Men Need Everything Height,eye Area,lower Third, Hair, Gymcel, Frame


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What you posted is not entirely incorrect.

I did one year of engineering, three years of math/physics, and did some extracurriculars and an elective with humanities people.

Typically the humanities students were better-looking and had better social skills. Xander speculated that they all end up poor, but I know many that are doing well, particularly in law.
Yeah, there's great money in law if you practice.

I only have an bachelors in law - so to become a fully practicing lawyer/solicitor I would need a further years training.

But in truth, after four years of studying law I had actually become horrendously sick of the whole thing.

I did a few sociology, policy, and English modules in my first two years and most of them had people like this below:


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Paradoxically, I think that the median person might be uglier in spite of overall standards being higher.

There's certainly a huge fraction of people with gym memberships, but how many actually consistently go 2/3 times a week for an extended period?

The average person is certainly fatter and takes less care of themselves.


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Buahahahahaha who said that ?
I don't want to name names, and I think a few people have alluded to the fact that a handful of regular posters have mild autism as they tend to like categorising things and have a habit of seeing the world as black and white.

If someone says they do not have autism then I will take their word for it.


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I can send you my pictures and you can try for yourself as cope did

I cant be bothered to be honest BUT I think you should do that with other people in US and see.
Try David he lives near a major city.


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I don't want to name names, and I think a few people have alluded to the fact that a handful of regular posters have mild autism as they tend to like categorising things and have a habit of seeing the world as black and white.

If someone says they do not have autism then I will take their word for it.

i notice a lot of people will say this and then at other times take it back so it is confusing who actually has autism and who doesn't.


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I don't see that many lonely women honestly, maybe they stay at home and wonder where all the nice guys went.

At my job and at my current job, all (*all*) but one of the women within five years of my age were in a long-term relationship.

I signed up for a speed dating event a while back, they cancelled it because women were not interested. They only had men who wanted to go.

I go to cooking classes a lot, every time there's a remotely attractive women (and I'm not picky) there in the age bracket 25-35 she's there with her boyfriend. A while back two lesbians asked to fix me up with their single female friend. I said ok. They said she has a kid, is that ok? I asked, how old is the kid? They told me that he was in his 20s. The woman was 53.

In a month I'll start volounteering, either at an animal shelter or with at-risk children (I have not decided yet). I can bet you that there will be no single women there in my age range.

That doesn't mean there aren't lonely women. Women just aren't interested in that type of thing. They want to meet someone they have a connection with, not random guys that they probably won't have a connection with. Men just want to meet anyone.


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i notice a lot of people will say this and then at other times take it back so it is confusing who actually has autism and who doesn't.
Its a bit taboo to discuss disabilities.

I openly have ADD and Dyslexia, but I've overcome these factors and have earned a degree, published articles, and work as a teacher.

Perhaps autism is more of a 'flawed' disability in many peoples eyes.


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I meet other academics all the time.

The women aged 26-35 are virtually always in relationships.

Though if I had my sh*t together then I might have met someone in my early-to-mid 20s. There were more opportunities then.

You meet other academics, but at conferences of 500 people at a time, set up in staggered groups of ice breakers and small talk for 3-5 days at a time, literally set up to force shy people into new relationships with other teachers and academics? Or as an adjunct at a major university with hundreds of adjuncts coming and going and with huge staff turnover every semester? Theres a whole lot of socializing in the part time teachers room, and in short order staff at one school get to know staff at schools everywhere.

Anyway just a suggestion, you're talking about a small cooking group and wondering why you don't meet people.


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You can improve in some parts of life, like getting an education, landing a good job, grooming yourself, dress nicely and other things like that.

But you cannot max your looks. And let's be honest, many studies (i can link them if you want) show that attraction, which takes only few seconds to be established, is fundamentaly built on looks. Looks are determined genetically, you either get facial hair or don't / you either have a sharp jawline or don't/ you either are tall or you are not / you either have a sad looking canthal tilt or you don't / etc. There is nothing to max because nature doesn't allow you to choose which genes you want to be expressed.

For truly unfortunate ugly folks, you either accept the fact that you won't get pass a certain threshold in society or you cope and blame society.
Either way, it doesn't make your life less sad.

I concur, there are certain aspects to ones aestetics you can't change(after puberty) like f.ex. height. But most, and I really mean most other things you can change with adequate means and resources - and of course motivation. Also you are mentioning immediate attraction, but imo it's important to make a clear distinguishment between immediate attraction and qualities and factors which determine your overall relationship suitability. In that equation go many, many factors that each part evaluates over a period of time (including looks which gives you an IN - populary said), and the sum of those will clarify if the partners are ''a good match''. A have lived to experience that mainly 5 ''big'' and recongnizable factors many strong couples have in common, and often in this order:

1) Looks-matched (Height, skin colour...everything else is mostly taste)
2) Age (Women can be up to 5 ys older, whether men can stretch to 10-ish without it being noticable)
2) IQ (No needto go into detail here - most of us get it)

The first three factors are the ones most important to my experience, and sadly are also those you can hardly or can't change at all.

4) Geography (Same culture, food, traditions, religion etc...globalizing has made this a 4th, but only 10-15 years earlier it was above IQ, and maybe even age and looks in some countries like f.ex. India - arranged couples)
5) Social class (Economy, education, status, parents bakground etc)

These are the things you can mostly work against if born in the west(most users here) so you have access to make the ''social climbing''.

To comment on your opinion even more directly; I didn't try to change Dante's line of thought, all I did was share what I believed with him, so it's up to him how he will interpret it. I don't know his situation in detail (finances etc), so therefore possibly he has limitid options. This is a forum for hairloss, and a sub section of ''cope and impact'' if you want to call it that. I too have hairloss, and I'm giving my opinions on things and how I experience this, and also if I can...give a positive input to other users, potentially of help. It's always with good intention.

I would not wish for anyone to 'give up on life'. I try to better myself for myself and compete with myself. Do you know of Jack Nicholson (great actor and a ''player'' who was not very tall, bald and with a so-so jawline)? Do not mistake me, I know that's not the rule, rather the exception. But we have all been dealt a certain ''cards'' in life called genes, and we most make up the most of those. I regard Dante as a very intelligent and spirited forum member, and a respect him much because of those traits, and if he can excel in something, then it certainly is things correlated with those traits.

I think everybody can improve, if not in height, then in bodyframe etc. Never has there been a healthy male eating the right amount of macros and lifting corretly that hasn't had results. I have yet to see it. Healthy. But not necessarily this. Dressing, hygiene, being just fit past 30 is a bonus if you're goal is to ''fit into society expectations''. Somebody is more the artistic and impulsive type, so they dress and live an eccentric lifestyle with focus on intellect and philosophy etc. That too is ok. Whatever one chooses. There are many pleasures to life that aren't bound to be recognized in importance by society as a whole.

Maybe I haven't said this before, but I myself am not on because I can't get laid with a different chick every weekend (never even tried this lifestyle, doesn't tempt me), but because I feel different than what I see in the mirror. I just would like to have my hair back really. And I feel I speek for many here when I write those words.

Lastly, those are my opinions, it's ok to think otherwise.


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Working all day to improve the world? Being locked inside studying during hot summer days? Studying 24/7 to understand difficult subjects?

f*****g lol. Meanwhile Chad gets his degree while partying every other day and having sex with your future wife who will resent you for the rest of your life for not being like Chad, and then divorce you.

Society is going down the drain. Chads are worshipped for doing nothing, while people actually bettering world are made fun of. Too bad these people are bettering the world for Chads and making it worse for other guys like themselves. Brb inventing Tinder, brb inventing Facebook, brb inventing Instagram.

The world is made better for Chad and worse for the ugly by the ugly.

TFW being a billionaire and having to settle for this in order to not be divorce raped.
View attachment 57063
I don't know - put a chad and incel in a survival situation and I think the chad will win.

People like those who physically superior.

That's why sports are so popular - we love physical and athletic excellence.

I've never met an unpopular football or rugby player


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I concur, there are certain aspects to ones aestetics you can't change(after puberty) like f.ex. height. But most, and I really mean most other things you can change with adequate means and resources - and of course motivation. Also you are mentioning immediate attraction, but imo it's important to make a clear distinguishment between immediate attraction and qualities and factors which determine your overall relationship suitability. In that equation go many, many factors that each part evaluates over a period of time (including looks which gives you an IN - populary said), and the sum of those will clarify if the partners are ''a good match''. A have lived to experience that mainly 5 ''big'' and recongnizable factors many strong couples have in common, and often in this order:

1) Looks-matched (Height, skin colour...everything else is mostly taste)
2) Age (Women can be up to 5 ys older, whether men can stretch to 10-ish without it being noticable)
2) IQ (No needto go into detail here - most of us get it)

The first three factors are the ones most important to my experience, and sadly are also those you can hardly or can't change at all.

4) Geography (Same culture, food, traditions, religion etc...globalizing has made this a 4th, but only 10-15 years earlier it was above IQ, and maybe even age and looks in some countries like f.ex. India - arranged couples)
5) Social class (Economy, education, status, parents bakground etc)

These are the things you can mostly work against if born in the west(most users here) so you have access to make the ''social climbing''.

To comment on your opinion even more directly; I didn't try to change Dante's line of thought, all I did was share what I believed with him, so it's up to him how he will interpret it. I don't know his situation in detail (finances etc), so therefore possibly he has limitid options. This is a forum for hairloss, and a sub section of ''cope and impact'' if you want to call it that. I too have hairloss, and I'm giving my opinions on things and how I experience this, and also if I can...give a positive input to other users, potentially of help. It's always with good intention.

I would not wish for anyone to 'give up on life'. I try to better myself for myself and compete with myself. Do you know of Jack Nicholson (great actor and a ''player'' who was not very tall, bald and with a so-so jawline)? Do not mistake me, I know that's not the rule, rather the exception. But we have all been dealt a certain ''cards'' in life called genes, and we most make up the most of those. I regard Dante as a very intelligent and spirited forum member, and a respect him much because of those traits, and if he can excel in something, then it certainly is things correlated with those traits.

I think everybody can improve, if not in height, then in bodyframe etc. Never has there been a healthy male eating the right amount of macros and lifting corretly that hasn't had results. I have yet to see it. Healthy. But not necessarily this. Dressing, hygiene, being just fit past 30 is a bonus if you're goal is to ''fit into society expectations''. Somebody is more the artistic and impulsive type, so they dress and live an eccentric lifestyle with focus on intellect and philosophy etc. That too is ok. Whatever one chooses. There are many pleasures to life that aren't bound to be recognized in importance by society as a whole.

Maybe I haven't said this before, but I myself am not on because I can't get laid with a different chick every weekend (never even tried this lifestyle, doesn't tempt me), but because I feel different than what I see in the mirror. I just would like to have my hair back really. And I feel I speek for many here when I write those words.

Lastly, those are my opinions, it's ok to think otherwise.
Well written and nuanced post - I congratulate you!


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Well written and nuanced post - I congratulate you!

Thanks man. That's very kind of you to say!

Btw man; I encourage you to go for the masters degree, you have already made it so far, and from what I could should make it so much more comfortable for you ''down there''! :)


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Working all day to improve the world? Being locked inside studying during hot summer days? Studying 24/7 to understand difficult subjects?

f*****g lol. Meanwhile Chad gets his degree while partying every other day and having sex with your future wife who will resent you for the rest of your life for not being like Chad, and then divorce you.

Society is going down the drain. Chads are worshipped for doing nothing, while people actually bettering world are made fun of. Too bad these people are bettering the world for Chads and making it worse for other guys like themselves. Brb inventing Tinder, brb inventing Facebook, brb inventing Instagram.

The world is made better for Chad and worse for the ugly by the ugly.

TFW being a billionaire and having to settle for this in order to not be divorce raped.
View attachment 57063

I'll just put in a comment on the last sentence;

I like to call that: ''Thinking with your brain, and not with your dick.''Yea, I know it's simple huh...

Actually I think if one is disciplined enough, it may be a smart route to go in life. Many examples of this and one of those that come into mind because of ongoing Wimbledon: Roger Federer and Mirka (he's like a lottery for her objectively).

I can't remember the actual quotes now, and am too lazy to search because it's weekend morning here, but it often includes that hoping or counting on that you will be able to keep a hot (>8 of 10) wife is pretty delusional. We all know all the options she has before her like all the time, and therefore her tolerancee will be that much lower. That's if she isn't very religious or culturally bound to respect the idea of marriage.

Edit: I'd like to add that, if one does not have cultural or religious access to the real goodies with a taste that won't turn to sh*t after a couple of years and just can't live with something that won't ''get it up'', then I think that maybe surrogacy is a legitimate way to go if family(children) is what one craves.

In any case, I believe Cristiano Ronaldo has made a better choice than many of his colleagues in choosing the latter over some model material that will quite surely result in breaking of family and ''kidnapping of kids'' for the longest times...
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I don't want to name names, and I think a few people have alluded to the fact that a handful of regular posters have mild autism as they tend to like categorising things and have a habit of seeing the world as black and white.

I've been thinking the same. It's pretty much impossible to debate/discuss with them as it quickly turns to extremes and then sarcastic frustration.


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Ok so we learned one thing from the normies here. We're all autists cause we don't agree


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Ok so we learned one thing from the normies here. We're all autists cause we don't agree
I specifically believe that you are snow blind from seeing what issues you actually have.

And let me tell, its not about the way you look.


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I specifically believe that you are snow blind from seeing what issues you actually have.

And let me tell, its not about the way you look.
You think I have a problem with how I look ?

My only problem is the womans thought process