regrowth however ...

I'm thinking with antioxidant supps and massage\scrubbing might give it a bit of a kick start.

I'm not claiming regrowth since I never noticed those hairs before.