Men Need Everything Height,eye Area,lower Third, Hair, Gymcel, Frame


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Incels work their whole lives to make this world a better place and receive nothing in the mating world in return.

Assholes just exist and receive everything.
Working all day to improve the world? Being locked inside studying during hot summer days? Studying 24/7 to understand difficult subjects?

f*****g lol. Meanwhile Chad gets his degree while partying every other day and having sex with your future wife who will resent you for the rest of your life for not being like Chad, and then divorce you.

Society is going down the drain. Chads are worshipped for doing nothing, while people actually bettering world are made fun of. Too bad these people are bettering the world for Chads and making it worse for other guys like themselves. Brb inventing Tinder, brb inventing Facebook, brb inventing Instagram.

The world is made better for Chad and worse for the ugly by the ugly.

TFW being a billionaire and having to settle for this in order to not be divorce raped.


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I'm doing what I can, but ultimately it's a very difficult situation.

The best women in my observations are to be found in one's twenties. It's not just that they're "in prime", it's that they're available. Women in their 20s typically get *a lot* of attention. There will typically be hundreds of men interested in them over time. I've had lots of female friends, and the ones I knew all had multiple men seriously interested in them over time. They picked men or declined men the way we might pick or decline food at an buffet: see what's available and try and take the best option. By the end of it, they're likely in a committed relationship.

Among the reasons a woman might be available at a later age: She's extremely picky, she's bad at relationships, she's not desirable herself, or she's been unlucky. I doubt that door #4 is the busiest one.

I remember my undergraduate years. I didn't realize it at the time but I was swimming in an ocean of single, beautiful women. Plus university is like 55% women by enrollment which makes things easier. I wish I could go back. I unfortunately had neither the personal skills nor the grooming habits nor the self-awareness necessary to capitalize.

Can you get involved with college or university teaching? Maybe a science/math related course as an adjunct?


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If you ever want to see dating in action then watch first dates:

I can only find the new Zealand one on youtube, which is a shame because they choose better looking people.

On the british show there are more normal and even below average people dating.


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Working all day to improve the world? Being locked inside studying during hot summer days? Studying 24/7 to understand difficult subjects?

f*****g lol. Meanwhile Chad gets his degree while partying every other day and having sex with your future wife who will resent you for the rest of your life for not being like Chad, and then divorce you.

Society is going down the drain. Chads are worshipped for doing nothing, while people actually bettering world are made fun of. Too bad these people are bettering the world for Chads and making it worse for other guys like themselves. Brb inventing Tinder, brb inventing Facebook, brb inventing Instagram.

The world is made better for Chad and worse for the ugly by the ugly.

TFW being a billionaire and having to settle for this in order to not be divorce raped.
View attachment 57063

I know it's ogre buddy but we have to endure knowing about the blackpill puts us in a competitive advantage to work as hard as possible.

Too bad genetics f*** us up.


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TFW being a billionaire and having to settle for this in order to not be divorce raped.
View attachment 57063

you feel like he settled for her?
You feel he deserves a better looking woman because of his achievements and he settled for someone I guess you deem her unattractive.
yet you guys resent gold diggers...kind of mixed message here guys.
They are looks matched and probably he can actually 'talk' to her and relate to her.


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I know it's ogre buddy but we have to endure knowing about the blackpill puts us in a competitive advantage to work as hard as possible.

Too bad genetics f*** us up.


Holy sh*t I dont know how the guys who are legitimately unattractive dont want to punch you in face..

LOL my God its like a swim suit model saying she hates her thighs.


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you feel like he settled for her?
You feel he deserves a better looking woman because of his achievements and he settled for someone I guess you deem her unattractive.
yet you guys resent gold diggers...kind of mixed message here guys.
They are looks matched and probably he can actually 'talk' to her and relate to her.
I guess it goes to show that no matter what you achieve the only thing that matters in the end is how you look.


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Holy sh*t I dont know how the guys who are legitimately unattractive dont want to punch you in face..

LOL my God its like a swim suit model saying she hates her thighs.

Women of today are not the same as women 20 years ago


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What to date students?

Are you bloody insane?

Nope lol. He said he missed being in school, and also I know hes an academic. The world of academics and higher ed provides a billion ways to meet people. Ever been to an academic conference? They are huge and everywhere and filled with people who want nothing more than to meet people and also talk math and science, or whatever the related fields are.


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Women of today are not the same as women 20 years ago
Your haircut, the fact that you wear sports clothes in your profile picture, and the fact that you do not really speak the language of the country you live in all play significant factors in your ability to meet a woman.

Didn't you also say you had mild autism?

(I can delete the last part if the question offends)


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My degree was in law and I'm not sure which group that fits into because UK uni's do not have neat categories for what is 'arts'

What you posted is not entirely incorrect.

I did one year of engineering, three years of math/physics, and did some extracurriculars and an elective with humanities people.

Typically the humanities students were better-looking and had better social skills. Xander speculated that they all end up poor, but I know many that are doing well, particularly in law.


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Your haircut, the fact that you wear sports clothes in your profile picture, and the fact that you do not really speak the language of the country you live in all play significant factors in your ability to meet a woman.

Didn't you also say you had mild autism?

(I can delete the last part if the question offends)
Buahahahahaha who said that ?


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Nope lol. He said he missed being in school, and also I know hes an academic. The world of academics and higher ed provides a billion ways to meet people. Ever been to an academic conference? They are huge and everywhere and filled with people who want nothing mroe than to meet people and talk math and science.
I was the worst academic ever because I cannot stand academic writing or even half the bastards who go to those events.

But granted, there are many attractive women who go to these events, and the male competition is pretty low - so trying to meet women at academic conferences does actually sound logical


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Nope lol. He said he missed being in school, and also I know hes an academic. The world of academics and higher ed provides a billion ways to meet people. Ever been to an academic conference? They are huge and everywhere and filled with people who want nothing more than to meet people and also talk math and science, or whatever the related fields are.

I meet other academics all the time.

The women aged 26-35 are virtually always in relationships.

Though if I had my sh*t together then I might have met someone in my early-to-mid 20s. There were more opportunities then.


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I guess it goes to show that no matter what you achieve the only thing that matters in the end is how you look.

Not true plenty of men who achieved greatness with more attractive wives..but they are not from tech industry.
I think people in tech industry suck at socializing with women that are considered 'hot'.
I think they always feel like nerds.

Women of today are not the same as women 20 years ago

Does not matter I know what you look like compared to other people who you are trying to be on same where near you are still have decent hair and are an athlete your face is not bad looking.
You are not ugly.
You just look kind of mean and angry.
In NY that would work for you.


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I made a profile in NY and didnt get matches there as well

I actually don't believe you.

i am starting to wonder if this whole thing you not getting ANY matches is not really BS.


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people dont look different today than they did 20 years ago. you know? (and we are not baby boomers, those are our parents :D ) they just dont. everyone is not suddenly better looking. i get that it might be hard to hook up using tinder if you dont look like an 8. so instead of banging ones head against the wall for a year on tinder and then becoming an incel, id recommend trying something other than tinder. like getting involved in real life activities - maybe lots of them - with people and smiling and showing some charisma. charming and witty but physically not that attractive doesnt work in a photo but it does work with the right person in a meet up for fans of marvel movies or whatever.

Everyone from the baby boomers on is shallow. If you grew up with television, you are shallow.