Sandalore - Chemical Used In Perfumes To Mimic Sandalwood Triggers Growth?


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Sup everybody, here is a month of using the sandalore. Personally don’t see any significant changes, I’ll leave it to you guys. My hair is long tho so noticing results is harder. Let me know what you guys think.
Right temple
Left temple
9A1CD93F-4C6B-4387-BCD3-D1C194A9CA60.jpeg 960FE028-EDBA-4515-A950-E3645ADF4033.jpeg 40C7DC86-B4B5-4DFC-B888-298404FDF1ED.jpeg
Right temple/center/left
1091BA9B-E188-40AD-A877-89C51EF29A0E.jpeg RFA160B31-04D4-4207-8CB3-0EC9E84FA7BE.jpeg 9E403F1C-3E4D-4A34-80AE-CA903AE4F0F9.jpeg


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Another of The center in different lighting

Been using vanicream and sandalore
Also have a spray bottle with alcohol, sandalore, tea tree oil, eucalyptus, castor oil, and peppermint oil. Apply the spray daily and try the same with the Vanicream.


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Sup everybody, here is a month of using the sandalore. Personally don’t see any significant changes, I’ll leave it to you guys. My hair is long tho so noticing results is harder. Let me know what you guys think.
Right temple
Left temple
View attachment 109397 View attachment 109398 View attachment 109399
Right temple/center/left
View attachment 109400 RView attachment 109401 View attachment 109402

Too early to see anything specially considering you have long hair.


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It is more than 4 weeks that I started to use Sandalore. I don't see any changes. Maybe too early but something tells me the dosage is not enough (even my 3% solution). In the experiment they put the tissue 7x24 in the solution. That gives more odds of Sandalore molecules penetrate the skin tissue and hit the receptors. Here we apply it once/twice a day. The odds of reaching the same hit count is much less. Maybe we should try much higher percentages (10 or 20%) but I am worried of side effects specially increased systemic absorption.


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It is more than 4 weeks that I started to use Sandalore. I don't see any changes. Maybe too early but something tells me the dosage is not enough (even my 3% solution). In the experiment they put the tissue 7x24 in the solution. That gives more odds of Sandalore molecules penetrate the skin tissue and hit the receptors. Here we apply it once/twice a day. The odds of reaching the same hit count is much less. Maybe we should try much higher percentages (10 or 20%) but I am worried of side effects specially increased systemic absorption.
Sandalore 10% is high irritating and more than 20% can damage the eyes. is also unknown what is the high proportion of the opposite effect of inhibiting growth. Perhaps your problem is sandalore solvent what you use and favors penetration in the skin in an appropriate way.

Review and renew your mix. what is your mix ...?


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It is more than 4 weeks that I started to use Sandalore. I don't see any changes. Maybe too early but something tells me the dosage is not enough (even my 3% solution). In the experiment they put the tissue 7x24 in the solution. That gives more odds of Sandalore molecules penetrate the skin tissue and hit the receptors. Here we apply it once/twice a day. The odds of reaching the same hit count is much less. Maybe we should try much higher percentages (10 or 20%) but I am worried of side effects specially increased systemic absorption.
high concentration sandalore will cause inhibition of hair growth. the in vitro tissue 7x24 was at 0.01%.
wait at least six months as with any other topical
I don't think closing my eyes is enough so I use swim goggles every night when I spray all the head.
sandalore is soluble in organic solvents, being ethanol the least toxic.


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Has anyone figured out if stemox is a good vehicle for this yet?
one of the oldest axioms of chemistry is "like dissolves like". so, if the stemox patent states that ethanol is a good solvent:


then, the vehicle for stemox should be useful for sandalore.


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use ethanol boys, not isopropyl or methanol. if any alcohol besides ethanol gets to your bloodstream it will do massive damage, you can become blind with that sh*t.
why do medical staff use 70% wipes post injection if its that dangerous?