My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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Worm, why do you use zinc sulphate and not elemental zinc which is pure zinc?

It's because there was a study done using zinc sulphate, not to mention it was part of the formula that I found on Joe the creator of zix's site.


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Worm heavy weight lifting causes shedding for me. Also, high zinc (75+) orally can act as a aramatose inhibitor. Thus increasing test a little.

Just my observation.


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Hey Worm, just got my stuff together for the zix, still waiting on distilled water and polysorbate. Do you think it could stop my hairline receding? Been on finasteride a few years but it never halted my recession, cheers man!


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Hey Worm, just got my stuff together for the zix, still waiting on distilled water and polysorbate. Do you think it could stop my hairline receding? Been on finasteride a few years but it never halted my recession, cheers man!

Are you still on finasteride?

I think it slowed my recession but didn't stop it. It's slowly creeping back over the past 12 years. I can't say I'm all that concerned at this stage.

That said, I think if you're using both, it should hopefully slow it down further if not stop it altogether.

I just got a report from a fellow member who is saying he is experience some good gains using zix and minoxidil together. I'm hoping for an update in 3 months.

Ultimately I'd love to combine both this and Brotzu lotion together, if that ever comes out.


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Yeah still using finasteride. Just whipped up my first batch of zix - but might do it again, as I could only find deionized water and it says "2015" on the side so I think the dude sold me some out of date stuff. Just ordered distilled water and a proper pill crusher from amazon, will make another batch tomorrow I think. I will be using it alongside minoxidil, hopefully they work well together, I know there's some thinking about them not working well together. I'll also be using Ru 5% every few days, and maybe S5 cream. My hairline has sprouted a f*** ton of miniaturized hairs lately, it's scary as hell and I need to freeze them where they are at least.

Also holding out hope for Brotzu, let us pray together man. Some questions about zix:

Joe says to let the solution sit for two days after mixing it - I'm using your minoxidil bottle measurements, do I need to let that sit still? Should I refridgerate it? I added polysorbate too, just cos'. Cheers Worm, been reading a lot of your stuff from the past 10 years, really hoping zix treats me nice


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@worm I have been reading your thread for a while. Im 31. I wanted to give zix a shot before trying monox etc. i bought the zinc and b6 already and was wondering if ethyl rubbing alcohal from walgreens is right one?
about distilled water, there are so many brands available and so far i think this is the right one im looking at, can you please confirm this?!-distilled-water-1-gallon-bottle/ID=prod6163492-product


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@worm I have been reading your thread for a while. Im 31. I wanted to give zix a shot before trying monox etc. i bought the zinc and b6 already and was wondering if ethyl rubbing alcohal from walgreens is right one?
about distilled water, there are so many brands available and so far i think this is the right one im looking at, can you please confirm this?!-distilled-water-1-gallon-bottle/ID=prod6163492-product

Both look good to me!


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Does the original ZIX work well or does it benefit from having saw palmetto in it?

I never saw any benefits from adding polysorbate or sp, I found it worse. I'd say stick to original and see how that goes.


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Yeah still using finasteride. Just whipped up my first batch of zix - but might do it again, as I could only find deionized water and it says "2015" on the side so I think the dude sold me some out of date stuff. Just ordered distilled water and a proper pill crusher from amazon, will make another batch tomorrow I think. I will be using it alongside minoxidil, hopefully they work well together, I know there's some thinking about them not working well together. I'll also be using Ru 5% every few days, and maybe S5 cream. My hairline has sprouted a f*** ton of miniaturized hairs lately, it's scary as hell and I need to freeze them where they are at least.

Also holding out hope for Brotzu, let us pray together man. Some questions about zix:

Joe says to let the solution sit for two days after mixing it - I'm using your minoxidil bottle measurements, do I need to let that sit still? Should I refridgerate it? I added polysorbate too, just cos'. Cheers Worm, been reading a lot of your stuff from the past 10 years, really hoping zix treats me nice

I would hesitate to add the s5 and polysorbate, but if you've added polysorbate and you dfind it's helping, then don't fix what ain't broke.
. Thanks for sharing, I find the more people share, the more we can find a solution that works!


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Hey Worm,

Did you ever try Zix without adding the ethyl alcohol?

Yes with joe's original formula. I don't Remeber exactly, but I concluded it was more effective with than without.


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Little blurb. I've been off zinc internal supplements for a month now or so, against my initial trial at attempt. I just showered today and only had 10 hairs in the drain catch. I'm starting to wonder if the extra testosterone due to zinc was amplifying my hair loss. Also, I've been a little lazy lately and have been applying sometimes only once per day. Needless to say shedding has improved, however not to the level it was at 4 months back. But 10-15 is still pretty amazing.

Will keep updating.
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@,Worm do you mean you stopped using zix, or you've stopped taking zinc internally? I've heard mixed things about zinc supplements. Also, third day on zix, nothin to report yet, keeping it in the fridge and applying twice a day


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@,Worm do you mean you stopped using zix, or you've stopped taking zinc internally? I've heard mixed things about zinc supplements. Also, third day on zix, nothin to report yet, keeping it in the fridge and applying twice a day

@yellowbluegrey Thanks for pointing that out, I just edited my post which i wrote right before bed. I meant taking zinc supplements orally.

I just kind of fell out of the habit, however some of the great things I experience while taking zinc orally is a super high libido, and initially some 20 years ago when I started, was a reduction of itchy scalp. Some of the bad things I have been experiencing is fatigue lately, inability to focus, diarrhea. I read these could be from too much zinc. In 2010 I started using zinc picolinate (50mgs) which was wayyyy more effective than gluconate which I had been using prior to that, and I guess this corresponds with an increase in symptoms, however the increased libido had me hooked. ;)

Sure enough one month off, I feel better, however my libido has eased off though. Right now, my focus is better, improved memory, stomach isnt so sensitive, and I am more alert. I suppose after 20+ years of taking zinc, Im am zinc sufficient. More interestingly, I am curious to see how my scalp and hair density responds, Im optimistic it'll improve, although I am not holding my breath.


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Do you think it would ruin the mix if i did about 25 mls ethyl alcohol and 50 mls distilled water

i ask because i have a measuring jug that has 25ml - 50ml - 75ml - 100ml and i ain't totally sure how to measure out in-between those numbers without it being abit different each time
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Do you think it would ruin the mix if i did about 25 mls ethyl alcohol and 50 mls distilled water

i ask because i have a measuring jug that has 25ml - 50ml - 75ml - 100ml and i ain't totally sure how to measure out in-between those numbers without it being abit different each time

I doubt it, I used to do 50/50 mix but I lowered it because I found it made my hair kind of sticky for whatever reason.