Scaring myself into a hermit life


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s.a.f said:
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A bit like saying if someone is having problems finding a woman just get a Thai mail order bride.
Why not? If I ever don't have girls in my life which is unlikely I will get myself a Russian mail order bride. You can pick what hair colour and eye colour; everything - it's great! I would get myself a real arian cutie pie.

You're joking right? :shock:[/quote:2lzia6qk]

No I am not joking; it would depress me to mutate into one of those guys who becomes a slave to women in my middle age and be 'thankful' for when a dried out old hag who is a bit of a hussy 'talks' to me and maybe decides to go out with me. All of those women can go to hell. I am going online shopping for a beauty from Russia. I think as long as I don't let myself go I will have no problem with doing this. I like to think as long as I dress well; keep working out and keep my charming personality I deserve the Russian bride. I appreciate if people on this forum disagree but I think all of you who are depressed with women should do this. Life is too short right.


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person said:
No I am not joking; it would depress me to mutate into one of those guys who becomes a slave to women in my middle age and be 'thankful' for when a dried out old hag who is a bit of a hussy 'talks' to me and maybe decides to go out with me. All of those women can go to hell. I am going online shopping for a beauty from Russia. I think as long as I don't let myself go I will have no problem with doing this. I like to think as long as I dress well; keep working out and keep my charming personality I deserve the Russian bride. I appreciate if people on this forum disagree but I think all of you who are depressed with women should do this. Life is too short right.

If you're going to buy a wife why bother with your personality and dressing well? Oh, by the way, your supposed to mary a woman because you love her, including her looks, her mind, and her personality. Buying a wife sorta not in line with this and um, is honestly SICK. Women are not property to buy like a sports car. If you buy an "arian" wife from Russia, how happy do you expect to be with her? She could be a total b**ch or psycho. Not to mention she probably just wants a green card and will leave you the first opportunity she gets. Seek help.


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Just to add my 2cents; my father used to be involved with an agency that set up Thai brides for people. The long term success rate was dismal, the cultural differences were just too wide.

Why not just go down the "regular" dating site approach, I have a few friends who are in really good relationships and met on-line.


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I think hes a troll. This dude would give up family, friends and die at 30 for hair. No one would put a value on family, heck he didnt put a monetary value on them, he put a follicle value on them =/

i'm already a loner without recognisable hair loss so who knows what i'll be when it gets worse. i have a "group" of friends though, like 10 people, but i know deeep down that the majority, say 8 couldnt give a f*** about me.


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Nene said:
person said:
No I am not joking; it would depress me to mutate into one of those guys who becomes a slave to women in my middle age and be 'thankful' for when a dried out old hag who is a bit of a hussy 'talks' to me and maybe decides to go out with me. All of those women can go to hell. I am going online shopping for a beauty from Russia. I think as long as I don't let myself go I will have no problem with doing this. I like to think as long as I dress well; keep working out and keep my charming personality I deserve the Russian bride. I appreciate if people on this forum disagree but I think all of you who are depressed with women should do this. Life is too short right.

If you're going to buy a wife why bother with your personality and dressing well? Oh, by the way, your supposed to mary a woman because you love her, including her looks, her mind, and her personality. Buying a wife sorta not in line with this and um, is honestly SICK. Women are not property to buy like a sports car. If you buy an "arian" wife from Russia, how happy do you expect to be with her? She could be a total b**ch or psycho. Not to mention she probably just wants a green card and will leave you the first opportunity she gets. Seek help.

I would bother because it would give me confidence in myself. Furthermore people don't always marry because they love someone - sometimes the love comes later in a relationship. Arranged marriages are very popular in some countries and the divorce rate is well lower. And I do consider girls a bit like my property. It's just the way I feel; I used to respect girls but then I realised how heartless etc they can be and how shallow they are so I consider them my pets ha ha. Mind you there are 'some' women out there who are very charming, kind and have lots of dignity; I respet those ones. Maggie Thatcher is a prime example of this.


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Based on the comments I'm reading today, it would appear that the real impact of hair loss is to become arrogant, shallow and judgemental.

When did you all become so nasty?


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GeminiX said:
Based on the comments I'm reading today, it would appear that the real impact of hair loss is to become arrogant, shallow and judgemental.

When did you all become so nasty?

When I grew up and became a realist.


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person said:
Nene said:
person said:
No I am not joking; it would depress me to mutate into one of those guys who becomes a slave to women in my middle age and be 'thankful' for when a dried out old hag who is a bit of a hussy 'talks' to me and maybe decides to go out with me. All of those women can go to hell. I am going online shopping for a beauty from Russia. I think as long as I don't let myself go I will have no problem with doing this. I like to think as long as I dress well; keep working out and keep my charming personality I deserve the Russian bride. I appreciate if people on this forum disagree but I think all of you who are depressed with women should do this. Life is too short right.

If you're going to buy a wife why bother with your personality and dressing well? Oh, by the way, your supposed to mary a woman because you love her, including her looks, her mind, and her personality. Buying a wife sorta not in line with this and um, is honestly SICK. Women are not property to buy like a sports car. If you buy an "arian" wife from Russia, how happy do you expect to be with her? She could be a total b**ch or psycho. Not to mention she probably just wants a green card and will leave you the first opportunity she gets. Seek help.

I would bother because it would give me confidence in myself. Furthermore people don't always marry because they love someone - sometimes the love comes later in a relationship. Arranged marriages are very popular in some countries and the divorce rate is well lower. And I do consider girls a bit like my property. It's just the way I feel; I used to respect girls but then I realised how heartless etc they can be and how shallow they are so I consider them my pets ha ha. Mind you there are 'some' women out there who are very charming, kind and have lots of dignity; I respet those ones. Maggie Thatcher is a prime example of this.

There aren't many divorces with arranged marriages b/c that happens in countries like Iran where a woman would be stoned for trying to get a divorce.


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Nene said:
There aren't many divorces with arranged marriages b/c that happens in countries like Iran where a woman would be stoned for trying to get a divorce.

hahaha, exactly


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The ironic part of Qball's post is that he says to UCMan:

"Like I've have no idea what people are thinking when they look at you."

And then Qball proceeds to tell him what these people are thinking about him when they look at him.

Proof: "If people sometimes ARE staring at you, its because you have a shaved head and facial hair and a mean look...THATS why. "

HAHAHAH gotta love hypocracy.

And to make matters worse, he sits there and calls UCMan names. Why? Because he can hiding behind a computer. Simple.


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Just to add my 2 cents: If someone is staring or looking at you, you can tell if they dont like what they see. Sometimes its very obvious. You dont have to go inside their heads to know it. You can see it in their eyes.


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Nene said:
Before I went bald I never noticed bald people.
My father started to become bald 10 years ago and besides the first year comments about him losing hair from my uncles, he got a Zinedine Zidanne pattern over the years without me even noticing it.
I feel ashamed to admit that I can't have a conversation with my father without my eyes staring at his bald crown.
And this is scaring me since I had other BDD issues before that I had to learn to deal with and I don't want to end up like that anymore.


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i have issues with everything about myself. and people look at me too, yeah they do. it aint bdd, i've noticed it all my teenage years. maybe i look like a celeb, i dunno.

f*** this sh*t. sh*t was so much easier a year ago.


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GeminiX said:
Based on the comments I'm reading today, it would appear that the real impact of hair loss is to become arrogant, shallow and judgemental.

When did you all become so nasty?

Not sure who this is referring to but going back to jobs and interviews, all of that IS shallow and judgemental. That's the point. They put you in front of them and they judge what you look like, your personality and what you can do. But it's foolish to say looks isn't part of the equation because it IS a big part.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
They put you in front of them and they judge what you look like, your personality and what you can do. But it's foolish to say looks isn't part of the equation because it IS a big part.

That is a massive exaggeration; I land more than one in three interviews I go for but based on your logic I should be an unemployed bum.

Also, considering I've worked with literally thousands of people, a huge number of which being bald, fat, ugly, short, tall etc. I can say with 100% certainty your utterly wrong in your belief that looks are particularly important in a job interview.


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Dudemons example above shows that competence is secondary in most jobs.

Let me give an example myself, I know a few girls and those girls may be dumb as sh*t but fortunately for them they have "the looks", and that alone has given them tremendous, free opportunities on the job market. The same with guys who are considered to be "hot" by the general public. Actually, I have never heard that those people who I know that qualifiy for this category, male or female, have been unemployed. On the other side of the coin, people who are less good looking or ugly have had more trouble getting a job, even if they have more competence than the good looking ones.

...and dont tell me its all about confidence, because its not.


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While I don't doubt you're having a hard time finding the job you want, you're deluding yourselves if you continue to blame your lack of success on hair-loss.

You would think companies all over the world are packed only with beautiful people with luscious flowing locks, but who are not particularly good at their jobs. Meanwhile the really clever people are all scraping a living flipping burgers.

Get real guys!

Based purely on the negative attitudes and ridiculous ideas on display in this forum, I would be prepared to bet that your demeanour has the biggest impact on your failures, and that is something which is incredibly important in an interview.

edit: I have to admire your devotion to misery. You're happy to completely ignore my decades of experience in real-world situations, dozens of companies, in various management roles; while hanging from every word of a post which you somehow feel vindicates your failures.

Really guys, I'm wasting my time trying to help. You would rather find excuses to why you're failing and write-off your lives before even considering there is something you can do to improve things.

You're feeding off each others misery, it's tragic.


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superfrankie said:
...and dont tell me its only about confidence, because its not.

Yes it is, but sadly I doubt you'll ever be able to understand that.


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GeminiX said:
While I don't doubt you're having a hard time finding the job you want, you're deluding yourselves if you continue to blame your lack of success on hair-loss.

You would think companies all over the world are packed only with beautiful people with luscious flowing locks, but who are not particularly good at their jobs. Meanwhile the really clever people are all scraping a living flipping burgers.

Get real guys!

Based purely on the negative attitudes and ridiculous ideas on display in this forum, I would be prepared to bet that your demeanour has the biggest impact on your failures, and that is something which is incredibly important in an interview.

This is probably true in some cases, your ability to sell yourself whatever your grades or experience also counts.
But yeah looks will have some impact even if only on a subconcious level.
It also depends on the job itself, if we're talking about unskilled labour then yeah you might aswell go for the best looking candidate but if its a job where performance really matters and looks dont help then they'll possibly hire the best performer, although in many jobs how do they really know performance until after they've hired you?


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GeminiX said:
I would be prepared to bet that your demeanour has the biggest impact on your failures, and that is something which is incredibly important in an interview.

I can agree with that one. But looks is also a part of how they will perceive you. Im ready to say that people generally are far more willing to compromise with someone`s interior imperfections if they have the right appearance.