Scaring myself into a hermit life


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I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)


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Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

A bit like saying if someone is having problems finding a woman just get a Thai mail order bride.


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s.a.f said:
Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

A bit like saying if someone is having problems finding a woman just get a Thai mail order bride.

haha :punk:


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GeminiX said:
What jobs are you guys talking about?

I work on client sites all the time, and I'm a 5'10 transsexual and an obvious one at that. I'm also a career contractor so I dare say I've had more job interviews than most people on this forum; yet I'm being head-hunted constantly.

Prior to this I was NW6 and ugly, guess what, I was always in a job and never found it difficult to find work.

You guys who believe it's hard to get work when you're bald, you're utterly wrong.

I do believe it's hard for *you* to find jobs and interact with people, but it's not the baldness which is causing the problem, though it may have been the catalyst which gave you those negative personalities.

IT jobs are a bit different. And the fact you do contract says a lot about it. People don't really know you. IN a full time role, your co-workers do make "jokes". I have seen it many times.

I hate when people say "well i did it so can you". Ok well when I was 18 years old, I could slam dunk a basketball easily. Can you? I could so you could too.

That's the logic gap you are missing here.

Yes, looks DO matter on job interviews. Just fact. I have seen plenty of people hired who weren't as good as people turned down. Plenty of times.


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Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

Read my recent post about the HELL that is (wearing a system). It's actually worse.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
GeminiX said:
What jobs are you guys talking about?

I work on client sites all the time, and I'm a 5'10 transsexual and an obvious one at that. I'm also a career contractor so I dare say I've had more job interviews than most people on this forum; yet I'm being head-hunted constantly.

Prior to this I was NW6 and ugly, guess what, I was always in a job and never found it difficult to find work.

You guys who believe it's hard to get work when you're bald, you're utterly wrong.

I do believe it's hard for *you* to find jobs and interact with people, but it's not the baldness which is causing the problem, though it may have been the catalyst which gave you those negative personalities.

IT jobs are a bit different. And the fact you do contract says a lot about it. People don't really know you. IN a full time role, your co-workers do make "jokes". I have seen it many times.

I hate when people say "well i did it so can you". Ok well when I was 18 years old, I could slam dunk a basketball easily. Can you? I could so you could too.

That's the logic gap you are missing here.

Yes, looks DO matter on job interviews. Just fact. I have seen plenty of people hired who weren't as good as people turned down. Plenty of times.

IT jobs are a bit different yes. Almost everyone will be accepted there. Even the super fat and bald guys. Also the 40 something virgins. IM just sayin :whistle:

Looks matter, oh yes. In most jobs, competence itself is not enough. I see this all the time. There are few jobs out there who does not value a pleasant appearance. So if you have the competence but not the looks, dont be suprise if they turn you down. The most important thing though will always be to stay confident and believe in yourself. Im not saying this alone can get you everywhere, but it can take you very far. At least, that is what Im hoping for. I refuse to believe Im fucked just because of my hairloss. Somewhere there must be some hope.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

Read my recent post about the HELL that is (wearing a system). It's actually worse.

Hair pieces are way worse than being bald.


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just shave that sh*t off, and wait for a miracle to happen lol :p


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monty1978 said:
maybe we call start a club for hermits. like fight club but without the fighting!

No expectation of one another to look good, be profound or inspiring or anything.

Ill sit in my corner playing solitair till dawn with a deck of 51, smoking cigarettes and watching captain kangaroo and no one will tell me ive nothing to dooooo.

We could call it the Social Hermit Consortium

It will start out well enough, with all members being equal. Soon though, some members will decide they are more equal than others...

Soon the elite will decide they are more miserable than the others because their story is the worst. They will try to dictate the actions of the others and make them do all the menial tasks.


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superfrankie said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

Read my recent post about the HELL that is (wearing a system). It's actually worse.

Hair pieces are way worse than being bald.

I want to have hair ( even if it's fake ) and i couldn't care less about people's thoughts and what they say knowing their level of douchebaggery.
But if someones a conformist who cares way too much what people think of him and is paranoid about them finding out then yeah hair system is not an option.


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slipy said:
I want to have hair ( even if it's fake ) and i couldn't care less about people's thoughts and what they say knowing their level of douchebaggery.
But if someones a conformist who cares way too much what people think of him and is paranoid about them finding out then yeah hair system is not an option.

Hey Slipy, what a refreshing point of view :)

Like a lot of the more negative posters here, I too used to be really worried about what people thought about me and how I would deal with transition. My plan was to be completely in "stealth" mode and keep everything a secret.

Then, I was "outed" by someone very close to me, it hurt a lot. It was a very rough ride for a while, but at the end of it all the secrets were out there.

Funny thing, it was fine, suddenly everything was so much simpler; no more secrets, no skeletons that I was terrified that someone would discover.

Long story short, we put far too much power into the hands of others by worrying about that they think about us. Once you stop being frightened to be yourself, everything about life become infinitely better.


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GeminiX said:
Long story short, we put far too much power into the hands of others by worrying about that they think about us. Once you stop being frightened to be yourself, everything about life become infinitely better.

Its a big weakness almost all of us possess. I admire your courage GeminiX to stand up for who you are today. You are stronger than me in that aspect.


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superfrankie said:
GeminiX said:
Long story short, we put far too much power into the hands of others by worrying about that they think about us. Once you stop being frightened to be yourself, everything about life become infinitely better.

Its a big weakness almost all of us possess. I admire your courage GeminiX to stand up for who you are today. You are stronger than me in that aspect.

I can't help but wonder how things would have turned out had I not been forced to come to terms with people. Strong as I am now, I still get days when I'm quite down; I also still have a long way to go, I won't let anyone see me naked for example.


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s.a.f said:
Hoppi said:
I reckon if someone is bald and it really bothers them they should just get a hair system of some sort and get on with their life o_O

Life is too short not to look the way you want to look. Right? :)

A bit like saying if someone is having problems finding a woman just get a Thai mail order bride.

Why not? If I ever don't have girls in my life which is unlikely I will get myself a Russian mail order bride. You can pick what hair colour and eye colour; everything - it's great! I would get myself a real arian cutie pie.

..Amen to that Hoppi

and amen to you slipy.

uncomfortable man

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None of this changes the fact that people still stare at me as if there is something horribly wrong with me. It's unnerving.... sometimes I have the strength to shrug it off but we can't be strong all the time.


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uncomfortable man said:
None of this changes the fact that people still stare at me as if there is something horribly wrong with me. It's unnerving.... sometimes I have the strength to shrug it off but we can't be strong all the time.

Are you ever in the UK, or in parts of the US I visit? I'll happily go out for a walk with you and draw their attention for a while.


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uncomfortable man said:
None of this changes the fact that people still stare at me as if there is something horribly wrong with me. It's unnerving.... sometimes I have the strength to shrug it off but we can't be strong all the time.

man, just shut up!'re so annoying and whiney and pathetic.

Like I've have no idea what people are thinking when they look at you. Its entirely possible that you misinterpret 90 percent of these incidents when they happen because by now you've conditioned yourself to look for it.

Secondly, know whats funny? Have you ever considered that if people do stare at you sometimes, its not because you're "bald" but because you have a shaved head with facial hair and to some people you just may look menacing? Especially because I KNOW you go out with a miserable scowl on your face (even if its subconsciously) feel miserable, and it shows. But in that case, while you may shave your head because of baldness, its not the "baldness" itself, its your overall look and demeanor. Yet you come up with these bullshit, ridiculous excuses like "its my lack of framed face caused by non existent hairline...people are laughing because my facial proportions are out of whack due to being bald." Seriously...that's how you interpret it and its sooooo dumb!!

If people sometimes ARE staring at you, its because you have a shaved head and facial hair and a mean look...THATS why. Maybe some people are ignorant and think you're a skinhead or something. You'd get LESS flack with a horseshoe! You think people eye down everyone in public whose bald? You're a delusional idiot And the funny thing is you think head tattooing would make a difference.You'd still look like a guy who shaves his head and has a beard! IT would just look like a more voluntary decision to shave your head. You think that would stop the "stares and smirks?".....and at 36 years old I can't even believe you still let this ruin your life. You could be such a good role model for people if you got yourself some mental help, and did something good and positive with your life. Then you could tell people..."see, baldness isn't the real problem, the real problem is how we interpret it." But instead you CHOOSE to remain a miserable self defeatist loser..cowering behind the imaginary thoughts of strangers who you don't even know! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A LOSER?! WHYYYYYY? It doesn't make any sense to me!


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I think qball wants UC man to overcome this so that he can have proof that hair loss isn't really what ruines someone's life. I think in UC man's case baldness is only a small problem among many other bigger ones. UC man is paranoid b/c there are plenty of bald men in the world and of course there is the occasional rude or ignorant comment or stare but it's normal enough so that people shouldn't even really think twice about it. Before I went bald I never noticed bald people.


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person said:
s.a.f said:
A bit like saying if someone is having problems finding a woman just get a Thai mail order bride.
Why not? If I ever don't have girls in my life which is unlikely I will get myself a Russian mail order bride. You can pick what hair colour and eye colour; everything - it's great! I would get myself a real arian cutie pie.

You're joking right? :shock: