Men Need Everything Height,eye Area,lower Third, Hair, Gymcel, Frame


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If you're 1-1.5 just get on finasteride and abandon this place. You're not visibly balding and your status is untouched by any hair loss you had.
Really, you don't want to know how people feel and get treated when they become visibly balding. It's not that time for you yet and I hope God it will never come to you, because it's the worst thing for a man. Way worse than anything you can imagine, and it gets even worse the younger you are. Evaluate your family hair loss history, consult the derm, get on finasteride and keep living the fullhead life. Trust me you don't want to read what's written on this forum: the hopelessness, the bitterness, the cries for help, the lost hopes. They will come natural if you become visibly balding. Just keep on living with the drug, if you start now at Norwood 1-1.5 you will never lose hair for a long time.
Ignorance is bliss.

Evil's definition makes me happy. I don't think the world or anyone for that matter owes me sex and I'm not frustrated over that and my virginity. That means I'm not an incel!

View attachment 56691
Incel = Involuntary celibate. Nothing more, nothing less. Sorry to disappoint you, but you're incel :(


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oh look another thread where @Xander94 complains and tries to get sympathy from people less fortunate than him while ignoring all advice given to him; how fun, let's do this again in a few weeks!

You guys said he is from sweden or denmark? That must be tough all the big titted blondes there


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Maybe I am not understanding what yo mean by career.

to me its a man who is earning a good living at something solid a profession.

Why would a woman not want the best father and provider for he kids?
Both genetically and financially.

So....hypergamy is a thing, is it?! :D


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Maybe I should've stayed off of here

Not necessary, just stop looking for advice that you won't follow. It's wasting people's time. You've admitted it's a mental issue so it would also be nice if you stopped with your "women only want chad" stuff.


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Maybe I should've stayed off of here

Not necessary, just stop looking for advice that you won't follow. It's wasting people's time. You've admitted it's a mental issue so it would also be nice if you stopped with your "women only want chad" stuff.

I think that is what is rubbing some of them wrong because you are kind of stuck in a groove with your postings...they are repetitive so it can make readers a bit batty and frustrated to read.

I think you are in a place of pain and I think you should try to not focus on women and your looks so much when you are here talk about other sh*t as a distraction..get out of yourself a little.

Otherwise I think you need therpay--someone to go vent these things to who can actually help you move past them.


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I made a f*****g post discussing a topic you people started making comments about my situation and now start complaining that Im replying.

Why do I even waste my time


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You are so stuck in a place of pain and you are actually marinating yourself in it repetitively.

You cant seem to be distracted from it.
No I can't thats true every day living the same day thinking about it being over.


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Tried tinder 0 matches means not gl enough stop coping

So you were lieing when you said, in this thread, that you know it's a mental issue?

Anyway you can f*** off, not wasting my time with you again.


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So you were lieing when you said, in this thread, that you know it's a mental issue?

Anyway you can f*** off, not wasting my time with you again.
I hope all of you put me on ignore. So I can have conversations with normal people


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Not really, I don't have a fancy job and won't have a career. To me, jobs are a means to an end, and my happiness at work comes first.

But my girlfriend will, at least she thinks so, and she doesn't give a f***, all she asks from me is that I'm not sitting on my *** all day and that I bring some money.

The game is rigged in Europe anyway and you can never make tons of money. Also, working more than 50 hours a week is illegal.

People say they want to prove themselves, to derive meaning from their jobs and it isn't the money that matters.

Well to hell with that, I won't be slaving away for a job just so I can prove myself and make money I won't even need.

All this to say, no, most women aren't hypergamous sl*ts who want you to be exceptionally talented and rich. My mother has always been above my father intellectually, my father worked in a warehouse, my mother's an executive, and she always admired him until he got laid off seven years ago. That's when the problems started and their relationship really suffered.

You redpillers exaggerate, and the statement "what? women would like you to have a decent job?! Hypergamous sl*ts!!"


Autism and sluthater status confirmed.
If you got 0 matches on tinder you'd have gone in mental hospital perm stop coping