This afternoon's date cancelled on me. She said that I was making her feel uncomfortable with my sexual language and that she wasn't feeling like a lady, and that she wanted to listen to her instincts for once and pull out early. I responded with "Can we talk about this later, I have a yoga class starting now," which probably wasn't the best response but I don't care as to be honest I wasn't that interested in her. I did tell her (politely) that my own aggression was meant to mirror hers, and that I found her very forward both romantically and sexually. I told her that the spark is gone and I wished her luck.
So from 4 dates this week, I have 2 that led to failure including one that says "let's be friends", 1 cancellation, and one that is into me but she is the one of the four that I have the least attraction to. On the one hand, I should keep going at it for a while, on the other, I may hurt her as she seems really into me, but who knows maybe I'll f*** it up. Our third date is tomorrow, we're going to the mall, lol.
I don't know how chads like
@WhitePolarBear manage balancing so many women. I had ... 5 dates in 2 weeks? And I'm exhausted. I'm actually going to take a break from first dates for a while. I have a huge amount of work to do, and I need to do it, and I've been gaining weight in part due to the greater stress and shortage of time. I have to write 30 pages of good scientific text by May 17th ... possibly 40 pages. So this thread will go into a coma, unless a lot of people ask questions.
But it may or may not be the case that I'd be better off being less physically aggressive, it's hard to gauge. If I'm not aggressive at all I'd be giving platonic vibes which is what people assumed last year. This year it may be the opposite based off a few instances, for example my description of Friday's date.