"paying For It" By Chester Brown - Tales From Norwood Cemetery


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Surgically attach a hat to your head.

What about a cool-looking mask and helmet?



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Dante have you considered a hair piece while you continue to save for a transplant?

It might make you feel better in the short term until the transplant


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No, a hair piece is out of the question. I would be extremely paranoid, and I don't need any more stress or frustration, I need more piece of mind. More stress would surely lead me to a nervous breakdown.

What have you got to lose? I suggest you try it. And if you don't like it you just take it off.

Yeah the paranoia is a given. But after a while maybe you won't give a f***. They are realistic as f***.

I know ultimately a transplant is your goal.


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No, a hair piece is out of the question. I would be extremely paranoid, and I don't need any more stress or frustration, I need more piece of mind. More stress would surely lead me to a nervous breakdown.

I posted this a while ago. Check it out.
I would do this IF I wasnt such a sweaty mess. One workout in the gym and this thing would slip off my head like a buttered pancake.
If I was able to do it though I would want to go all out. I think they need a way to just shave the head and keep hair from growing then be able to attach a piece there that would hold for MONTHS easy under any circumstances.

on a side note though (and not to sound negative) imagine the gut punch you feel when you see that on your head a couple weeks then have to get it redone and in one swoop its gone and you are Norwood NINE! I think I would pass out.

Also with the hair cloning conversation. The only real hindrance to cloning the hair I remember was the awkward growth. They could never get the cloned hair to grow and stay in any pattern like normal hair would grow. It was to random. Personally if they could LOAD my head with awkward pubie hair I could just cut down to 1 guard but have a thick awesome hair line Id take that over the latter.


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I posted this a while ago. Check it out.
I would do this IF I wasnt such a sweaty mess. One workout in the gym and this thing would slip off my head like a buttered pancake.
If I was able to do it though I would want to go all out. I think they need a way to just shave the head and keep hair from growing then be able to attach a piece there that would hold for MONTHS easy under any circumstances.

on a side note though (and not to sound negative) imagine the gut punch you feel when you see that on your head a couple weeks then have to get it redone and in one swoop its gone and you are Norwood NINE! I think I would pass out.

Also with the hair cloning conversation. The only real hindrance to cloning the hair I remember was the awkward growth. They could never get the cloned hair to grow and stay in any pattern like normal hair would grow. It was to random. Personally if they could LOAD my head with awkward pubie hair I could just cut down to 1 guard but have a thick awesome hair line Id take that over the latter.



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I posted this a while ago. Check it out.
I would do this IF I wasnt such a sweaty mess. One workout in the gym and this thing would slip off my head like a buttered pancake.
If I was able to do it though I would want to go all out. I think they need a way to just shave the head and keep hair from growing then be able to attach a piece there that would hold for MONTHS easy under any circumstances.

on a side note though (and not to sound negative) imagine the gut punch you feel when you see that on your head a couple weeks then have to get it redone and in one swoop its gone and you are Norwood NINE! I think I would pass out.

Also with the hair cloning conversation. The only real hindrance to cloning the hair I remember was the awkward growth. They could never get the cloned hair to grow and stay in any pattern like normal hair would grow. It was to random. Personally if they could LOAD my head with awkward pubie hair I could just cut down to 1 guard but have a thick awesome hair line Id take that over the latter.

Well, according to that "Noah" dude, you can swim, water-ski, scuba dive, AND wrestle alligators for fun and the thing will stay attached.

And speaking of a "gut punch", can you see some hot chick at a salon peeling one of those things off the head of some fat, middle-age bald man.


How those girls can stay professional and not break into a full-blown belly laugh is beyond me.

The poor schmoes must be MORTIFIED sitting there watching that get done.

Not hard to see why many wearers now opt for the do-it-yourself approach.


My Regimen
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Well, according to that "Noah" dude, you can swim, water-ski, scuba dive, AND wrestle alligators for fun and the thing will stay attached.

And speaking of a "gut punch", can you see some hot chick at a salon peeling one of those things off the head of some fat, middle-age bald man.


How those girls can stay professional and not break into a full-blown belly laugh is beyond me.

The poor schmoes must be MORTIFIED sitting there watching that get done.

Not hard to see why many wearers now opt for the do-it-yourself approach.

Ben Affleck doesn't seem to give a sh*t. Either does his hot wife.

He's been wearing since the late 90's. Poster boy for hair systems.


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People are still posting hair pieces around here like they are a solution. Do you seriously thinking seeing someone at there beat, fresh attachment in an air conditioned salon with a brand new piece is a good way to Guage how awesome a toupee is?

Get real!


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You're one of the (extremely) rare guys who actually tried a hair piece and saw how it wasn't a viable solution at all.

My father has been telling me the same since I was 19, the only advantage of a hair piece? You look like you have a full head of hair.

The disadvantages? The list just doesn't end, your life is pretty much over, forget about doing everything that's fun, plus the constant paranoia.

I've banged 15 different girls this year with my thin hair transplant on my head, no girl looked twice at it.

I could completely let myself go and enjoy the experience. This would have been absolutely impossible with a rug on my head.

People should just stop mentioning hair pieces unless they have tried one themselves.

My father did, his feedback? A nightmare. Shookwun did, his feedback? A nightmare.

The dozens and dozens of guys my father has seen at his supplier tried.

Their feedback? They moved back to Horseshoe City. They all gave up.

Other people have tried on various forums, and they all came to the same conclusion:

Not a viable solution for hair loss.
There is 2 other guys in the hair piece section that recently tried one also. Both couldnt bother with the upkeep, maitenance and constantly living your life behind the safety of your piece.

Granted there are some who could make it work, but largely speaking it is a pain in the ***. Forget about having women in your life unless you flat out tell them you wear a wig. When I used to wake up in the morning you could tell I had a wig. The hair on the sides did not match the top when you have bed head. I used to get up at metaciously comb my hair before even going to the bathroom. There was constant bullshit I had to endure. The sun absolutely decimated my piece. My sides were ash brown while the top was starting to form a dirty blonde streak look. I always had to press the edges down, they would stay but during all my activities but forget seeing a women unless you had a fresh bond. If she runs the hair back there is a high chance her hands will graze the edge and give it a slight lift. Countless times getting out of the shower random sides of the piece would lift up when I got out. The glue, and my own hair growth broke down the bond.quickly. oh and if your not careful with attachmental you will she'd the graduated hairline quickly which will form gaps in your hair piece. Prepare for a sh*t load of hair cuts to keel your sides and back short because that seems to be the trend to make it blend better.

I only looked good when I showered, blow dried and had fresh attachments. Forget getting intimate unless your attachment is fresh. Get ready for the piece to lift


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My father.

He says you have to be a bit crazy in the head to be willing to put up with that sh*t.

Most hair piece wearers come to their senses, and realize:

"Do I really want to give up on my life just so I can pretend I have hair on my head?"

Any sane person would ditch the hair piece.

I'll be travelling to Indonesia in a few weeks, visiting places like this one:


Going there with a hair piece? Braving the sun? The extreme heat? The salt water? Forget about it, you can't.

What sane person would say: "Nah, not going there, wouldn't be good for my hair piece! Can't wait to spend my whole life in my living room! With hair!"
Only option would be to wear a hat 24/7.

Forget about water acticities unless you have a nearby hotel room to fix(touch up) the bond on your piece daily.

You nerd to be a bit crazy. I consider myself an extremist and it was just to much for me to handle.


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Note: Sorry if someone get sad watching this video..
One Girl has Alopecia Universalis...
Do watch,Its not a normal PUA video.


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Our Indian guru has enlightened us with his presence.

Just throw a wig on her, and tell her to commute to the hood where all the sistas are at. Black chicks are weave experts