Hi people. Can we please cleat up this seti issue with all the supposed different versions?
According to my sources there is the acid version, a sodium version(?) a salt version and according to one member a freebase.
can anyone (users/or not) clarify, simplify the above?)
The reason for this post is (to add to the confusion ) that chemical 'salts' are usually made in chemistry using various acids which would imply that the 'salted' version is the same as the acid version and people are just confusing chemical terminology?
this says nothing of course about the 'sodium' and the free-base' could we get this sorted out and clarified once and for all.
Finally do anyone have the precise chemical nomenclature for EACH version of seti to distinguish each and every form?
any help would be most appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! merry xmas by the way- sorry to disturb your Xmas people and have a great new year.
I for one will do if i can get an any answers to the above. peace