READ READ READ.. Very Interesting POV


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So you'd say, that it works?
How long do you have to take it? Permanently?
I have read stories from some users, who have taken 10-20mg/day (still low, huh) and they got nevertheless much hairloss :(
i'm scared, that maybe a ultra low-dose can be dangerous for hair


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Kero said:
So you'd say, that it works?
How long do you have to take it? Permanently?
I have read stories from some users, who have taken 10-20mg/day (still low, huh) and they got nevertheless much hairloss :(
i'm scared, that maybe a ultra low-dose can be dangerous for hair

Can you show me links to the posts where ppl say 10-20mg caused them hairloss.. I couldnt find a single post about it


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My Regimen
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this is awesome news, thanks for keeping us updated.

how is the scalp inflammation/dandruff situations going?


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Everyone: search on google: "Accutane and hair," and everything that comes up is regarding hair loss. I would assume the people who are experiencing hair loss are taking the higher doses prescribed. :dunno:

good luck empire on this expedition


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I recieved some messages from some concerned users dismayed with my experiment. They are cheesed off that I may persuade users to commence a highly dangerous drug that could in affect lose their hair.

This noise won't go away.

I stated over and over that above 20mg a day of Accutane can cause hair loss, even permanant hair loss.. I made that clear and I stated I would only take ultra low dose as it may have the reverse effect.

Either way, I can't be bothered with the politics. Obviously society isn't happy with me being a guinea pig, so I am abandoning the experiment.

As of now, 10mg 3x week of Accutane has:

1. Gotten rid of the inflammation
2. No more scalp itch or redness
3. Acne all gone
4. Little prickly follicles between the hairs.

Take that and conclude your own conclusion.

I have been doing reading on Emu Oil.. thats my next experiment, hopefully without the barrage of politically-correct do-gooders giving me their peace of mind.


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Why are you stopping the drug if you have success and are convicned it doesn't do harm? I'd be interested how it turns out for you , considering you've only been taking it for short period of time.
Personally I don't have a clue what such a small dose would do , but the long history of accutane aggravating premature hairloss refrained me from ever considering it (and I have acne).


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Jack said:
Why are you stopping the drug if you have success and are convicned it doesn't do harm? I'd be interested how it turns out for you , considering you've only been taking it for short period of time.
Personally I don't have a clue what such a small dose would do , but the long history of accutane aggravating premature hairloss refrained me from ever considering it (and I have acne).

You just answered your own question without knowing it.


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I don't see why you would stop if the results were positive. Experimentation is always worthy, even if the conclusion is "Nope, this doesn't do it."

And honestly, it's shouldn't be your concern what you've convinced other people to do. It's their job to do their own research and decide for themselves. This is an internet message board, not a doctor's office.


Empire said:
Jack said:
Why are you stopping the drug if you have success and are convicned it doesn't do harm? I'd be interested how it turns out for you , considering you've only been taking it for short period of time.
Personally I don't have a clue what such a small dose would do , but the long history of accutane aggravating premature hairloss refrained me from ever considering it (and I have acne).

You just answered your own question without knowing it.

I don't see where he answered his own question, nor do I understand why you would stop something that is successful for you. I knpw you said numerous times that higher doses than what you're using will cause hair loss, and if people didn't read that, it's their fault.


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Because some people might get a little too excited and start popping 20mg or even 40mg a day.. then when they start losing hair will hop on this board and wipe the floor with my name.

I have mentioned the fact that higher doses can cause hair loss, yet people are OVER and OVER again repeating what information I have already provided in rebuttle. It's as though they "selective" reading my posts.


Senior Member
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Empire I apologize if this has already been asked but what are your opinions of Panthothenic Acid?


Empire said:
Because some people might get a little too excited and start popping 20mg or even 40mg a day.. then when they start losing hair will hop on this board and wipe the floor with my name.

I have mentioned the fact that higher doses can cause hair loss, yet people are OVER and OVER again repeating what information I have already provided in rebuttle. It's as though they "selective" reading my posts.

You already stated it helps, so people have enough to go by whether you continue or quit. All you're doing is stopping yourself getting results, people have enough to go by now to make their own minds.


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That's ridiculous. Let me get this straight:

1. You were losing your hair.
2. You decided to try Accutane and tell others about it.
3. Your hair started regrowing.
4. People were angry that you were using Accutane.
5. You stopped using Accutane.

So basically you're saying that you sacrificed your hair for the common good.

I don't buy it.


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Sounds like somebody didn't get the results he expected and now he's trying to save face by doing a "community service."


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I am now continuing treatment to counter that last claim.

FYI I have nothing to gain by it working? I don't sell Accutane. I don't work for Accutane. So why wouldn't I say it's not working if it's not? I have nothing to lose by saying I tried it, didn't work.. oh well. If anything at least I have the balls to try treatments not just write posts about how everything is "snake oil"


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Obsidian said:
Empire I apologize if this has already been asked but what are your opinions of Panthothenic Acid?

I read somehwere it reverses Hyperandrogenicity.. don't know if that holds any truth.

As for acne treatment, I'm unclear on its effects.


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I don't know why I'm trying to help the same smartasses who are posting crap on this thread.

So I will be continuing treatment, but I will NOT be placing any updates on this forum about it. Too fkn bad. Don't PM me and ask for updates either.


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Right, so how exactly is that helping others? How would anyone even know you're actually using it? Why are you telling people you're continuing to use it if you're not going to discuss the results? Why not just start using it in secrecy?

chore boy

Established Member
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Awfully lame of you, Empire... way to be a team player.


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if have just read this whole topic now and i have concluded that empire is a gobsh**e. not becuuse of the claims or suggestions he made it fact i was quite excited about these. it all went pear shaped with his post on page 15/16. i mean come on. your saying people are giving you crap. there just Doubting you because your ideas are very new and come with little support /evidence. if anything this should inspire you to prove them wrong. and then your saying you dont want to be responsible for other people taking larger doses of accutane and then slating you name. firstly your real name is not empire. no one knows who you really are, were you live or what you look like so why would you care if you get slated on a hair loss forum. yeah id say thats the stuff that keeps you up a night.

secondly anyone stupid to take a larger dose that the one you talked about/reccommended should be shot(maybe a bit harsh) but you know what i mean.

finally "oohhhhh i gona keep up the regime but i not posting the results"(said in a stupid sarcastic tone) all i say about this is your an absolute and utter sad case!!

loads of spelling mistakes