Here's a close up shot of my right temple from my third dermarolling session. My first one was
Here's a shot of my first dermarolling session two weeks ago:
^ I don't think thats anywhere near enough wounding, there are far less drops of blood. I know wound healing may not be the same across the entire body, but I've had my wisdom teeth pulled and had gum grafting done on me where a strip of gum graft tissue was taken out from pallet and stitched in between gum tissue and my two front lower teeth. Both times my surgeon said my anatomy is crazy, I heal *really* fast and really well. Having said that, the length of time I see it takes me to heal with the dermarolling wounding is REALLY quick too, its 2 days AT MOST but typically one day. Its similar with my cat, whenever I play with her she always gives me a love bites/scratches on my hand to the point of bleeding. These scratches are GONE the next day. I can see why some people said dermarolling with lithium DIDNT WORK in the past because I'm almost certain they weren't doing it vigorously.
Much like what princessRambo pointed out, that the wounding area looks BIG, I think we need to be equally rough on our skin, similarly to the woman who used the dermaroller on the guys face and had relatively lots of bleeding all across.
Its great that we've got many people on board with this community trial to see what works and at what specific times its best to repeat sessions, apply minoxidil, how much, etc. Its a good thing that the results look to be fairly quick as Histogen saw fast response times.
- - - Updated - - -
Those growth factors are already available here:
My only concern is of course SAFETY. The ingredients more or less mirror those from the studies I posted as well as some of the ones from Histogen. I know at least one guy will be trialing this along with wounding on another forum. THIS could give even more substantial/quicker results. I'm fine without those growth factors if wounding works on its own though, I don't want to pump any more foreign compounds into my body (RU being one and will soon start CB-03-01).