My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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I think I read somewhere on Joe's original website that he recommends tablet forms so that's why I went with those. Could be wrong. Or that might be an outdated piece of info.

I didn't understand what you were trying to say there - tablet form of zinc didn't work at all?

I used these, apparently they arent pure, and it totally messed up its effectiveness and I began to shed the entire time I was using them. Things only rebounded to normal when I went back to the capsuled version.


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Would this be okay for b6 can't get the one you recommended...shipping problems
Thanks for your help worm...and should I drop 2 drops and Massage it in all over or the parts where I'm reeceding ?

I use tab versions of B6 p5p. I dont know how effective it will be. I would think that the zinc is the one that needs to be in bulk / "more pure". Have you searched If you cant find anything else, I'd say give them a try.

I massage it all over my scalp, most especially where i am diffusely shedding, but try to cover all male pattern baldness areas that could be affected in the future as well. I use probably around 2-3 mls per application.


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Should be getting my B6 tommorow hopefully, friday at the latest.
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I wonder if this is related to zinc oxide cream being moderately effective in fighting acne.

Maybe I'll buy some B6, dissolve it in my zinc oxide + castor oil cream, and apply it to my hair once a day.


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I used these, apparently they arent pure, and it totally messed up its effectiveness and I began to shed the entire time I was using them. Things only rebounded to normal when I went back to the capsuled version.

Yeah, fillers aside, these tabs you used had 95mgs of Calcium per tab. I believe that's the reason why they failed to do the job. Mine are Calcium free so we'll see what happens.


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Yeah, fillers aside, these tabs you used had 95mgs of Calcium per tab. I believe that's the reason why they failed to do the job. Mine are Calcium free so we'll see what happens.

I think Calcium is known to F up lots of things and cause absorption issues. I suppose that's a good sign then, crossing fingers for you.


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I wonder if this is related to zinc oxide cream being moderately effective in fighting acne.

Maybe I'll buy some B6, dissolve it in my zinc oxide + castor oil cream, and apply it to my hair once a day.

I think there may be something to that. That said I would stick to the zix formula, why tinker with something that has worked for many?


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BTW, maybe it's been mentioned on this thread already, but this is pretty much a simplified version of revivogen? Maybe zix can be more effective though because of the extra zinc. who knows how much/little is actually in reviviogen


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BTW, maybe it's been mentioned on this thread already, but this is pretty much a simplified version of revivogen? Maybe zix can be more effective though because of the extra zinc. who knows how much/little is actually in reviviogen

Yes @baldboys about 5 messages ago just said so. I quoted it a couple a few times throughout. It's basically the same active ingredients imo, and costs you about 97% less per month ($1.50 vs $30 something), and I totally agree probably way more effective due to zinc concentration.
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Just mixed up my latest batch this morning. Im trying 3.5 zinc today. Im wondering if I should try 4, but I'll wait a couple weeks and move up then. Im hoping it improves the efficacy just as moving from 2-3 did. If it does, I'll be losing 5-8 hairs in the shower which imo will be a total remission of male pattern baldness. Crossing fingers here. Dont think I'll see any improved results before 7-10 days.


I had one person asking me what the volume was for 220mgs for those buying in bulk - I took a couple reference pics - 1 capsule is just under 1/8 teaspoon. I put 3 capsules in 1/2 teaspoon and it comes close to filling that out as well. Here are a few pics for your reference. Im just letting the solution dilute, then I'll add the rest of the water.

20170223_082153_resized.jpg 20170223_082300_resized.jpg 20170223_082558_resized.jpg 20170223_082629_resized.jpg 20170223_082954_resized.jpg
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Chocolate Lebron

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Worm you hero 1 more question...I was reading about green tea extract with Ethanol alcohol could I use this with six...zix in the morning than green tea..wat you reckon would t hinder zix ?


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@Chocolate Lebron

TBH I have zero idea how any alternative treatments will respond, essentially because I havent tried them.

What I can suggest however is that I would try zix first and only zix. The kitchen sink approach while sometimes works, is rarely effective.

For example, Ive only recently deduced that 3 pills of zinc are making a difference in my zix, while I hold everything else stable.

I have minoxidil sitting in my closet ready to deploy, but I cant because Im still trying to improve zix alone. I have just added 1/2 zinc more in my latest batch, and am debating dumping the last half capsule in there (to go from 3 to 4 capsules). I dont think I'll know for at least another month how things are working. And even then with the reduced shedding (thanks for 3 zincs), I would like to reevaluate my hair at the 3-5 month mark to see what impact the zix is having.

Personally I tend to err on the less is more philosophy. If you add green tea, along with zix, you may have great results, but you may not know what is working, and therefore you may be applying one of them unnecessarily.

So long story short, I suggest you try zix for a few months before you try adding anything else.

PS I think zix alone could be the only thing you need in treating male pattern baldness. I believe it's slowed my hairloss by a factor of at least 10x slower.


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View attachment 48788

I ran some numbers comparing the concentrations used in the studies, the original Zix formula, your stronger formula and what I plan to use. Maybe someone finds it useful.

Also it is important to note that most of the pills and powders that you can buy are Zinc Sulfate Heptahydrate which is not what they used in the study. This molecule is only 56% Zinc Sulfate by weight, the rest is water. The numbers on the right-hand side account for this and give you how much of these pills or powder you would need to use to achieve the same amount of Zinc Sulfate.

@whatevr As ratios I understand your analysis, however Im not totally sure I understand how you derived the target amount.

I ofc see I am just under that, and I suppose it's serving as inspiration for going from 3 to 3.5 capsules (220 mgs each) today. That would bring me just a little above the target

Do you think I should just go to 4 straight away? Or do you think I should ease into it over the next weeks?


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@whatevr As ratios I understand your analysis, however Im not totally sure I understand how you derived the target amount.

I ofc see I am just under that, and I suppose it's serving as inspiration for going from 3 to 3.5 capsules (220 mgs each) today. That would bring me just a little above the target

Do you think I should just go to 4 straight away? Or do you think I should ease into it over the next weeks?

I think I made the target arbitrary, it's not a result of any math. I got my B6 today.
I will make a log of what I use currently. I don't use Zix on its own though, I use quite a few other things, but I will attempt to make it all work together because I also need regrowth.


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I think I made the target arbitrary, it's not a result of any math. I got my B6 today.
I will make a log of what I use currently. I don't use Zix on its own though, I use quite a few other things, but I will attempt to make it all work together because I also need regrowth.

Gotcha. Good to hear you got your B6, I was reading up more and I believe you mentioned it, however the b6 is supposed to really enhance the anti dht properties when combined with zinc sulphate.

I use 3 and 2/3rd capsules for this zix mix.

I got to say again, Im super jazzed about the enhanced results of zix since I added the 3rd zinc pill. Im hoping the extra 2/3 capsule will give another boost. If I can get the shedding under 10 in the shower, I think that it will be as good as I can hope with any treatment. Looking forward to the next few weeks!:)

Good luck!


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i'll be ordering what i need shortly. Just hope my minoxidil use dosn't screw up zix's efficiency. In the long run i would like to eventually ween off minoxidil anyway as I believe it doesn't actually help against male pattern baldness in the long run. Just gives you more hair than you should have, but that boosted number eventually drops as DHT continues to brutalize the follicles.


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i'll be ordering what i need shortly. Just hope my minoxidil use dosn't screw up zix's efficiency. In the long run i would like to eventually ween off minoxidil anyway as I believe it doesn't actually help against male pattern baldness in the long run. Just gives you more hair than you should have, but that boosted number eventually drops as DHT continues to brutalize the follicles.

That's just it. If you apply the zix, then wait for minoxidil some 5-10 mins later I hear you should be fine. Ive heard of some applying minoxidil only once daily too. There was a period of years where I was only using zix once daily as well. You need to figure out what works for you. That said I think zix will answer your need for anti dht which will prevent further loss while you enjoy the benefits of minoxidil.