Good to see more research and evidence pointing in this direction of VIT D genetic link, and VIT D receptor underexpression.
I had thought of this idea the scalp as the solar collector a long time ago, and to compensation for low body vit D our hair falls out to get extra sun.. and hence to fix it.. need to jack up Vit D internal and topiclaly but their was no research on this topic back then ..
also what made it clear to me in my trips around the world, northern europe blond and very thin hair vs southern europe.. dark thick hair. In fact on the greek island of rhodos , after i found out that it is one of the sunniest places in the world ! i.e 300 days of sunshine ! if u see the locals.. they have the thickest hair i have ever seen. the hair looks like seriously thick like straw !
So now two issues to address, Firstly we need to fix the under expression of VIT d receptor, so it seems VitA and circumin oileic acids upregulate it. I am also testing wild hair growth, oil and if u see on the ingredients it has VIT D, castor oil and other oils.. so it would not suprise me if this is its mode of action.. the VIT D receptor...
And then increase VIT D topically and internally.
I think Cod liver oil topically is a good option, since it already has VIT A and D in high concentration ! and it has been known to improve wound healing and psoriasis !
Internally i will take 5000 IU per day of D3 starting soon.