Professor made a joke about my hairloss today


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Anyway my English 200 professor was explaining an assignment today and she was saying about how we shouldn't spend too much time on our paper because "You'll end up pulling out your hair, at least those of us that have hair. Haha." I didn't respond mainly because I wasn't really paying attention to her and it completely caught me off guard, plus the fact that I am a pussy. She really has no room to talk because she's a whale, she's probably pushing around 350 pounds. Anyway, reading UM and Dudemon's posts here I thought they were exaggerating their experiences but I guess they weren't.


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some people are just idiots, ironically your professor.

you can't change people, you can only change yourself, or in this case your reaction. evolution, hang on!


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"Or we might get so stressed out we develop an eating disorder... Well those of us who haven't developed one already."


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Any shaved heads in the class she might have been talking about?

uncomfortable man

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As I secure my hat tighter around my head, thank you.


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I don't see the big deal with that comment actually.

It's not like she said ' that slaphead over there!'. I think being overly sensitive is the issue.


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Hammer87 said:
I don't see the big deal with that comment actually.

It's not like she said ' that slaphead over there!'. I think being overly sensitive is the issue.

I agree with you.... It takes a lot to offend me and I never really understand why some people get easily offended.

TBH, I can see myself making such a joke. "pulling my hair" isn't really part of my vocabulary, but I am not always politically correct.


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I don't know, maybe he's being a little sensitive, but its a sensitive topic for all of us. I think even when we make jokes ourselves, its to deal. I'm sorry that happened to you, keep your head up.


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spinner2 said:
"Or we might get so stressed out we develop an eating disorder... Well those of us who haven't developed one already."

Yeah, I guess I am going to have to come up with some canned responses to bald jokes. Like I said, I was just caught completely off guard.

s.a.f said:
Any shaved heads in the class she might have been talking about?

No, she was definitely talking about me. There's only four other males in the class and they're all nw1's even though one is in his 40's.

uncomfortable man said:
As I secure my hat tighter around my head, thank you.

Yeah I wear a hat almost all of the time. I guess this is what I have to expect when I go out without a hat lol

Hammer87 said:
I don't see the big deal with that comment actually.

It's not like she said ' that slaphead over there!'. I think being overly sensitive is the issue.

I actually have a pretty tough disposition. I could really care less about what she thinks about me. I was just not expecting to be singled out in front of class.


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next time you write a paper for that class make sure to include something about dieting or overweight people. Bonus points if it's something you have to read in front of the class.

uncomfortable man

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You would just expect better sense from someone in that position, to not single out anyone for any particular reason that has nothing to do with the subject matter. If it were a comment like that about someone being black or gay then that teacher might get fired. This just proves that it is still sociably acceptable to make fun of and even descriminate against bald people.


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uncomfortable man said:
You would just expect better sense from someone in that position, to not single out anyone for any particular reason that has nothing to do with the subject matter. If it were a comment like that about someone being black or gay then that teacher might get fired. This just proves that it is still sociably acceptable to make fun of and even descriminate against bald people.
Prove? It doesn't need to be proved it's obvious it's seen as ok but there's a reason.

In the past being socially acceptable to discriminate blacks and gays has lead to beatings and killings. Who's ever killed someone for the sole fact that they're bald. Also bald people from what I've noticed don't usually care (We, on this forum are something like 2% that bother to seek help). The majority of bald men in my experience are 'man enough' not to care, it's not really considered offensive - People can insult them all night, to them it's just a characteristic about themself so they just laugh it off and throw back an insult about the size of the other person's nose etc. But how many blacks/gays could say they wouldn't be offended if you were racist/homophobic?

It's socially acceptable as it simply isn't as offensive to most. - When you say to a black bald you 'You black chrone dome' he's going to kick your *** about the mild racist comment, not the latter.


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uncomfortable man said:
You would just expect better sense from someone in that position, to not single out anyone for any particular reason that has nothing to do with the subject matter. If it were a comment like that about someone being black or gay then that teacher might get fired. This just proves that it is still sociably acceptable to make fun of and even descriminate against bald people.


please do yourself, your daughter, and your daughter's mother a big favour and talk to a shrink...

You seriously need to stop thinking so negatively all the time...

Please talk to someone about it.

PS: Admitting that you have a problem is half the solution. You don't even admit you have a problem... You just keep blaming the rest of the society.


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My Regimen
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Well, you know what they say: you can't be totally crazy if you consider yourself one. i.e if you act like an insane, depressed person but can't realize it, you have f*** all hope. When I became depressed because of hairloss I realized straight away that something's wrong and seeked for help. Now after 2 years I feel a lot better and am not a moody, depressed fuckhead who avoids people all the time.

uncomfortable man

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So let me get this straight? You don't think that there is anything wrong with someone in a position of authority with a captive audience to single someone out in front of everyone else and make fun of their physical feature that they have no control over in the first place? This teacher just humiliated her student in a way that was totally inappropriate and you are telling me to go see a shrink because I find this situation offensive? f*** you, seriously all of you. Especially you ghg. Oh am I crazy or do I just think I'm crazy or do I not even realize I am crazy, in which case I must really be f*****g crazy, because heaven forbid I feel anything other than pure joy. If you're all so f*****g well adjusted, then why don't you guys spend more time in the sunshine section.


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Uncomfortable man,

Of course the lecturer/teacher was wrong to single out one student. However, you are far too sensitive to the subject.

We don't say that you have to see a shrink based on one topic only, you are always negative and you have issues. Can you not see how you feel victimised/unfortunate/uncomfortable all the time? Do you really believe it's normal that you feel like that all the time?

Let's assume people judge you and the rest of the society is to be blamed for the way you feel. Are you gonna live the rest of your life with the victim attitude? 50% of the male population are either bald or have a degree of balding at the age of 40. Do you think 50% of the male population feel victimised as much as you do?

You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and take control of your life.

I seriously don't believe you are genuine anymore. I think you are either too stubborn to admit you have a problem, or someone making a fun out of this forum and bald people. If you were for real, you would at least make an effort to reach some sort of acceptance, but you aren't even trying. You live in denial....

You get offended by what we say, but we are actually trying to help you. I'm not saying all these things because I hate you, I just want you to get rid off that victim mentality.

I really don't know what else to say. I guess we can't help someone who doesn't admit that he's got a problem.

uncomfortable man

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Forget about me. Why don't you ask Ash how he felt about what happened? Ask him if he was embarrassed, if he feels that what the teacher said was fair, appropriate and in good taste? Perhaps Ash has a problem too and needs to see a shrink as well, maybe a grief councilor. :sobbing:


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Ash said:
Anyway my English 200 professor was explaining an assignment today and she was saying about how we shouldn't spend too much time on our paper because "You'll end up pulling out your hair, at least those of us that have hair. Haha." I didn't respond mainly because I wasn't really paying attention to her and it completely caught me off guard, plus the fact that I am a pussy. She really has no room to talk because she's a whale, she's probably pushing around 350 pounds. Anyway, reading UM and Dudemon's posts here I thought they were exaggerating their experiences but I guess they weren't.

From what you've written, it seems to me that when she said "at least those of us that have hair", she was referring to bald guys in general. Like others have said, i think you are being a bit sensitive hear.

Now, i'm not saying that bald guys don't get targeted by others who like to make jokes, but in this case it doesn't seem that she was singling you out.