Memoirs Of A Landwhale. Blah Blah Blah


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Some of the guys here's view of women's looks is kinda depressing. She doesn't look old or below average to me, maybe 26? But I guess that's old by HairLossTalk standards ;) Looks like a normal, average young(ish) woman to me.

She looks above 40 to me.


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Some of the guys here's view of women's looks is kinda depressing. She doesn't look old or below average to me, maybe 26? But I guess that's old by HairLossTalk standards ;) Looks like a normal, average young(ish) woman to me.

I think the point is that she looks comparable to the guy. That's necessary for the experiment to work imo.


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Best bet is drink with a couple of close buddies, most guys usually like talking about their issues this way. It also helps as whatever the issue (s), you'll quickly realise you're not alone and actually understood. Every guy needs a few close male friends.

I need more non-academic friends. It's difficult to describe but most men in academia are beyond blue pilled. Imagine there was a colour like blue but beyond blue. Purple perhaps? lol.


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I'm friends with women of all types.

It can be hard in the beginning, but sexual chemistry can evaporate quickly regardless if it's not acted on early.

It is however an issue that I cannot discuss my broken, disheveled, liquidated heart with them. Women don't understand -- AT ALL. The following is a universal belief among women: you all meet the person who is right for "you", looks don't matter what matters is confidence, being smart, being kind, etc.

So it's something significantly on mind which I cannot discuss, which is a barrier to fuller friendship as I can't be myself. That barrier is not there with guys. With a couple female friends I'm myself, and it does grate them. They f*****g hate it. But they enjoy my company in other respects so it's fine.

You know what i think it is actually

people in general don't like to deal with a problems they themselves are not experiencing or have a frame of reference..i don't think this is specific to gender.

But I think if a woman is good looking and her male friend is stressed about dating and venting it feels awkward because 'what am i gonna say'...and I think if you reversed it its same thing 'what are you going to say' to a woman.

I remember venting to a guy i was friends with about my broken heart--he was like 'Girl you got to get over this sh*t and move on quick.' He had no patience for it and was a little 'grossed out' by me being so pathetic LOL (love him so I dont take it personal he just did not like seeing me 'weak')
where my female friends would be like "lets get ice cream and french fries' I'm being silly but you get the idea...

My male friends can NEVER deal with me when i have been heart broken over a guy LOL they lose so much respect for me because to THEM it's like 'are you kidding go back out there' ....But when they have a broken heart and the guy friends are not supportive to them they would call me.

Its not often because men who date and have relationships I don't think don't get broken hearts too often, they usually bounce back fairly quickly from what i can tell at least...but man when it hits men it's HARSH.
They crash and burn and it's like 'see' not so easy--here are some french friends with ice cream.


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Lol at how people here over use "friend" definition. Maybe it's just a USA/Europe thing I don't know.

I bet 99% people you're talking about are just fellows or drink-buddies.

Find a decent friend is much harder than proper sexual partner or relationships.

And the more older you became the more harder to find a real friend.


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Lol at how people here over use "friend" definition. Maybe it's just a USA/Europe thing I don't know.

I bet 99% people you're talking about are just fellows or drink-buddies.

Find a decent friend is much harder than proper sexual partner or relationships.

And the more older you became the more harder to find a real friend.


Don't assume what you don't know about.


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Find a decent friend is much harder than proper sexual partner or relationships.

And the more older you became the more harder to find a real friend.

I have one real friend that is male, but we also used to be f*** buddies that eventually fell in love with each other. Now we're JUST friends (really), and it works much better. He's the only "boyfriend" I've had that I'm still in contact with regularly and I love him very dearly.


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Oh I am pretty sure if you are not picky at all, you can always find someone to have sex with... so...
Anyway, I was not trying to compare to you. Sry.

It is not that I am picky, it's that I hate everyone :)

There is nothing wrong in being picky. We like what we like. My friends complain that I am too picky. As if I have any control over my attraction. No thanks. I would rather be single instead of being in a relationship with a women I am not that attracted to. Been there and done that.


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Best bet is via a hobby like going to the gym, sport. Or friend of a friend on a night out. Old school/university reunions, people change including you, gives you a chance to branch out. You have HairLossTalk too.

I actually LOVE that actors looks i noticed him several times over the years and i think he is so hot.


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I have women friends. They are of two types. They are either happily married or are single but not good looking enough for me to f***. If they were good looking, I will f*** them.

I have a good few women friends, some are in relationship or to good-looking, fucked one when we were drunk once, a slutty 7, proud moment for me :p. Hottest girl I've fucked. No awkwardness between us as we both knew it was just for the night. I think my reputation for a big dick helped.

I feel my best chance for a relationship is with one of my 6/10 mates. If hairloss hadn't struck I might have gotten with one of them by now. I just couldn't deal with a girl leaving me because I went NW3.

A few of my average/just about sub average mates have recently got with some of my average mates. I think friends are a good method for average guys. I have kissed genuine 9 and 8's on nights out before. Obviously a kiss is just a kiss, still feels good though.

There's this girl that I've been mates with for a long time. She's cute, skinny and nice. I'd give her a 6, probably @CopeForLife would give her a 5. She's seemed interested in me a few times, we've gotten flirty a few times and I think she'd be interested in me in a serious way. I'm probably being stupid but I just hate the fact that she's been with so much better looking guys than me. I've been out with her at times she's gone home with 7's, and I know she used to be a tinder sl*t, probably has fucked loads of guys. I just kind of hate that she'd be settling with me as the "secure" guy.

Seriously though, in our big group of friends, loads of us have fucked each other at some stage. I know a genuine incel, never had a girlfriend and besides prostitutes probably had sex twice, who's gotten a bj of our genuinely 9/10 mate. She's beautiful. I was soooo jealous when I heard. I've kissed her but nothing more. She's now going out with a chad though and trying to get pregnant lol.