Maliniak Method


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I don't believe it yet I don't not believe it. It's a theory- there are many of them out there. S. Foote has been talking about his for years. This one touches on it just a bit:

Again, what smells here is this Wacky Maliniak guy, and the way his "theory" is being pushed by some here. Remember, he calls it a CURE. The last time someone asked about what's in the book, the answer was- I've got the old book, I don't know what the updated version says. I think the person that answered in that way is one of the same calling this thing a CURE. And of course no one has bothered, at least yet, to get back to you on your request. Then he starts selling his wand that is like no other- in fact, go BALD if you don't buy his.

Then you have the goofy before/after pictures. Slowmoe even posted some more over at IH and another forum. But not here :hmmm: To me they're not even of the same person, and I and someone over at IH have asked for other pics(that for me would clear up how they can be of the same person)..but so far he hasn't responded in either forum..although he did post here since then.

And check out these Youtube vids- they're not testimonials, they're advertisements. There's nothing being shown that should get anyone even slightly excited about buying the stupid book, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys are also posting in these forums. Notice they're older guys..must be friends of Wack...I mean Mal's:


And is this supposed to be a "before"..because in the previous one he has more hair and its black:

Actually the black hair'd one is before..see the dates.

There is so much else one could post about him...what he's said in forums and on his website..etc.

The whole thing is just... :doh:

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And's a new one:
Of course no one looks at the hair in that video 8O

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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New Treatment for Seborrheic Alopecia:
The Ligature of the Arteries of the Scalp

The number of patients in the study is high.

Clinically, of 1,300 surgical cases, observed for periods up to six years, 57 percent were cured, 19 percent improved, and 24 percent remained unchanged.

Seborrheic alopecia in young patients is a positive indication for the operation because it stops the evolution of the disease towards hippocratic


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Slowmoe even posted some more over at IH and another forum. But not here :hmmm: To me they're not even of the same person, and I and someone over at IH have asked for other pics(that for me would clear up how they can be of the same person)..but so far he hasn't responded in either forum..although he did post here since then.

Are you seriously trying to imply I am in cahoots with Maliniak? I don't even think scalp massages help that much, and his theory on DHT is all wrong....


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Are you seriously trying to imply I am in cahoots with Maliniak? I don't even think scalp massages help that much, and his theory on DHT is all wrong....

And you've even asked him to post more pictures, like you asked someone else to do so here as well. Neither of them have provided any, btw. So while I may not necessarily think you are in cahoots with Maliniak, your avoiding the request for additional and/or better pictures(not just by me.) and your having more problems with those of us who question him than you have of M himself..etc... :dunno:

And yeah..I saw his post over there. The usual not-so-veiled threats(or maybe we're just supposed to be impressed)- I have your name(no he doesn't), I'm a former lawyer(do you see me anywhere mentioning that he was one?)..blah blah blah. Even offers another critic over there- the book for free. Oh sure..give your name and address away :woot: Then I don't see him responding to the question of why he doesn't just give the information away if he really wants to help people(the lawyers I know would not have to stoop to such a level to make some extra cash)...And of course the usual "You will just STAY BALD !" childishness.

Hey Wack..I mean Leon, you've taken it upon yourself to call it a CURE, even though you have no evidence that comes even close to making that claim realistic. And a "secret video"? Yeah..I found a secret section at Youtube :doh: I don't care what order they go in- I just posted them as I found them. The point was- they are all STUPID. They show NOTHING.


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It should be shoved into the spam-gone-forever folder.

Wacky still didn't answer the questions over there..including why a lawyer feels the need to do something idiotic like this- for money. Was he even a lawyer? Threatening to release the name of one of his customers etc...? Obviously they're all not that bright...but that's just a basic common sense no-no.

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Times like these I'm actually glad they've forgotten to censure links to this place(or maybe they changed their mind):

Besides the pointing out how similar another poster is to Leon M, as well as plenty of others pretty much saying what I and others have been saying here about this Slowmoe: saying Leon was the first on the loose scalp theory as well as using a violet ray for treating hair loss, and that he deserves credit..(then the excuses given for him.. and you wonder why ppl are suspicious...??).. :shock: : I just did a very quick search on each. On tight scalp/loose scalp- 1901:

1937 that mentions 1900..then talks about 10 years later- 1947: scalp" alopecia theory -lose history&f=false

On the violet ray..instructional manual from the 1930's:

Ad from 1922:

1920's- Page 110:

And I can guarantee there are hundreds more since then..


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To the latest rant: even if a lawyer(a copy of something you see hanging in a lawyers office or any other proof of being a lawyer would be a bit more convincing than a website that anybody can sign up on and say they're a lawyer)..not a very bright one. On all the other blah blah blah of his theory- there hasn't been any evidence that any of it worked wonders(ANYthing will grow SOME hair) over the past century+, and you still don't have any proof now.

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No one had ever heard of the violet ray for hair loss (in these hair loss forums I guess-see above for how long the violet ray has been USED for hair loss) until Leon the "Lawyer" showed up. Except back in 2002$20ray/alt.baldspot/zzcD6lLeR3o/eieSqCjQwFAJ and ......... (again, that's 2002) and probably many more from then on. Remember also some of these forums have threads, some years worth..gone forever.

From the latter link there:

For awhile I was using a device specifically for my hair along with my mainstream treatments (minoxidil, Proscar, retin-a, copper-peptides). The device I was using was electrical discharge instrument called a Violet Ray Wand that contains technology originally invented by Nikola Tesla.



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Can we get a third Alrighty?

Poor Leon. His defenders are either speechless....try to Propecia him up with things/claims that end up also not being true(and then go on to something else)...and/or whine about us being mean to poor ole' Leon and shillin'..I mean claiming... that "this sh** works" etc. W/out any evidence of course.

And then Leon the "Lawyer", after I suggested making a copy of real evidence that he is/was a lawyer, uses the same website he previously used to "prove" that he indeed is/was a lawyer. He even calls it an "independent" website. "Independent" meaning anyone can sign up and say they're a lawyer? Because anybody can:

Now I'm not expecting anything else, because that was the LAST time(or is he going to lie about that as well?) he said he was going to say anything about it. But now if he indeed does provide something that looks like real proof..I'll be skeptical that it is real. It would have been so easy to provide proof right away, instead of using the same lame website that he used before, that anyone can use to make themselves look..ah...lawyerly.

Still also looking for those "real results". You know..all that other evidence that shows you've figured things out with that magic wand and massaging, that those in the past century+ just didn't quite get right.


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Tell him to post a photo of his JD and Bar number... Seriously Jacob stop wasting your time in this thread it's a bunk theory and these guys will learn one way or another.


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And not surprisingly...Leon has lied yet again. It was NOT(see..we can use caps too) his last comment on the lawyer subject. And I can pretty much guarantee he won't be able to stop responding to me as well, even though he says he will not respond to me again(said it in CAPS, even). You would think if he was going to break his pledge not to talk about the lawyer issue anymore, that he would include actual evidence that he is/was indeed a lawyer. That didn't happen. And when he talks about his "partner" Bernie at the end of his response...well I'll just leave that one alone. :shock:

He also lied about never being impolite to anyone in the forums etc before. Those "GO BALD" rants were such nice comments to various posters in these forums. That's just the tip of the Leonberg.

BTW...looking at his pictures on his website- I don't care if he's 90 years old. Anyone even slightly impressed by a clown that has a "before" shot with the sunspot on his head(did IH get that from him or is it the other way around?) and then another blurred photo followed by "afters" that are all over the map as far as angles and hair-length, combed differently etc..and nothing since....then you'll really be impressed by numerous other before/afters that are out there. For topicals...pills...LLLT. Should we start a list? :D

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Tell him to post a photo of his JD and Bar number... Seriously Jacob stop wasting your time in this thread it's a bunk theory and these guys will learn one way or another.

That's basically what I did ask him(and as I said above- I now would have to question it's authenticity if a delay is needed to provide such evidence) . Twice he just posted links to websites instead. He could actually have been a lawyer. His excuse for now not being one or not getting back into it- could actually be real. But the fact that he couldn't just provide real proof plus his threatening to post the name etc of one of his customers(saying it's me) says to me he either never was one or is/was an incompetent one.

I'm just enjoying this, really. I realize most aren't going to buy into his scam...but the newbies- many who come across these forums and don't post- should be warned about this crap. Then there's those that seem to be pushing this a bit too much...

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And yep..he's lying yet again. Still talking about it..still responding to me. And nope..not going to believe any form of "proof" he now provides- it doesn't matter anymore, he's proven to be an incompetent one(still going to threaten to post names, Leon?) if he is/was one(and you gotta wonder if his excuse for no longer being one is true..given how wacky he's been). Just like with his stupid scam- it's like pulling teeth trying to get any proof from him.

About those "before" pics.... :rolleyes:


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Oh gawd..not yet another book..........

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Nobody on these hair forums had ever mentioned one word about the violet ray device until I brought it up or it was reported by members who bought my book.

The guy just cannot stop lying. Even after it's pointed out that what he says isn't true..he just repeats it anyway.

And no, Leon, no matter how legitimate the "documents" look, no one should be satisfied with whatever you're going to now provide- nearly a week after this discussion first started. You have your own website- with photos and videos on it. Even if you're not bright enough to do that yourself- whoever does the idiotic site could have helped you out-you could have put it on your website even(make sure to give me credit if you now put such documents on the site). Now after a whole weekend goes by, someone is magically going to help you upload the pictures. Not buying it..and as I've said above- it doesn't matter. You've proven to be incompetent. Which also should make anyone question your explanations as to why, if you ever were an actual lawyer, that you quit and no longer are one. These documents, at best..will just prove you're an incompetent lawyer.

And of course we're still looking for all that evidence that shows the "method" does much. We already know it's a lie that it's a "CURE". This is the real issue we'll continue to focus on, regardless of these other fun diversions.


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As you probably will agree the main reason for tight galea is the expansion of skull (through 4 zones)

I don't believe so. Botox injections in the scalp muscles stopped loss in everyone involved and reversed balding in like 60%. It is the chronic muscle tightness that causes male pattern baldness


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It's not that people are not open to discuss it, but you shoot yourself in the foot when you use word like "obviously" and "reversal", when it's not obvious and you haven't show proof of "reversal".
And you lose more credibility the more you keep spamming your theory

Take a humble approach, stop spamming, understand it's a controversial theory and that you will only get a little curiosity at best

I know that being a proponent of controversial theories that might get mainstream acceptance in the future (like continental drift) sounds romantic, but take Sagan's advice: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Otherwise you will keep looking like a fool and even legitimate claims will be received with antagonism because of your damaged credibility

That's for SlowMoe..from someone another forum...some time ago :twisted:

Point doesn't make much sense to run around saying "It is the chronic muscle tightness that causes male pattern baldness" like it's fact..or the only thing...etc.

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Wait a sec...the guy posting about the other book(see my response above-"Oh gawd..not yet another book..........")...his post gets deleted but this M/Wacky crap goes on and on and on...??? I didn't see anything different about his post compared to the first post in this thread..and probably many others after.

But PLEASE..PLEEEEEEEEEEASE...if there's a decision to ban Maliniak crap as well....PLLLLLLLLLllllllllllllllllease leave this thread up for ppl Googl'n info on this "method" to see. :crazy: Well..I guess it doesn't matter either way. No matter where it's discussed there's common sense jumping in to warn ppl.


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I don't stop by here much at all because 1). I haven't had any worsening of my hair in at least the last year and 1/2, and 2). It's impossible to have a civilized conversation when we have people like Jacob who absolutely refuse to hear what others have to say. You don't like Maliniak and think the whole thing is a sham. Fine. It get it. So leave it be and let others discuss it. Maliniak doesn't post in this forum, so responding to him from a different forum is somewhat pointless.

You can bash it all you want and that's fine. Fact is i'm not too dissatisfied with my hair right now using a combination of massage, the violet ray, Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise, and the papilla power method every couple days.


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You seem to have grasped exactly what the MALINIAK METHOD has brought to solving this problem which is new and that is the COMBINATION of two previously UN-connected methods and a complete theory of the whole hair loss syndrome. *I am sure many other people have understood that as well because it is so easy to understand my explanation that one of my earliest members called it "LAYMAN'S LOGIC" and we have thousands of people on from all around the world on this method and so many reported cases of success even though I wish they would all send me more pictures.*

Everyone who is not in denial or jealous, or a competitor, *realizes that I have acknowledged that even though the two separate elements of the MALINIAK METHOD have been known before, what's new about this is that;

1. Even though the possible role of the GALEA in hair loss and male pattern baldness was known before, it was a never ending, unresolved debate. I ended that debate. Also, the old methods of scalp MASSAGE to improve blood circulation usually were aimed at only the BALD areas themselves where the GALEA exists on top of the head and *which I concluded were of very little use because it is only a superficial stimulation. They never properly targeted or sufficiently improved the deeper stimulation of the blood flow to the scalp by relaxing of the muscles all around the perimeter of the scalp, where we are not bald, *but which is where the pull on the GALEA is coming from, and which is much more effective in restoring blood flow.

2. Even though the VIOLET RAY was known about for hair loss one hundred years ago, it was abandoned for that use over fifty years ago because it was not very effective for most people when used only by itself. I have revived it's use by saying its previous limited effectiveness was because they FAILED to first treat the main underlying cause of hair loss , which is the restricted blood flow caused by the tight GALEA.

3. The MALINIAK METHOD is the first theory to combine these two procedures into a comprehensive TWO step method, and just as importantly, the first to provide a complete and coherent global theory and explanation of the whole HAIR LOSS and male pattern baldness syndrome by saying that; Hair loss and male pattern baldness *is *a TWO FACTORED problem triggered firstly by the restricted blood flow to the follicles caused by this tight GALEA and that DHT is only a secondary factor. DHT is still the "killer" of the follicles, respecting the conventional science, but that it only becomes detrimental to hair follicles in people with this very tight GALEA because this causes too much of it to be produced and too much to accumulate in the follicles.

Nobody ever put these two treatment procedures together and nobody ever explained the whole hair loss syndrome in this way.*

One year after I published this theory, my main principles were confirmed by the most recent, most comprehensive clinical study ever conducted on hair loss by BRIAN J. FREUND of the CROWN institute OF Pickering , Ontario and it confirmed everything I said about the GALEA and the secondary role of DHT.

Armando Jose

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My Regimen
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scalp massage also makes sebum flow does not stop and it's always the sebum new, fresh and not harmful to the hair.
do you know this issue Mr Maliniak?


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I don't stop by here much at all because 1). I haven't had any worsening of my hair in at least the last year and 1/2, and 2). It's impossible to have a civilized conversation when we have people like Jacob who absolutely refuse to hear what others have to say. You don't like Maliniak and think the whole thing is a sham. Fine. It get it. So leave it be and let others discuss it. Maliniak doesn't post in this forum, so responding to him from a different forum is somewhat pointless.

You can bash it all you want and that's fine. Fact is i'm not too dissatisfied with my hair right now using a combination of massage, the violet ray, Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise, and the papilla power method every couple days.

*I* refuse to hear what others have to say?? I don't see YOU(and the others) responding to anything I and others have pointed out regarding this quack. Anyone can see your posts list: I don't even have to explain what I'm referring to..and I'm not just talking about your getting the violet ray "to test out".

*I* am actually reading/hearing and RESPONDING to what others say.

He is the one who started responding over there- go tell him how pointless it is, then come back here and whine.

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To BeliefISKEY..another one who isn't able to defend the quack-see my responses above to all his nonsense(that he just keeps repeating- there's nothing new in that "personal email" that he hasn't said 20 times in the forum) and have him send you some real EVIDENCE. And tell him to stop lying.

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And I stand by what I said above regarding the goofy documents that BeliefISKEY, who it's safe to say works for Leon(BeliefISKEY thinks I'm 2020..the mods here would have banned him/me if that were the case) finally, after way over a week after the issue first came up, put out. I noticed the same sunspots on some of those as in Leon's "before" picture...thought that was funny.
See post #554 above. You've just proven, at best, that he's an incompetent lawyer.

Now let's see some evidence for the "method" doing much of anything. We know he personally has none, unless you believe in the sunspot theory.

And let's see...if Wacky Leon thinks 9/11 was an inside job: it would be so easy to just say those docs are fake or of some other poor soul named Leon Maliniak. I mean..which would be easier to do? And then there's the aliens....etc etc. Beam me up!

Come to think of at the power I have. It won't be enough to get Leon to provide evidence for this "CURE"- because there isn't any...but :shock: I must have really gotten under his :alien: skin.