Men Need Everything Height,eye Area,lower Third, Hair, Gymcel, Frame


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Tried tinder 0 matches means not gl enough stop coping

users agreed you post autistic and intense selfies on tinder and your idea of approaching is showing girls Trump memes or gifs


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buahaha so fun triggering the idiots here

They are not idiots they are frustrated with you because they want you to take steps to help yourself.

Seeing someone who wont get help is like watching an alcoholic drink themselves to death it frustrates people.

I do think you should try therapy I think it can help you figure out why you get 'stuck' on these thoughts

we canddebate if its 'true or not true'--but does not really matter you believe it and you are not moving past to what is next if this is true.

@Dante92 complains on occasion but he came to a place of acceptance of a life with limitations he does not like it but he accepted and navigated himself to have a life in spite of these things..

You are not doing need to figure out 'why' you vacillate so much. Tinder/no Tinder Tinder/no Tinder.


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Are you considering spending rest of your life in Asia? How does your life there compare to the UK?
I would happily spend the rest of my life in asia but I have a few reservations:

-Pension and health care when I'm an OAP
-I cant buy a house unless I marry a viet woman
-There's little career progression so while earning $2,000 per month in asia is good - it wont be so great when I'm 50.

I prefer the weather, food, culture, community, and work load in asia compared to the UK and I would urge anyone without commitments to come out here for a while.


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users agreed you post autistic and intense selfies on tinder and your idea of approaching is showing girls Trump memes or gifs

Trump for most women is a lady-boner killer.


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I made a f*****g post discussing a topic you people started making comments about my situation and now start complaining that Im replying.

Why do I even waste my time
Because we're the only ones who listen.

Post the pictures that you use on tinder (or pm them to me) and also post what your bio says.

I'm gonna help you get matches.


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-There's little career progression so while earning $2,000 per month in asia is good - it wont be so great when I'm 50.

Is this the case for all of Asia or just Viet? One of my friend is in Bejing and he was telling me that he is making more money there than he made in the US. He was making around $40 K in the US if I remember correctly.

You are right about career progression. It's very important for job satisfaction. After some time, making the same amount of money or staying at the same position as you started becomes grating as we do want to see progress.


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What I see with Xander and guys of his ilk , is they don't know how to talk to anyone never mind a girl. The kind of guy you ask for directions and he looks at you like you came off the f*****g moon, confused that humans communicate.

Learn to talk to people then after some practice you might find after a few beers you can communicate with a chick and she might be drunk enough to let you hit.


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Is this the case for all of Asia or just Viet? One of my friend is in Bejing and he was telling me that he is making more money there than he made in the US. He was making around $40 K in the US if I remember correctly.

You are right about career progression. It's very important for job satisfaction. After some time, making the same amount of money or staying at the same position as you started becomes grating as we do want to see progress.
I can make a lot more money if I get a masters in teaching - but the course costs well over £10,000

So I could save up for it over four years (and not get a hair transplant).

If I get the masters I can work for international schools teaching british and American kids in asia and earn over $60,000 per year.


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In India,teachers who are preparing students in competitive exams are earning in range of more than 100,000 US dollars all over India.
In India,it's must to clear specific exam for getting government job.


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In India,teachers who are preparing students in competitive exams are earning in range of more than 100,000 US dollars all over India.
In India,it's must to clear specific exam for getting government job.
I actually really want to visit india - It looks like a beautiful country


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Tried tinder 0 matches means not gl enough stop coping

It could be something other than your actual looks, such as your photogenicity etc. that is affecting your Tinder success. How do women view you/act towards you in real life? That's a better objective gauge imo.

Like you, I get virtually no matches on Tinder here in NYC, yet when I go out in real life I regularly receive looks, smiles, and unsolicited compliments from women (7+) - even from women much younger than me (I'm 39). And this is with a fivehead, NW2.5-3.0 (with a combover). So I tend to not stress my lack of Tinder success. Go by what real life says. If I believed my Tinder success I'd think I was a wretched 2.0-4.0 dude, but in actuality I'm closer to 8 even with my hair loss. In real life there are also other visual and non-verbal qualities about you (posture, comportment/demeanor, stature etc.) which inform women's level of attraction towards you.


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Men need to be above average by a combination of looks, height, intelligence, social status, personality, body and hair.

If I said this exact same thing you'd be chortling about me even mentioning personality, or even intelligence as well.

Your argument is consistently like it's 95% looks (and I'm being kind here as I'm pretty sure you've said personality plays zero part) and every now and then you slip up with the consistency of this, because deep down you know it's true, personality has a role. It may not be as big of a role as looks, definitely not, but if a woman is attracted to a man physically she also needs to feel something mentally too.

Looks only give you an "in", from there it's down to yourself, not just how you look.

That Guy

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I'm late to the party as usual but in response to the OP.

Yeah, I think it's obvious that men have to work harder to be attractive than the average woman does, but that's good news for any guy who is actually willing to put in the work. Anyway,

I disagree that most women have gone to sh*t by age 25; not sure if it's location-dependent or what, but it has always been my observation that a high number of hot women who were hot when they were younger, are also hot and often hotter in their 30s into 40s as they've lost the "baby face" they usually had before. Though if modern pornography truly reflects contemporary (fairly disturbing) tastes, jailbait seems to be modern man's preference.

There are more good-looking women out there than good-looking men and the reason is because women in general actually care about looking nice. Most dudes, at any given age, are complete slobs that look like every other overweight "average joe #3564712" with the same lame, short haircut they haven't washed in days, T-shirt and ripped jeans and patchy five o'clock shadow.

Walk through a mall, or pass women on the street on their way to work in the morning and you should be able to see that the average woman, even if she's not "hot" or "attractive" to you, still has nicer clothes, better hair and hygiene than most of her male peers and she probably even wears some makeup — which can do amazing things in the hands of a skilled user.